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Orono Weekly Times, 29 Apr 1998, p. 12

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- *0 Times, Wednesday, Aplil 29, 1998 ) Fish Ieft before season opened people i the Failli at thé base leeas National Guiild President and on National and -Internationial Commnittees ofI thle Churiiches. She hso w occasions rpestd Canadian Christians abroad. Padre_ Dav id and Marlon have twýo aduit ch ilIdren : iJctoriýa (mr-S. J. Wý7ilson), w'ho) is a teacher at ChlIiwýack (B.C) Secondary Sehool and Captain D. Donald, who is an Engineer Officer presently serving il] Trail, B.C with hlis wf Sarah. Bagliria, the hugýe cat who tiniks he's a dog, stili runls the home~ keeping both Padre and Marion Iooking after his desires. To relax, Padre Saunders hias mainy and varied pastimecs. H e puays thle bass/tenor drumi in the Stouiffville aid IDistr-ict pipe Band. colleects stampi S, reads wegtioYmes, pur-sues his interest in ha adi ýjo jand con,- putrs, pays at golfand fishes. Canon David CiHlcontinue eerisig his Priestod as tle newý illnubent ofthe Parish of NewNcastle (Carkýe). Canon David Saunders first Sunday at St. Saviours- Anglican Church wNijj bc this Sunday, May -3, 9:30 a-rn, Al are welcome. Orono Weekly Times 983-5301 The openiing of fishing season at idnighit on Fr-iday, broughylt ouLt the ang-lers in dr-oves. These fish- ermen fishing the Wilmnot were fr-om Toronto. Word uip and downi the creek was that the fishi were there, but they weren't biting. In fact, very few fish wNere caughit Saturday mnorning, and the ones that wer-e caughit were smaIL. The, Reverend Canon1 Paul Saunders was bonini Trenton N ewvJ e rs ey o f Canadian/Amnerican parents. On) the wýay to becoingi an Anglican Priest, it was quite niatura-il for lmi to apply to Quebec tuniver'sities sinIce this had been the native home of his famnilyv for over a huLndred years. He received his under- graduate aniid thie ol1o gic al1 degrees fr o m i sho p' s U n iv ersit'y. Saunder-S \aS ordained Deacon on December 18, 1965 anid Priest on) September 24,.I1966 for- the Diocese of Ontarlo. Before entering the Regular Fre Pa1dre Sauniders served as the David R. Saunders, CD Recto r of two parishes, Lansdowne Front and Mmlora. for1- alperiod of five years. Paul Sauinders is the third genei'ation to have served in thec Canadian ArmyN althIoughI his predecessors servedl only during wartimie. Padre Sauinders wýas flirst Commissioned as anl Armiy Chaplain on Juine 3, 1968. UJpon transferring to the Regular For-ce on September 3, 1970, hie was sent wiNth the first chaplains to atedthe inewly opened CanadLiianiiFor-ces Officer Candidate Sehool ofI CFB Chîiliack. -As a Captain hie sred at CFB Borden (CFSAL), BFC Valcartier, BFC Bago*vie (Base Chaplaini) 2PPCLI WiniiÏpeg and CFB3 King(ston. Saunlider-s was attachi posted to ICANCON CYPRUS from MAarehi to October 1974. His tour on Cyprus wýas at the lime of the Turkishi invasioni and subsequenit wrh last ail- armns Nwar which tlook Caniadian lives anid iniflîcted severe casu- allies on our soldiers. It was nio holiday tour, conitrary to current iythlogy.N Whien Sauniders was pro- mioted to hus presenit ran)k of Major ini 1982, he assumied the positlin of Base Chaplain for CFB King-stoni. While there (988) hie obtainied thie Master 0f Thieology degree fromr Quieens Uiv\ersity iii the field of Professionialism anidEtics. Padre Saunders subsequjentlyý served0 as the Base Chaplaini of' both CFB Chulliwack and CFB Toronito (unItil if's closure ini 1966). He retired as thie Area Chaplaini for Lanid Forces Central Area. Canion Saunders wNas installed on April 3), 1994 in the position, of the Canon Secretary of the Angalican Ordiniariate to the Caniadian Forces. In April 1966, lie was awýardedCI thec Base Commandil(er.s Commenldation -for his "lead(er-shîp, .dedicationi and priniciple of service over aIl, example tireless eniergies as ev'id-enlced linv\ir-tually every facet of commitiy life". He hias had thie mosi enviable hion- OUr of having beeni a Pu.kka Sapper sinice April 1973. Padre Saunders I15 married to Marlin (nee Hlarm'ier) hlis 10ov1ini g partner, devoted Ch1ristian îleader anid fai- ble church an-d commiiuniity wýorker-. Marion hlas sre beside her huLsband Jnur-turing RICK JONES, Instructoir 4858 Regionil 1Road 18 Newt1onville, Ontario LOAA1,10 Tel: (905) 786-2793. Fax: (905) 786- 103 1 ~ Classes for Children and Aduits E- Funeral Home THOUGHTFULNESS, SERVICE & CONCERN A Family Owned Business, Offeing:, Traditional Funeral Services' Prearranged & Prepaid Services - Cremation Arrangements Alternatives to Traditional Funerals - Out of Town Shipping Cory Kuipers - President AM IAZING FACT The ninernet i grow Ibpv27,00, n 24 mn s Ean n lp In I/o i , Canada, sfelsi Oseno lenet Franchise PFull fraiing nvsfmntRegO t 1-l 6 78 7588. CHRISTIA4N FRACHSE J 1û, ie Worlds ,st Oi i.nme Cist lan Franchise. Exclusive terrl iejieling excep toiraROIFuli training & supprl For iel ilcal f 8Mi6637326 $1 4o,0,0Potent)l e' Profil Magazine says 'Best BUsiess lo go io88.. 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Shocan escrîbe and gins pou pour Sîgn Learo f rom haP0 on ,watt KIown modîums anid clair- voyats.Tc iotOui fu5ture, CALL t-900-45f-9602. 18-, 34.9/min 24 hrs/7dsps. f998 FORECAST eaînnpmorey, adnîce or anp thor topîc l s paur choîco Soverai [ine psychicv Io chooseram 1 1 No racorntings 5398/min 18+. 24hrs. LIVE CANACIAN PSYCHiCS t f Oct anseors no ait pour questions. Droaminterprotation ov, mny, tuture. 1-900 56f 200D5 24 hro t8, 39/mn associated wîth aea,emdatins -jadae tes" ,, urp car be osercmo. ros inotio/doc:Padrt rumca Medîcat[2d., Boa 892, Voro,8,VT68t 800-663-O 2f. STEEL EUILDINGS FORF SALE GneO roct arîn Save Sprîng/Summer/Futl dotîorp 20o26 $3394OU 25040 $55760 00 50 $7 144 O 00 O60 $9 860COU d6a80 $f12,940 Othors P oeear t 800-668 5422 BUYiNO STERLING SILVER CUTLERY. sts r snge ioces, Vsîlrteo, napkîr inqs' monrcrott, Gou, îwfo.Huols Royal Dutesîlvorplate.Pnr W cote appoint t nt t800 267-2732, 518-684-3528. I St. George & St. Saviours welcome new pries t

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