Cen turies old craft s titi alîve Bowmanvi lie Toastmasters SprInig was in the air as BQwmanvlle Toastmaster cel- ebrated chairman Toastmaster Carol Wonnacott's spring theme. Table Toplcs Master Toastmaster Nancy Barnes canried the theme on in her impromptu presentation. Toastmaster Denise Marek, gave us a sample of a profes- sional seminar she is deliver- lng to business personnel. Since sprlng is synony- mous with cleanlng, Toastmaster Marek gave us tips on reduclng the paper clutter on our desks. One of our guests gamnered the award for the best impromptu presentation. We enjoyed the company of three guests this evening. Join us any Tuesday evenlng 7:30 - 9:30 at "The Darlington Hydro Information Centre". See what Toastmasters are ail about. For more Information please eall Irene Konzelmann 983-9423 Orono. Ukrainian Easter Egg paint- ing has been practiced for thou- sands of year, according to Mrs. Irene Chromej-Johnston (lefi). Irene joined her mother (right) Mrs. Anna Chromej, at an Easter Egg painting demon- stration at the Clarke Library last Saturday morning. The art FROM PARLIAMEV HILL Alex Shepherd Is banking a profession? I posed this question toaa Toronto Dominion Bank regional manager when our Task Force on Finaincial ser- vices consulted people about banlng generally and merg- ers speclfically. I believe professionalism goes beyond just making the almighty dollar. It means you take the time, sometimes at your own expense, ta ensure that your clients and cus- tomers are well served. My 25 years experlence as a Chartered Accountant has provlded me with the knowl- edge that you can't make a buck off every transaction. Sometimes you Just have ta give back. This is somethlng that is f leeting from aur finan- clal services sector. I bring this up because of the closure of a bank in a small rural community that could just as well have been a bank here in Durhamn. Ask yourself what are the limitations of bank closures? And consider the people of Lynn Lake Manitoba. The population is over 4,000 and they are now banless. Some of you may say s0 what. But Imagine, if you wfll, needlng cash to go ta the gro- cery store. Or if you are a small business owner havlng ta drive over an hour toaa bank in the south. Then there is the pressure put on convenience store and gas station owners havlng ta provide cash. For example form has traditionally been passed on through the genera- tions, and in like manner Anna has taug ht lier daugliter to paint. Originally the painted eggs were believed to possess magi- cal powers. Eggs are painted mostly in you go into the gas station and fill up for $30. You then pay with your credit card and ask the owner ta charge $100 s0 you have $70 ta do the groceries. The point is the small comn- munity finds itself having ta keep large quantities of cash around. Wouldn't you say it would be a good time for the re-institution ofhbighway rab- bers? This doesn't mean banks should be forced ta provide services they dont thlnk are profitable enougli. (Notice the phraseology: Banklng ser- vices make money it's just that some services make more money than other). The TD reglonal manager I mentioned earller sald that indeed bankers feel they are professionals. But how can this be when you leave a- communlty with six weeks notice and you don't take the Urne ta train the inhabitants on the uses of electronie banking, and worse, you refuse ta instal an ATM because you want the space it occupies for nothing. We can't fluff this off because if we have to coin- pete. not only with Toronto, for core density but also London, England, Paris and New York could it not be that the days are nurnbered for bank branches in Bowmanville, Port Perry natural colours with symbols of eternity, life and higher pow- ers. Afier the birth of Christ, newer symbols were incorpo- rated like rebirth, faith, and-the trinity. Symbolism is stili being used in the art form today. and Courtice? There is no question that change is going to happen. Govemnments stand in the face of change that their own peril. The real question is how do we manage change and what is the yards tick by which we measure it? Change has to be Inclusive. It lias to include ail people in society. This is why I have a prob- lem wlth the answer given me by the reglonal manager fromn TD Bank and why indiscrim- Inate bank closures just don't fly. Either you are a profes- sional or you are not-. You must take the Urne to bring your clients (often over 50 years) aiong wlth you. The multi-millilon-dollar salarled CEOs who want bank mergers just don't get It Canada is a nation of com- munities built on the strength of mutual respect. To deny this relationshlp is ta deny the very existence of Canada as a great nation. We 'can certalnly force, senior managers of financlal institutions to treat people with respect. After aIl they owe their cushy Jobs ta a soci- ety that lias granted them a "speclal place" in aur econo- MY. That place can easlly dis- appear if the people no longer believe that these privileges are justffied. Canada's 1989 Co; Rights of the Chi been ratified by country in the wc framework for protection and promised to chi Univ'ersai Declarâ Rights. onvention on the ild, which has almost every orld, provides a rthe special A assistance ldren in the rtionl ofHIu2an NC KIM-LITTLE I W R3. (905) 983-0512 Competitive Term Life - Permanent Insurance Disability Income- Group Plans - Mutual Funds G.I.C.'s * R.R.S.P.'s - R.R.I.F.'s CONFIDENTIAL FINANCIAL SERVICES (1969) LIMITED Brigitte Brown ' Gift- Certificates FMV E ARTS available. sPedicures SManicures ~Waxing NEW- iNail Extensions Eyelash Tinting r iEar Candling ESTHETIC STUDIO 171 Mill St, Orono, Ontario LOB 1MO - 905-983-8169 "Book Now" For Spring Clean-Up Lawn & Garden Maintenance Programts 10% Savings for Seniors (60+) on Spring Clean-up GREENWOOD INTERLOCK & LANDSCAPUNG COMPANY MEMBER 0F LANDSCAPE ONTARIO (905) 263-9953 - 1-888429-4679 (GROW) A Spring Concert Classical, Gershwin,- and Nova Scotia Songs MARNIE NIEMI - Flute MERVYN RUSSELL - Baritone MARY CLARE MacKINNON - Piano Saturday, April 18 e 7:30 p.m. Orono United Church - REFRESHMENTS - Tickets $7.00 each available from... Joyce Cowan 983-5940 - Eleanor Terril 983-5248 OR any Choir Member Sponsored b>' Orono United Church Choir