( ý 2 - Or.1noweekly lines, Wedniesday, April 15, 1998 Subseriptions $21.50 + $150 G.S.T.= $23.00/year. Publications Mail Registration No. 000368 Publishing 50 Issues Annually at the Office of Publication 5310 Main Street, P.O. Box 209, Orono, Ontario LOB ÎMO E-Mail Address: oronotimes@speedline.ca Phone/Fax (905) 983-5301 Publisher! Editor Marg Zwart Publicity we can live without Clarington Animal Shelte r policy was severely challenged last week by a hot-shot big city TV reporter. CTV aired a story on Sunday, April 5, about a Clarington girl whose missing pet dog had been adopted out by the Clarington Animal Shelter. The story goes back to March 7th. when a stray dog was turned into the Animal Shelter. Attempts by Shelter staff to locate the dog's owners failed. The dog had tags, but wasn't wearing them, and apparently the tattoo on the dog's belly was difficult to read. Shelter policy is to keep pets for 7 days before adopting them out. In this case the dog was kept for 9 days before it was released to a new family. On day 13, the original owners called the shelter to ask about their lost dog. On Monday morning, the CFTO reporter and a camera guy showed up at council meeting, to get a statement from the Mayor, and to see what they could do to get the dog back to its original owner, a four year old Bowmanville girl. 1 wasn't going to touch this story till last week someone told me how mean spirited the Clarîngton Animal Shelter was for flot immediately giving the dog back to the little girl. Late Monday aftemnoon, the mayor announced that the littie girl had her dog back. The new owners,-under a cloud of negative pub- licity, felt they had no choice but to give up the dog. 1 don't know the current circumstances of the little girl's life, (it was reported that she lost her mother at Christmas trne) and the less publicity the better, but why was the pound nlot called as soon as the dog went missing? Why was there a 13 day time lapse? The Animal Shelter handled the adoption properly, the adopting family acted in good faith and yet they were portrayed as the ogre. It must have been a slow news week in the city for this reporter to have wandered sa far from home. I'm- sure bis city is teeming with similar stories daily. This is publicity we can live without. 50 Y"1rears On Ice by Roy Forrester It is almost two weeks since the Orono Figure Skatîng Club presented their Golden Revue of Fifty Years On Ice in Orono. What an exhilarating evening it was to be in atten- dance and drawn into the excitemnent and mood of the whole affair spannlng haif a century. Your thoughts quickly lived again a period of Urne that is almost that of an average lif-span. It dated back to a timie your own kids were on ice and the hu stie and bustie around home. B3ut, for your writer, it lived on and on and on. Aiways lnterestlng with new faces appearing in the camnera lens and senslng new enthusiasmasti the sport as the young- sters mneet the-challenge of competition or just plain plea- sure ti the activity. And there was always the leadership from this comnmunity ti undertaking their challenge to see that skating continued as an integral part of the corn- munity. There is a lot owed to many. It was interesting to read the history of the club in their fine 5th Anmiversary publication. Those involved in the early years were in the forefront of skating in the district and were a model which no doubt others followed. Mrs. Velmna Armnstrong is not to be forgotten for the part she played yesterday and eventoday,-in the social health of this comimufity. Itdoesn't seemn enough to say "thank-you" to the kids, teachers and the leaders, and yes, the Adult Precision Team, who perforrned so well at the Golden Revue. I must say the wvhole event was heart-wrenching and one to be remnembered. May it all continue in the spirit of this great Village. Subscribe to thte Orono Weeklly T imes ORONO %,--WEEKLY TiMES - e . . ee-a The regular meeting of the Newcastle Lions Club was held on April 8th, at the recently opened Communiity Care Office, on Robert Street in Newcastle. President George Rckard welcomed twenty-nine members and one guest, Lion Hans Verkruisen's son, Chris, from Holland. The as sembly enjoyed a delicious cold plate dinner by a local caterer and a tour of the facilities. Mfter dinner Lion Murray Paterson introduced the three therapists employed by Community Gare and who work in the Newcastle office - Jennifer Rusaw, Cathy Jordan and Judy Farmer. Jennifer explained The Community Gare Adult Prograi has three sections, First, Home Support whlch allows people to remain in' their homes. Second, COPE, a community mental health programi and third, Respite Program provides therapeu- tic prograrns for up to 16 peo- ple a day on these premises, to give the home care givers some relief. Meals are provid- ed by Meals on Wheels and is included in the $21 cost per patient day. AUl programs have a therapeutic value and volunteers are needed to help POLICE REPORT April 11 - An unknown male walked mbt the Pizza Wagon and demanded money from the till and produced a weapon b elieved to be a replica. The attendant enîered into a dispute witb the would be robber, and be left empty handed. Police have no suspects ai ibis lime. April 13 - A Chester Lane Newcastle, man observed a male youtb entering bis neigbbour's car. The witness approacbed the car, and after a scuffle, the youtb fled in a white car bearing tbe license plate "Crazy LU" April 13 - Youths walking on, Uptown Ave, in Bowmanville's west end, were assaulted by a passing motorist. Upon approacbing the youtbs the motorist, a 36 year-old Taunton Rd. Hampton woman, stopped ber car and yelled aitbem. She then got oui of the car and assaulted 3 of the youths. The, woman was arrested and charged witb minor assauli. out. Cathy and Judy went on to explain the programs in detail which gave the audi- ence a greater insight into the operation at this fine facility. The ladies were thanked by Lion Francis Jose. The Who's Who portion of the meeting featured Lion Cecil Mackesey, Cecil was born and educated in Oshawa and is married to Nathalie with tbree children, two boys and a girl. Has been employed at General Motors for 20 years, and ti his spare Urne, is an instructor of occu- pational health and safety for 'the Department of Labour. His interests, other than Lions are the community and politics. Motions were made and passed to donate $250 to McIntyre Park, a Lions spon- sored disabled park near Keene for the purchase of the new lawn tractor and $500 toward camp Dorset Dialysis Unit. The next meeting of the Newcastle Lions Club will take place in the Lions Room at the 'Newcastle Community Hall on April 22. Guest speaker will be Don Rickard who will speak on the Royal Winter Fair. Newcastle Lions News Stolen caif presents health rÎsk The Durham Regional Police Service is issuing the following warning following the thefi of a sickly two week old beef calf that was killed and taken from a, farm in Courtice. The incident occurred between 6:30 p.m., Sunday April 121h, 1998 and 7:00 arn. this morning, when the theft was discovered. The 2001b pure bred beef caif wbich was suffering from pneumonia, was apparently killed as il lay in its pen and carried off to a waiting vehi- cie. -The veterinarian who was treating the animal has con- firmed that due to the med- ication the caîf was on, the meat could prove very dan- gerous if ingested by humanis. The vet has also notified th e Durham Regional Public Health Department. Police are warning the thieves that this meat should not be eaten or sold for buman consumrption. Anyone with any informa- tion on this incident should contact the Durham Regional Police Service at (905) 579- 1520 or Crime Stoppers at (905) 436-TIPS. b'eparso 2.H a e e Innie1for hi n hoe ytowon, hregiment Lat. aWh e icme timeto eav to figte war in Franc, Lt.'Cl bouo lf WtppinehatteOnarooo Autor .A. _ime an ed bso Cn hritaherberned e thre immr ora20.ze telttenadian bein fhis hoens ook a Winnie atthe oonZoo. >MMM" -liq