-"101- Orono W"eekly Tïimes, Wednesday, AprIl 22,1998 CIBC welcomes new manager more tiresorne numerals -- digital or analog. The Pasha Chronograph people have given us a watch so modemn it doesn't tell you what time it is. Hey! Post-Modern or what? The Pasha Chronograph doesn't even have a dial. Instead it sports what amounts to a fancy glass port- hole that-gives you a worm's- eye view of the innerwok ings of the watch as they grind away, doing... .well, flot mucli of anything, really, except grinding away. And just to cement the revolution- ary experience, the no-nurn- bers Pasha Chronograph also boasts 1no hands. Thats right! You might as well be wearing a hard-boiled egg on your wrist for. ail the time-telling th e Pasha Chronograph is going to give you! It's a weird world. 1 once knew a guy who was 50 worried abou 't being late that he wore two watches -- one on each wrist. The thing is, that guy was neyer sure whicli watch to trust. Whereas a person wearing one watch always knows what time it is. IJnless he's wearing a Pasha Chronograpli, I guess. I can hardly wait for the next big timepiece fashion break- through: no0 watch at ahl -- jusi a searnless expansion bracelet made of reinforced, platinum-plated titanium alloy. At Ieast you wont have to worry about getting it wet in the shower. Jennifer Langlois, Orono's new bank manager is looking forward to getting to know the commurn- ty, and would be delighted if you came in and said "Hi". Cliairmiani's Award. This award ïs presented eacli year to a select few who have been nominated by their supervi- sors for liaving made out- standing contributions. 0f CIBC's 42,000 employees, only 315 w;ill receive this spe- cial recognition this year. Jennifer wasý nominated for an award for lier exemplary efforts in, Customer m il ~¶U - ARTHUR BLACK TIME ON MY HANDS Time is natures way of keeping everytliing from hap- penin at nce. Anon. ern wristwNatclies. I doni't know -wlo's in A guy I know sliglitly charge of wristwatch fashion, cornes up to me in a restau- at the tail enid oftlie twentieth rant and says "Wliat's witli century, but it's fairly obvîous the watcli?" tliat telling tlie time is pretty My wrîstwýatcli, he mecans. much the last thing op tlieir Its not expensive, but it is minds. Bulový,a, Longene, big. The dial is about tlie size Tîmex, Omiega -- they ail turn and shape of an Oreo cookie. out watclies witli minuscule Wliy? Because tliat's the way numbers only an eagle could I like it. -read -- or worse -- they give Wlien it cornes t o telling us, Roman numerals. tlie ti me, 1 prefer to wear a Romani nurnerals. wristwatch that I can actufally Nothing like employing a read witliout squinting, hold- system of' numerology tliat's ing il at arrn's: lengtli or only beeni extinct for about investing in a magnifying 2,000 years: "Hi, Honey! glass. if i could find it -- Wannameet me for dinner and if tliey stil made trousers around VIII O'clock?" with watch pockets -- I'd "4Can't, darling. ,l'm probably l.ug around my cauglit in the traffic. Let's grandfather's big old gold make t vilIXLV înstead.- railroad watch. Now there Then thiere are ail those was a timepiece! That watch 'extra features' you can get on was lieavy enougli to serve as your modemn-day wr istwatch. a doorstop and it had a face You cani buy awatch that s0 big and numbers so legible' measures barometric pres- you could read across a rail- sure; a watch that counits way station waiting roorn. laps; a watch that keeps track Which brings us to rnod- of compass bearings, calcu- Satisfaction. Jennifer cornes to Orono with 9 years of banking expe- rience. Prior to lier place- ment at the Uxbridge CIBÇ location, Jennifer spent 8 years at home witli ler tliree children. The Langlois stili caîl Uxbridge liome. Jennifer is looking forward to a successful business rela- tionshiîp witli the community. lates water pressure, mionitors blood pressure -- you can even buy watches that store teleplione numbers', addresses and dates of birth... This is flot wliat I require of a wristwatch. Al I require of a wristwatch is that itk ee p me apprised of the time. From time to time.., But I arn, apparently, an endlangered species. I am looking riglit now at a full- page magazine advertisement for sornething called "The Pasha Chronograpli". I'm . .. .pretty sure if's a wristwatch. It has, after all, a leather strap that appears to be designed to fasten around a human wrist. Tlie dial attached to the wrist strap is festooned witli a buncli of hii- tecli, ferruled knobs around tlie perimeter. No doubt tlie Pasha Clironograpli can keep me in touch with atmospheric conditions on Pluto, the humidity index in Havana and rny biorhytlims for the past 24 hours. Whicli is good, because, as far as I can tell, from this advertisernent, tlie Pasha Clironograpli is not likely to fulfill my fondest wristwatch fantasy. The Pasha, Chronograph is flot goîng to give me the time of day. Because it's dial lias, you see ..nonumbers. 1That's right! Tlie geniuses wlio market the 'Pasha Chron ograpli have taken modemn wristwatch-delsign beyond the final frontier. No SERVING DURHAM REGION SINCE 1841 FUNERAL SERVICES PRE-ARRANGED & PR EPAID "WFLere fProesiona(Etiquette is Important, Funeral Directorse Paul R. Morris Robert'E. Williams Gary M. Conway Doug R. Rutherford ANS WERING YOUR CALL 24 HOURS 623-5480 4 Division St. BowmanvIllie APRIL 231IS NATIONAL ORGAN DONATION DISCUSSION DAY BREAKING BARRIERS TO ORGAN DONATION It's flot your ordinary dinner conv ersation. In fact, it may be one of the most difficuit conversations you have with your family, but it wil also be one you will neyer forget. Here are some ideas on how to make it easier: 1. REMEMBER - deciding to donate your organs is a two-step, process. You must first make a decision to be an organ donor, then make sure to share your wishes with your family. 2. BE SENSITIVE - to any concerns your family may have about being an organ donor. Tell them why you have made this decision and why it is important to you. 3. CONSIDER - the statisties: Becoming an organ and tissue donor can save lives and help enhance the quality of life for up to 50 lives. 4. UNDERsTAND - that to give the gift -of life to others helps famiies deal with the pain and grief of losing a loved one. 5. TAKE ACTION - 'Please make your decision to become an organ donor. Share your decisions with your family. A simple discussion can save lives.' For more Information please contact your local Mutual Group agent or cali toli free 1-800.248-0779,or access the website http://www.themutualgroup.com. The Mutual Group ) m The top post at the Orono' CIBC was filled last Monday;' April 13 by Jennifer Langlois. Jennifer, who cornes to Orono from Uxbridge, lias worked for the last year and a haîf as the manager of CIBC's in store brandi in the Zehr's Grocery Store in that town. Jennifer lias recently been recognized witli the compa- ny's top honour, as a recipient' of the prestigious CIBC .............. .......... ýe