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Orono Weekly Times, 15 Apr 1998, p. 13

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Oroù WeklyTims, ednsda, Arl 15, 1998 - 13 CLASSIFIEDS (continued f rom page 14) GRIST MILL AUCTION CENTRE, Newtonville FRIDAY. APRIL l7th 6:00 p.m. Selling the Estates of Mr. & Mrs. Nelson Osborne, Bowmanville and household effects of Hughi and the late Joan Coleman, Port Hope: Attractive_ 2 pc. burgundy strlped sofa and chair (c. 1920); 3 pc. Victorian settee; taupe/green plaid sofa; occasional chairs and tables; 2 colour TV's; extension con-sole table; 6 needlepoint chairs, burled sideboard; Provincial Credenza, extension table; set 4 chairs; chests of drawers; dressers; beds; large qty. of collectible glassware and good china; Parisienne painting; A.Y. Jackson Print: pictures; frames: ornate mnirror and sconces; wlcker pieces; lawn furniture; garden equipment; 4 lawn mowers; Beaver lathe; Delta 14' drill press, power tools; sander; air compressor; 1932 Chev fender; frldge; stove; washer; dryer; small freezer; il HP Cub Cadet rldlng mower, etc. Prevlew Frlday after 2:00 p.m. Auction 6:.00 p.m. Ternis: Cash, Approved Cheque, Visa, M/C, Interac Auctioneer Frank G. Stapleton, CAl, ICCA Newtonville 905-786-2244 1-800l-263-9888l 15 ac Clarington Fire Ceals Clarington Fire Department responded to the following calîs during the period of April 6 to April 14, 1998: 1 structure fire; 2 chininey tires; 19 grass ires; 5 tires; 3 motor vehicle acci- dents; 9 medical assistance calîs; 1 911 cail; 2 assist omher agency calîs; 5 alarm activations; 1 hazardous materials call and 8 check- out cails. FARM N E WS3 SALES TAX REBATE ON FARM BUILDING MATERIALS EXTENDED To support rural economies in the province, the Ontario Minlstry of Finance is extending the Retail Sales Tax Rebate on farm building materials. The govemment will intro- duce legislation to extend the program for an additional year for purchases made on MacGREGOR'S AUCTION CENTRE 182 Wellington St. Bowmanville Household Contents, Collectables, Sports Memorabilia, Dune Buggy SUNDAY, APRIL 19th 10:00 a.m. (viewing 9:00) 401 to Waverly Rd. North to #2 Hwy., East to Scugog St. & North i kmn. Sundays Auction starting at 10:00 features the Charity donations for Bethesda House of Clarlngton. lncludlng a large selection of sports memorabilla, signed jersey's, hockey sticks, pictures etc. by (Orr,. Cherry, Domni, SittUer etc.) Includlng WWI photo of Conn Smythe (rare) & misc. sports cards. Regular auction features the remaining contents from the Fisher estate, furniture. general household contents, linens, tables, chairs, wicker, old toys & collectables, tools & misc. hardware, 2 outboard motors (not runnlng) fishing rods, street legal dune buggy <w/reserve). This is a large sale wlth many articles, collectable & useful. somethlng for one & ail. <NEXT AUCTION ORONO ESTATE. SUNDAT. APR.IL 26th) TERMS: Visa, M/C, Initerac, Cheque & Cash CALL FOR ALL YOUR AUCTION NEEDS, YOUR LOCATION OR OURS, ESTATES, FARM & HOME, LIQUIDATIONS, QUALIT7Y INDWVIDUAL CONSIGNMENTS EXCEPTED MacGREGOR AUCTION &APPRAISAL SERVICES MIKE MACGREGOR, C.P.P.A. (905) 987-3664 (905) 623-7949 15 ac or after April 1, 1998. To qualifý for the eight per cent retail sales tax rebate, build- ing materials must be pur- chased before March- 31, 1999, although construction may begin later. The deadline for submitting dlaims is extended to December 31, 1999. Extendlng the rebate of sales tax paid on building materials will support eco- nomic activity in rural areas of the province. Application forms and information is avallable by contacting' the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food & Rural Mffairs at 905-985- 2003 or 1-800-263-8023. HORSE NEWS & VIEWS 0 Equine protozoal myeloencephalitis (EPM) is an inflammation of the spinal cord and brain of the horse caused by the presence of -a protozoan parasite called Sarcoc ystis neurons. This organism has a predilection for infectlng the central ner- vous system in horses. Recent research has shown that S. neurons is most prob- ably identical to Sarcocystisfalcatula, a para- site whose definitive host is the opossum (Didelphis vir- giniana). Horses are com- monly exposed to the para- site in geographic regions mhat the opossum inhabits. (Summarlzed by Dr. John Baird, 0'.*V.C. from the Proceedlngs of the American Association of Equine Practitioners, 1997). 6Arenas can become very dusty this time of year. Ensure that the products' used to control mhe dust are environmentally friendly. Virgin (unused) liglit mineraI oil is recommended. Check -with local contractors and mhe local Ministry of the, Environment before using a, product which may cause disposai problems later. For further information, contact Dr. Robert Wright, OMAFRA 519-846-0965. * Pastures can often be rejuvenated by simply apply- Ing the appropriate fertlllzer. Yearly nitrogen application should be split into 1/2 in mhe early spring, 1/4 in late June and 1/4 in early September. The sprlng application can be whlle the frost Is still in mhe ground. See your local fertil- izer dealer for advice. Contact Dr. Robert Wright, OMAFRA 519-846-0965. *Visit our websites at http: // earch/equine and at a/english/livestock/horses easter Sseai Society Sharing a Healtiiir Future..>< PaRTIc7Pr CRF Subgeribê tô the .Orono Weekly Tmes 983-5301 1lbTh TORONTO TOY SHOWý, Sunay Aprît 19,lOara- STUUENTSLARN 8Pr iaals ulb aaua 4pm, The Inernational Centna, 6900 Airpua Road, Mis- in madelîng ad raal. No îaveslmunt in invntai or iuauga. Thouuuudu ai Aniqu/Cuilecîibta laya Ian alu. aquipraunt.Free brochure and dataîta. 1-800-838-5781. Bnng tieratole tamîly!li _____________________ DONATE YOUR CAR.-ERITAGE FOR THE BLIND. Tax dduclîbte. Frea luwîug. Neud nul rua. Fre phone cura. Spunaarud by AADCO 80014635681. AMAZiNG FACTï. the Itelrnuetraîti grur by 2700% in 24 muas. Earnuap tol Wkmo. wilfl Canada laulua gruwm g Internet Franchrise. Failtraning. tuveulmuni Reqd. 1-888- 678-7588. CHRISTIAN FRANCHISE. Juin the Wrlda lai Onlîne Christian Franchise. Ecuivelemrilarlea yîetding uacup-, havail ROI. Pull training & support. Pur Iretala cati 1 - 800-6637326. $140,fl88/ya potential. Yuai Profit Magazine aaya 'fluai Busineaa la go tla 58..*'Lara avurtiad S nu invenory-- Veiy Profitable Franclisel Cati auw,lrue inormaton 1- 888-678-2201. THINKING0F HOME-BASED SECOND incamu? Oulailu FREE. Phoane 800-811-2141, code 51856. GOLODEN PRIDE RAWLEIGH OPPORTUNITY. Peuple nuudud la service culumeru in yaur arua. Pull or part ime. Caiaura - coitucl (613(726-O744 or (514)689-0912. Independent Dialriualra. COOL BUSINESS. ICE CREAM BIKES. Wasuappty euiapraunt, exclusive prouclo, training and support. Gaudaacuad incume a.dur tub for yaar teenagers. ww.dîckiudaa.cra uor cill'1888-809-4124. COMPUTERS. Nu prevîvua cumpalur aupunuace aucea- uary. Eacîlîng appurlunîflea aura avalubte in compater prvgrararaîg. Wu ai tain saîlabte applicalus Cati CMS tll-Irue_-80-477-9578. BE A1IJCSSU WiTR..wlt ur grual huma- slady auu Ctilda Iny BrORE O0K. l1-- 267.-88. 1 f ya VCara I3 cArflrur Avenue, Suite 301!,Olwa NKL6R INTERNATIONAL AGRICULTURAýL Excchange - Aga 18 - 30 quIt agniualunal aupueac alivelwark wîthlaraiy in Austlaia, New Zaai1 ian uu.Caulu/dulailu - 1-800-263-1827. CaîaAila AMIL$485 SAW LOGS INTO BOARDS, plaulua, buau. ange capacily. ausl aurmîilvalueanayrafle. Freanfrmation 1.800-56668899. Nuraaad Sawmiiu, R.R 2, Klwrahy, Ontario POE 1GO. ALPAGAS AND LLAMAS - Thea rud'a lîneutlitvesoack învvuamunl. Pan, eaay lu raîou and profitable. Open bauveanard aumînaru May 23 & 24. RSVP an geaunul inlar- malian 613-887-2052. TREF SEEGLINGS for sae.Cunîlura, ducîduvusanad rildifila paciua. Mnimum ardar 100 uaadlîvga. Frea cla- tgua Sammîtvia Nurserieu lac, Aitan. ON 705-435- 6258 aror aît:iala@lreeseedliîvg.cara Jo0 Lin, $ATTENTi ON STUDENTS$ Maàke a lot oi monay seliîg chacalata bara. New praducla avoulable, Nohing ta puy in advancu. Faut daliîvuy 1-800-383-3589. LOOKING FOR A NEW CAREER ar just nead axtra maaey Sali C&M Giflae' unique fine ai allordable homa dacar, laysanad gifla. Cati 519-258-7905, Faa:fl19-258- 0707 for frua catalouesa and inrmation aboutl iiiawan- darlul apportumty. LIVE CANADIAN PSYCHICS. 1-1. Gea aowarsa lil yaar queutiuas. Dream mlteipreial i, lave, monay, futurea t,900-561-2005. 24 tira, 18+. 83.99/min. HAVE YOU CONSULIED REAL CLAIRVOYANTS and mediums balura? Than came diacaver lie uveaplicable uupanuencuu af Karununua Zamurt (lac.), 28l yeara aape- ranca: vary prucîse. SIre can deucuibe and giva yuu yaur igu. Lea traom lier atier wull knuwn madiama and clair- voyants. Ta land yul youarfuture, CALL 1-900-451-9602. 18+, $4.8/min.. 24 hliu7daya. T S UP TO YOU. Saerai lau 1-1 payohica far yau tlu lalk wilh. Relaflanahipa, lave, manuy, future, adaîce. Cali nare 24hrs 1-90l0-451-7865. 18+ 83.88/min. realarad muanu maay tiappiar yeara ahead.Saad alampud, addraouad envelopa: Seibourne, P.O.flua 54, Eldorado, Ont. KOK lYfi ASHGROVE CH-RISTIAN SINGLES. Campauîuautiîp/ marnaga. Aga 18-85. Single, widawud,divarcad, SIale uflu. Ail acruss Caniada. P.0, Bau 205, Chiase, f.C., V0IE lMfl. Faae inormatian. 1-250-679-3543. www.bcweb- sites.conleMices/Ashgrove CONNECT WITH OVER 144 clles wuridwide & muai peuple (rm unud te globe. Peapalu, PersonaIa, Cal- leclara, Vacation Euchangea, Travul nIa., Blusiness Opparlaaîlîua & more! 1-800-663-1199l, 8:3Oam-5pm PST. MALE IMPOTENCE curructed and pruvunaud Ducline aaaucialud wîlh aga, mudicalianu, aargury, diabelea, inaîry can bu avurcume. Free iniurmaliav/advice: Perfor- mance Madical Lid., flua 892, Vervua, BC, VIT 6M8. 1- 800f-663-0121. MOVINO TOCC :aaapau aa 1Iwaloyaura. Pur inormaation:mano rSdPh 9-0-37-7342 un 1 - 604-644-5881. E-mil'ru [--lrl.cec STEEL BUILDINGS FOR SALE..Gaoîüreci and Sava' Sprîu 1Summer/FuIl delîvury. 20x26 $33840.25x40 $5,576.00. 30x5O $71440.40x6O 8$9,860.00. 46x88 $12,994.00. Olliera. Pionear 1-800-668-542Z. TRASH OR TREASURES?'?? Wauled Pru 1578 Culý leclîblua. Company Advurlîaîng, Caca-Cula, Barbîau, Dalla, Records, Elvia Presley, Beatlea, Costume Jura allery, Welchesu, Diuky Tu/a. Magazneu, Taya, Comics, Collections. TOLL-FREE 1-888-301-1883. BUYING STERLING SILVER CUTLERY, sels ar single piacea, ailver luauula,naupkin rngsa, Muurcrall. Gouda, ewulry, Hummulu, Rayai Daullun, ilvur plae. For pri- valu appoiulmeul 1-888-267-2732,514-684-3528. Coul me ta buy or sell... Orono and area's real estate representative.. Kirystyna Jones 983-60 13à ASSOCIATES (DURHAM)Ino, 1050 Simcoe St. N., #103, Oshawa TEL: (905) 721-2112 S Simpson Memorials M119 Kig S.EB wnnil 623-6581 111 Toronto Rd., Hwy, 92 West, Port Hope (905) 885-6434 Monuments, Granite or Bronze Markers, InscriptIons eIndoor 1 Outdoor Dlsplays eExcellent Prices -. *Guaranteed Workmanship *Etchings - Personal and Scenes -Wooden Sandblasted Slgns Try us before you decide by visiing our new Sales Office, or cal) mus and arrange for an appointment in the comfortlof your home. riew Orono Listing e-owner 3-bedroom home great location... $122,000!

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