OronWeeky liesWednesday. Aprïi 8, 1998 - 7 Sparky wîII be mîssed Ron White passed away April 1,,at tbe age of 57. Funeral Services will be held on Wednesday,- April 15, 11:00 a.m., 'at the Orono United Church. A mood of sorrow and dis- belief liung over the village on Thursday as people realized that Sparky would no longer be among them. Ron White - Sparky to everyone who knew him, came to the village 35 years ago. He came frorn Hamilton witb Jim Windfield and his family to worked at their newly acquired Shell gas station on Hwyl15 at Eniterprise Hill. WVhen Mr. Winidfield sold the gas station a few years later, Sparky moved-from the trailer lie had been living in by the station, to lis apartmnent at 5324 Main St. Orono, and lie had lived there ever since. Sparky turned his hand to alI kinds of jobs after the gas station was'sold. He worked for Francis Tennant in the Oul Burner business, lie was a vol- unteer fireman for 17 years, flot to mention the many parties that benefited from his Disc Jockey business. Most recently hie worked for Beckers. First as an area man- ager in surrounding locations, and lately lie worked the niglit shift, Monday to Friday at the Orono Beckers store. Wben Ron worked at the ShelI Station lie was nick named "Spark Plug." Clifford Francis said lie called liîm that because Ron was the spark plu g to the operation. Later when Ron worked for the Fire Department, Spark Plug got shortened to Sparky, and it stuck. No matter who you talk to, the response is thie saine. "He neyer boithered anyone." "He was always willfing to help'anybody in tbe village," said David Forrester. "He'd give you the shirt off- bis back," said Larry at the garage. Sparky went to tbe Garage for lis firsi cup of cof- fée every moming. Mabel Ubsdell couldn't hold back the tears wlien she real- fries at lunch and his assorted sub for supper. Sparky was a real creature of habit. That's why it was so odd when he didn't turn up for work at Beckers on Wednesday night. Mabel said sbe liad a funny feeling about it aIl night. Sparky was last seen at 3:30 p.m. on April, 1. He died of ,a heart attack, between 3:30 and 5:00 that day. On Thursday morning when George Vey went to bis apartment to check up on him, he was found lying on the floor, so George called 911. Everybody knew Sparky, but nobody knew anything about him. Noreen Nixon said, "'He was a very private man." Carl and Kathy Coatham were among the few good friends Sparky dîd have. "He was like an uncle to my kids," said Kathy. Sparky always spent Christmas with the Coathams. Katliy said Sparky had mentioned to ber that he was having cbest pains., She urged him to- see a doctor, but Sparky was reluctant to see a new doctor since Dr. Angi moved from tbe village,. Sparky belonged to the vil- lage, and he did his level best to loo k after his village. On Halloween, lie spent tbe night at the garage making sure no one damaged the mural. "He was real proud of that mural," said Mabel. Funeral Services for Sparky will be held on Wednesday at 11:00 a.m. at the Orono United Churcli. Sparky's body will be brouglit through town on the Orono Fire Department's 1933 pumper truck, and will be laid to'rest at the Orono Cemetery. A Iight lunch following the interment will be served at Mabel's Cafe. The town wanted a chance to do it: up riglit for Sparky, and they got it. Gan t second, hand book salle It's sprlng again and mhat means great deals on used books at the Clarke MuseurnM, 7086 Old Kirby School Road, Hwy. 35/115 at Regional Road #9, Kirby. Tbere is sornetbing for everyone! Hardbacks are Just 50 cents each or 3 for a loonil Paperbacks are 25 cents each or 5 for a loonie! Fili a box or a bag and we'Ill make a deai! Rare & collectible books are individually priced. Donations of books can be dropped off at the museurn everyday except Monday. Please call ahead 983-9243. We are in particular need of cook books and cbildren's books of ail klnds. Please note: we do not accept ency- clopaedlias, text books or magazines. CClarke H CLAIR'S ]FIRST SPORTS NIGHT' Here at Clarke 'High Scbool, staff and student vol- unteers are getting ready to kick off Clarke's very first Sports Nlgbt. Tlbis event bas been in the works for sorne Urne, and is anticipated to be a buge success. .The purpose of the Sports Nlgbt is to raise funds for Clarke's Atbletics, whlcb makes this an excellent opportunity for sports enthu- slasts to have some fun in an entertalnlng night of sports, as well as for students to corne out to support their school. It al bappens on Thursday, April 23, from 3:30 -11:30 p.rn. There will be numerous activities taking place, iriclud- ing blind volleyball, three- point basketball, floor hockey, plus rnucb, much more! Ibis event is non-competitive'and is* an excellent way to boost school spirit. If you are tnterested i donating any prizes to add to the fun, please contact staff co-ordinator Mr. Gillan at 987-4771. We hope to see al you Clarke students out there ready.to participate ti this fun fiîled event. Rosanna Yankanah CPR VIA INTERNET For many studeit s, the Internet bas proven to be a valuable source of factual information. However, for a figh News particular, group of Clarke High School Students, the "iformation btghway" can be Lmore than a conglomeration of pictures, sounds and text. As Mrs. Schroeder's Grade Eleven Physical Education class discovered, the interac- tivlty of the Internet allows it to be a valuable training site. One of the requirements of this particular Physical Education course is that the students, have to be able to correctly performn the proce- dures of Cardlo Pulmonary Resuscitation or CPR A quai- lfied paramedic was asked to, corne and teach the proce-, dure to the class at the end of March. Unfortunately, the instructor was delayed for two days and the class was faced wlth the prospect of studylng the text until he could arrive. However, teacher/librarian, Mr. Saitz,' dtscovered an inter- active site on the World Wide Web that allowed Internet vis- itors to be put ti a predica- ment where they were required to apply CPR train- ing i very realistic predica- ments. One of these Is that the net surfer Is babysltting and bis or ber charge starts to choke. The student Is pre- sented wtth several options as to what should be done ti each scenarto and then required to choose the proce- dure which should be per- forrned -- one wrong answer, however, requires the partic- ipant to choose again i order to perforrn the entire proce- dure wttout fault. Althougb the completion of the exercise could be quite difficuit, it ensures that the students kçnow the process tborougbly and that tbey are less likely to make a mistake should the circumstance arise where tbey are required to perforrn CPR. The webstte Is present- ed by a CPR training compa- ny ti New Jersey Chttp: //www.lesstress.com) and proved to be a valuable asset ti belping tme Grade Elevens become famuilar witb CPRbefore the paramedlc vis- ited the class and brought dummies for the students to practice on. Along wlth ail of this training, the 25 studerits wrote their CPR certificationi tests on Monday, Aprtl 6th. Cer Evans ) Corne chase the Bunny Saturday morning April i lth! Easter Egg Hunt * Bake Table Kendal thie Clown * Petting Zoo Face Painting e Raffles Easter Bonnet Parade Celeb rate sp ring. Easter Egg Hunt 10:30 a.m. - Orono Public Lbrary - For kids ail ages' C Ail other activities in The Town Hall Easter Bonnet judging at noon - Corne out and parade! You loalCOME OUT AND SUPPORT... You loalGuiding Units and the Orono Playgroup PRIZES *PIZES * -RMMES Sponsored by the Orono DBLA and The Town Hall Board pl18 ý7ý