Orcn~ Wekl Tne, WdnsdyApri 2 19 n (CLASSIFUEDS (continued from page 14) GRIST MILL AUCTION CENTRE, Newtonvmle THURSDAY, APRIL 23 6:00 p'.m. Selling the contents of an Oshawa Estate and the contents from a Cobourg Apt., Chests of drawers; dressers; bedroom suites; chesterfield suite; oak rail top dresser; oak teachers .desk; sideboard; antique sideboard; colour T.V.'s; gold frldge & stave; washer & dryer; cedar chest; mates 1éd; rocker; girls mountain bike; dining tent; electric cash register; truck storage trunk; antique cameras; also new items- mlcerowaves; VCR; Bissel shampooer; Bissel vaccuum; strollers; fax machine; pot n* pans; bakers rack; drills, tools; lamps; tables; occasional chairs;, Balloon Lady Doulton; etc. Preview 2:00 p.m. Check the -Date & 'rime Terms: Cash, Approved Cheque, Visa, M/C, Interact Attoneer Frank G. Stapleton CAI. ICCA Newtonviflc 905-786-2244 1-800-263-9886 22 ac SATURDAY, APRIL 25th 11:00 am. Selling the Contents and Household Effects of Eiwood Calberry, 1082 Broomfield Rd. Centreton (hobby, farm located northeast of Cobourg 4 1/2 miles east of Hwy. 45 on Centreton Rd. ta Broomfield Rd. South (watch for signs). 2 Refrigerators: stove; upright freezer; washer;, dryer; wringer washer; dehumidifier; new sump pump; 2 woodstoves; oak china cabinet;, Raymond tredle sewing machine; antique dresser; washstand; double bed; ail lamps; trunk; 5 pc. dînette; colour T.V.; Lazyboy recliner;, chesterfield; sofa bed; kitchenware; seaiers; lawn chairs, aluminum ladders; wheel barrel; bench vices; log chaîns; qty. of firewood and numerous other articles, including elwood's Ford 8N gas tractor and tractor chains. NOTE:' Everything selling due to fii health Property Listed Terms: Cash, Approved "Cheque, Visa, M/C, Interac Auctioneer Frank G. Stapleton, CAI, ICCA Newtonviile 905-786-2244 1-800-263-9886 22 ac PETHICK S AUCTION BARN, HAYDON SAT., APRIL 25th at 5:00 p.m. Articles include tays (Tonka. Hotwheels, Ertl. Majorette, Die Cast Tractors), press back rocker, wooden dining room suite, Thompson double keyboard organ, cane rocker,' oriental and mother of pearl vases, teak table and 4 chairs, antiquearmoire, loveseat, Wedgewood dishes, cups and saucers, Waterfall' rocker, small china cabinet, depression glass. riding mower, Cockshutt hay rake and lots more. TERMS: Cash, Cheque or Visa. Viewing from 3:00 p.m. Auctioneer Don Stephenson 905-263-4402 or 705-277-9829 22 ac IWWW.pitch-in.ca1 seai Society, Antiques, Collectables, Household Contents MacGR;EGOR'S AUCTION CENTRE 182 Wellington St. Bowmanville SUNDAY, APRIL 26th 10:00 a.M. (viewing 9:00) 401 to Waverly Rd. North ta #2 Hwy., East ta Scugog St. & North 1 km. Sunday's Auction features the Estate articles from long Urne Orono resident IvIson Tamblyn. Partial list includes diningroam set, exceptional, oak drap front secretary desk,& book shelf, smake stand, Duncan Phyfe parlour table, Harvest table, 2 bedroom sets. Frenc h Provincial couch & chair exc.. tea wagon, mise. tables (Parlour, Sofa, Work, Kitchen etc.), excellent glass & china (packed hy family), silver chest & 1847 Rogers Brothers fiat ware, silver plate pcs., old books (Hostein Jaurnals), tri lights, ail lamps, T.V., washer, dryer, stave, garden tools, Dewalt radial arm saw, misc. hardware & tools, plus much more. Auction features many collectable & useful articles still ta be uncovered, large auctian, corne ear-ly _browse & enjay. NEXT AUCTION MAY 3rd' TERMS: Visa, M/C, Interac, Cheque & Cash CALE FOR AIL YOUR AUCTION NEEDS, YOUR LOCATION OR, OURS. MacGREGOR AUCTION & APPRAISAL SERVICES MIKE MPCGREGOR, C.P.P.A. (905) 987-3664 (905) 623-7949 22 ac Hooper's Jewelers ... Antique Pocket Watches and Modern Watch Repairing Corne ini and see our collection of Howard Miller GrandfatherClocks -Sales and Service - Hoope's Jewellers 39 King St. W 623-5747 Bowmanville Inernet Franchise. Fullftraining. Inetmenf Rc d. 1-888- 678-7588. 1 CHRISTIAN FRANCHISE. Joîn fhc World'sf t Onlîne Christian Franchise. Exclusive fterni ie ing eacep- tioal ROI. Full trainng & suppot For f inila colt 1- Sf 40,080/pr poentiel Ycai Profit Magazine s0000 Beat Business fa go info 9.. Low oncrhcad & no inoeniy Verp Prof iablo Franchiset Colt nowf re iniformat ion 1i 888-679-2201 THINKING OF HOME-BASED SECOND hira? ercaiso FRE6. Phone 800-811-2141, code 51956. WANT TO SUCCEED IN 1998? Tireri of not maliing monep in MLMu9 For poar asoarefi proupcnip or 1998, calt f1-688-Sf14-7306, Sccarip Income Wcolifi TOPLINE DISTRIBUTING la oeeliîng acivnc dealera for oidoor hot caier foioco. aa heoicra, hpdranîc roma- ponenIs, groin and ferfilîzer. Convepîng aqipmeni. Plin/f1 f888-588-4850 CND-DECOMPUTERS Cmlf pim rr $48/fi.N ae oi TDN IACNIFî LUne 0 opue1aan ccuuîs LR6 AA LOGUE -0-2-92o cw.aoaieoao cr.com BEt A SUCCESSFUJL WRITERI... ciih a.r greafhoe aiadp course. GaC oltifor pour FR66 800K. 1-800- 167-1B21* Goal up 0f Course, 38 MArthor Anune, Suie 3015, Otawas, ON K L6R2l COUINSELLOR TRAINING f ostdoie of Canada o8cersaon- compusan1d correpondence courscs foci a Dîplomo nl Counselling r ctilIcc fabagîn tiiamonif-. Frac cois- logue, cuit 24hrs. 1 -800-668-7044 MANITOULIN HEALTH ENE , opara iwou ru rai hpIflo cWta ombne[ ica Il -,0'0sl. ., retqirea a Draufur ofEnvironni fenccurespanuible for odmintuitrafing progrm o ailîno buildings, grounds, eqaipmeani as oel us houuekeaping ondi aundrp services. Soccesaful condidates witf poseas tirai or aeconridosa saiafiry cngineer certificte,prof iciency cilificomputera and compuierizar id Ing opuimsan d satidmonageriot cupenaence Pteaoe nobrai resumeand00 uotryp oai tiens f: Personnrel Depi., MHC, Bou 640, Littla Currani, ON PO 6.Fu78538 63 beaai Lura1 op Cii.Bu- w1 l au npfae Frace raini8056-89 owo omlu R.R2,KtohDinoPEGO WDvMEN. îNauro-f1prueiaro)ne creaiisubduaa PMS, cofa OSTEDPORDSISdrsk, rlenes menopause disrean- es. FR66 tapa documents remarliabla bnîa plus dan- gara af cairagan dumînanco. Cal nio 800-652-2216. JO ~ honr ~ apa HARP SEAL ÙIL only $2250 + S/H $5.50 (fîne-fifiy) per bote. For information:1888-236-8896 or 905-387-3349, faox0: 33320 TREE EELINUS for, sale. Corieru, deciduous anai wiIdfîfe p.,ies.Mnimuma ooler 100 ueedlrrgo. Free cta- logue. Somnerville Nurseries lc, Alliai on. ON 705 435- 6258 or eorol.ofo@treeseedi inga cora ,ATIE ýNTION STUDENTS$ Make a lt of moiep elliag chocolts aiebra. New productsaaialable. Noihiag fa pay in urloance. Faof defîoery i-800-383-3589. KATYS CLOSET - LADIES FASHION - DIRECT SALES. Laaking for enihoaiaafic, maiioafed people fa opeo op Eastern Oniarno. For more information cati Suzanne Wif s- don f-800-578-7717. LOOKING FOR A NEW CAREE R or jual neer extra minp SefI C&M Gîfia uaiqae fine ofa aondabfe home decor, fopa and gibos Caf I 519-258-7905, Fao 518 258- 0707 for free cataogues aandiformat ion aboutf isa oOO deffoppnriuniip HAVE YOU CONSULTED REAL CLAIRVOYANTS and mediams before? Thon corne discaner flhe uoexpfîcabîe experiencea oi Karananria Zamori (tnc .28 peoro eape- rionce; nery precise. She cond deacribe and gioepo your agni. Leorn frora fer niher wefI foinmadi and clair- noants. To find out poor fuitre, CAIL 1-900-451-9602. 18e. 54.99/min., 24 hrs/7dayo. Il I9 UP TO YOU.. Seneral fir-1nei ipocifor po!ta talk wifhr. Reîaiîanships, loae, moue.,fuAure, odvice. C-11 aow 24frs 1-100-451-7865, 18+ $399/min. LIKE IMAGfC (iformai onont), mr aemory rioci oel resoreri meana anifappier yeara ahe ad.Snd aiamped, oddrcei eoeîope: Sel boorne, PO. Boa 54, EdoradoOnt. 606 f YO ADULT ENTERTAINMENT. 001er the bes[ by maîf & pay feso. FREE catalogue, FRE6 idea aBfer. Diocref 100 90cr- eaied.MC Vdea 4840 Acoro, 20 1-C Monireaf, Que- bac. f- 4C1 L6. MIALE IMPOTENCE carrecfad and prenenfed.Cenine assauîaiad wiifî.ce, mdoiin agery,dibc, injury con be fierame, Frac informsfon/aifnîce: Pariri manne Mcdical td , Boa 892, Vernon, BC, VIT 6M8 i1 800-663-01 21. STEEaL BUILDING.S FOR SALE. Gio Direct andiSave. Sring/Summer/Faleinery. 20028 5$3,394.00, 25o40 $5,976.00. 30050 $7,1 44.00. 40060 $9860.00. 468O8 $12,994.00. DOhfra. Pioncer 1-80(X688-5422. FUTURE STEEL BUILDINGS. Af I polpone buildings ta suipoar reqiremenia. Many modela fa choose ram. Sizea i at pour nieo.Locicaf Pricen-Direci frara the manuafacturer 1-800-668-8653 caL. 536. Call me to buy or sell... Orono and area's real estate representative... Kryslyna Jones 983-6013 ASSOCIATES (DURHAM)InC. 1050 Sîmcoe St. N., #103, Oshawa TEL: (905) 721-2112 ew Listing..., 1ovely 4-bedroom ne plus super in-law artment on huge lot .$1629900! "A Time to "B loom" PHYLLIS TAMLIN ALMA KINGYENS Phylliss Tamlin will -be the inspirational speaker'at a special program for ladies, "A ime To Bloomn" bemng heid at Kendal United Churcli, Kendal on Wednesday, May 6 at 7:30 p.m. Speciai Music Wili be provided by Aima Kingyens. Phyllis is a iicenced lay preacher in The United Churcli of Canada, a member of the regionai executive of Aglow of Canada and a speciai needs teacher. Ama is a former club singer who switched to Country Gospel in the eariy 1980's, Both worneni have'dynamie and enithuslastic ministries to share with ail who wiii participate. Tickets are $5 and may be obtained at The Bridai Path in Bowmanville, 623-0351 or by calling Pat Atkins at 983- 9261 or the Church office at 786-2950. Corne and-Join' us. 1 1 1 1