RONO WEEKLY liMES 65 t GST Included Wednesday, Aprîl 15,1998 - e - e. e - - e- - - w C e- e Busy weekend for fire fighters Serious injury sustained in crash Saturday night A 33 year old Whitby man was seriously injured when he lost control of lis vehicle on the soulli end of Main St. at 11:45 Saturday niglit. Jeffiey Rostek was unable to negotiate the curve at the bottom of Main St., his 1991 GMC van spun ouI of control and flipped onto the boule- vard to the south of the south- bound 35-115 on-ramp. Rosîek was transported to Oshawa General Hospital and later laken to Sunnybrook Health Sciences for treatment of serious injuries sustained in the collision. The collision is stili under investigation by police. Anyone who has information about this incident is asked 10 cali Durham Police at 579- 1520 ext. 5231. Takea hike On Saturday, April 18 there will be two famlly nature hikes takcing place in the Samuel Wilmot Nature Area'Iocated immediately east of Bowmanville. Two memi- bers of the Commnunity Advsory Cormmlttee for the A smýall f1ire initendied 10 deani up a brushpile got ont of contarolon i;Sa1urday noon, and Firefighters Nature Area Will lead the were called. This grass fire on the Townline, wasn tenjihesîsecio of the former OCrono hikes which will take place Forestry'Station. starting at 10 a.m. and at 1 1Anoîher grass fire on Saturday on the 5th. Conc. behinid the Water Su1pply Station -burned well over p.m. There is no charge for 100 feel of forest. If Saturday had been a windy day, this fire could have been very serious. this activity. The hikes are Clarington Fire Fighters responded 10 45 fire calîs this weekend, 17 of which were grass fires. expected to be about 1 1/2 A combination of the warmn weather and yard dlean-up account for the high number of grass fires at hours long and will take place, this time of year. Though open fires are banned within the Municipality, people who choose 10 have rainor shine. Sturdy, water- themn need 10 be very careflil. proof footwear is strongly rec- ommended. It would also be advisable to dress appropri- ately for changeable April weather. Bring your binocu- lars. There are no washroom facilities at the Nature Area. To reach the starting point for the hikes, go east on Toronto St. (which is off 'of Mili St. in Newcastle, just south of the 40 1). Aller Toronto St. curves south, watch for the area which will be marked off for parking. R(eptile collection dazzles Kendal kids wnile most of us nad our tnougnis on cinncr, Monday niglit, thle "Cool Jendal Kids"' (CKK) were handling Gary Armstrong's replilian pets. In the front row, holding Jennifer, a Burmese Python are: Jody Pedder, Sable Empy, Michelle McKinnon and Kylie Hodgson. Gary Armstrong pictured behind, is holding Tanya, also a Burmese Python. Tanya is 4 years old and weighs approximalely 35 lbs.. lncluded in Gary's bag of trîcks were scorpions, hissing beaties, larantulas and a giant millipede from South Africa. Gary also broughî a Conure, a tropical bird that he hadn't namcd yet. The kids soon came up wiîh a name, and cal led the bird "Kiwi," for if's brighî green colour. The CKK meet every Monday evening in the Kendal United Church. Volume 62, Number 15 Happenngs.. ORONO HORTICULTURAL MEETING On April 16, at 7:30 p.m. the Orono Horticultural Society will be holding their meeting at the Orono Town Hall. ORONO UNITED CHURCH SPRING CONCERT A Good Spring Concert, Flute and Piano Sonatas, Saturday, April 18, 7:30 p.m., Orono United Church. Mamnie Niemi - Flute; Mervyn Russell - Baritone; Mary-Clare MacKînnon - Piano. Tickets $7.00 - Joyce Cown 983-5940, Eleanor Terrill 983-5248 o r any Choir Member. KIRB Y CHURCH SPRIN.G SUPPER Saturday, April 25. Settings 5:00 and 6:30 p.m. Chicken A La King, salad, veggies, potatoes and Angel Food Delight. Adults $10., chil- dren 6 - 12 $5.00 and children 5 and under free. Tickets 983-9891. BIG BROTHERS 0F CLARINGTON On Thursday, April 30, Big Brothe rs of Clarington will hold their Annual General Meeting and Recognition Dinner at the Baseline Community Centre. The Recognition Dinner will begin at 6:30 p.m. Community members wishing to attend the dinner can caîl the Big Brothers of Clarington office by April 16. The cost of the dinner is Adults $13 and children under 12 $6.50. HEARTH PLACE CANCER SUPPORT CENTRE Hearth Place Cancer Support Centre, Lecture Series presents "Al Cancer is Genetic, Not ail Cancer'is Hereditary." Dr. Lea Veisher discusses Cance r's Genetic Links at the Oshawa Library, Northview Branch,, 250 Beatrice St. E. at 7:30 p.m. Cail 579-4833 to register.