mm I F10 WERS & GIFTS Orono 983-9155 Oshawa 433-2515 -Wé dontlust secialize... We make evey order special* For LADIES and GENTS Main Street, Orono 983-5333 BARINA HOMECHECK "Let us make your home look lived in" Vacation Home Checking Wedding Day Services or whenever you're away INSURED RELIABLE REFERENCES (905) 786-2996 Barb Shetier - Ina Cox Serving Newtonviiie, Newcastle, Orono & surrounding commumities Lsted in White & Yeltow Page Flowers 1Plus FLOWERS a GIFTS & CRAFTS 46 King Street East NEWCASTLE, 987-1500 Berry Lycett 983-5908 Wilda Middleton 983-9819 ORONO E-LECTrRIC Ltd. Electrical Applances Colour lYs - Hi-Fi's SALES AND SERVICE Hotpoint - R.C.A. White -Westinghouse Frigidaire -Whirlpool Wood's Freezers Magic Chef - Hoover GRUNDY' Country Upholstery Quality Work in Upholstery R.R. 2, Orono Bryon Grundy LienedLay Preacher Thena United Church o Guest So(oist: Phfi afine. FormnerdNîht Clubf Singer: Now emberof Admission: $5.00 per person Lýqiht îýfresJiments Inc(ud Tickets Church Office: 786-2590 Pat Atkins 983-9261 The Bridai Path 623-0351 Pfese Corne! 15 ac Orono Horticultural Society Presents HOUSE PLANT SHOW and PLANT SALE at Orono Town Hall Aprîl 1.1998 7:30 p. m. Ouest Speaker: Mrs. Bertha Bamnes Topie: "orowing African Violets" Musical Entertainment: Mark Sullivan Join us in celebrating the Orono Town Hall's Centennial 8, 15 ac REG ELLIOTT MEMORIAL EUCHRE TOURNAMENT May 2, 1998 1:30 p.m. at Kendal Orange Hall, Kendal $ 10.00 per team Cash Prizes Rcfreshmcnts Available 15, 22, 29 ap BUS TOURS April 21, 28 May 6, 12, 21 Casino Ramaa Mayl19 Ottawa TuIips May 23 St. Jacob's Market- May 26 to27 Niagara Fals (Overnight) May 27 Cats Corne in and see our fuit line of Tiitey hats etc., trav et accessories, and driver s education handbooks. CALENDAR FRAMES for Clarington & United Church Calendars $17.00, Oak - $23.00 at FAVOURITE PASTIMES Downtown Orono Ail Craft Supplies tfn 7'JD) Side Mower, 5' JD 503 Bush Hog, 273 New Holland Square Baler, International Side Delivery Rake, Double Set Drag Dise, 4 used truck tires Goodyear LT265/75R16, 3 hay tarps approx. 25 x 40. Caîl 905-983-9718 after 6:00 p.m.. 8. 15, 22 ap Clarington Computer Clearance Centre -Use - BM 386 SX55 2/30 $130. IBM 386 SX55 2/60 $195. IBM 386 SX55 4/80 $275. VGA Mono Monitor rom $45. VGA Colour Monitor from $135 -New Micro Mania Systems - 486 2/66's f rom $679. 486 2/80's t rom $735. 486 4/l00' from $775. 486 8/120s rom $1098. 486 8/133's romn $1240. - Used Notebooks - IBM 386 4/80 (new baf.) $750 ZEOS 486 8/120 mono $1199 Digital 486 4/170 mono $1500 NEC 486 4/210 coour $1695. We buy used computers 1lor 100 or more Time to think of Bird Houses. Different designs starting at $1 0,00, Roy Forrester, 6 Mill lane, Orono. Phone 983-15147. Old fishing tacklc, old guns or related accessories, outdoor books etc. In home appraisals available. 30 years experience. Daniel G. Banting, 905-983-6480 Gencral sewing done n my home, 5 days a week. Phone 983-9761. tfn 7'JD Side Mower, 5' JD 503 Bush Hog, 27,3 New Holland Square Baler, International Sid e Dclivery Rake, Double Set Drag Dise, 4 used truck tires Goodyear LT265/75R16, 3 hay tarps approx. 25 x 40. Caîl 905-983-9718 after 6:00 p.m. 8, 15, 22 ap Cedar Trees for hedglng 3' to 8', dclivered, planting available, 1-705-432- 2237. 15. 22 ap Downtown Orono, 1i large 2 bcd: apartment, $675.00, a nd hydro included, and last, available M 1998. Phone 983-, days or 623-e evenings. Ladies "Misty Mour Jacket. Blue ni reversable to greenf Good Friday moi approxlmately 10:45 from a fence posta corner of 8th Conce and Carscadden I; Finder please return the fenÏce post or call 9246. 486DX33. SVGA Monitor, 129 Meg Hard Drive, 8, Meg Memory, Keyboard, Mouse, Dos, Windows, Wordpe rfect, $350.00. Caîl 623-8831 nights. tfn Storage wanted for 3 old cars. Preferrably barn or dry shed for long term storage. Caîl 905-723- 1275 after 7 p.m. 15, 22, ac HAMILTON, MADELINE In loving memory of a dear sister and Aunt, who left us April 13, 1997. The tears still corne as we remember that day. One year aga since yau went away. Your spirit will a!ways be in aur hearts, Guiding us, though we are apart. And whie you rest in heaven, Freefram sorrww and pain, May, the Artgels watch over yau4, Until we meet again. Lovingly remembered by Darlene, Tenry & Faily Ml, Rose & Family 15 ac CEoonial 9quustrian Etntrt HORSEBACK RIDING Colonial Equestrian Centre 3706 Rundte Rd. (Courtice) is now accepttng new students (chitdren & aduits) for our rding and horseman- ship programs, summer camps, etc. For further information or to register cati: 1-(90'5) 623-7336 H-ome of the Bowma -i ville Pony Club lovely room GOODE, RAY heat (Raymond LeRoy) first Peacefully with loved ay 1, ones at his side. At 5301 Memorial Hospital, 8831 Bowmanville on Sunday. April 12, 1998 at the age of 78 years. Ray, beloved M husband of Mabel (Clemence). Lovlng father of Susan and her husband Michael Cawker ntain- of Port Hope. Loved iylon, grandpa of Jeffrey and [leece. Sara. Sadly missed by his ,rning family. Friends called at 5a.m. the MORRIS FUNERAL at the CHAPEL, Bowmianvllle on ession Tuesday from 2 - 4 and 7 Road. - 9 p.m. Funeral service a it to in our Chapel on [1983- Wednesday at 1:30 p.m. Interment Orono 15 ap Cemetery. Donations to the Newcastle Lions Club or the charity of your choice, would be appreciated. 15 ac AUCTION SALE ADS (continued page 13) Hooper's JeweIers ... Antique Pocket Watclxes and IIX ~ Modern Watch Repairing Corne in and see our collection of Howard Miller Grandfather Clocks -Sales and Service - Hlooper's Jewellers 39 King St. Wi. 623-5747 Bowmanville THE NAIL STATION Career Training Center. Become a technician, career training available in artificial nails, ear candling, tips, coatings, pedicures, waxing. Student financing now available. (905) 723-8083 qJanie( g. Batin Fine Iirearms 6& Coffectib(es Collections,& Estate Appraisals A Specialty In Home Service Available GUNS BOUGHT, SOLO, TRADED 5331 M ain Street, Orono 983-6480 email: dbanting@î Fruit Market Highway 35/115, Soutth of Orono Tetephone: 983-5628 MAPLE SYRUP NO WAVAILABLE SPECIALS... CA Maclntosh $3.50 - 6 Ibs. CA Empire $3.50 - 6 Ibs. CA Spy - $3.95 - 6 Ibs. Brown's Potatoe s - White & Brown Eggs COLO STORA GE APPLES - $2,95 NOW AVAILABLE Fred's 100% Pure Apple Cider Made Fresh on the Premnises Wiley's 100% Grape Juice z= un 0 R abaýý' 4iii: ON MIEN RAN ITE;09ý,ïâàNZË.--z JVI A R K E R ....................... IN T -Ô U T INTER WREÂÏH ,FLOWERISVASES 1