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Orono Weekly Times, 29 Apr 1998, p. 4

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4 - Orono Weely Umes, Wednesday. Apil 29. 1998 TRT'Sand and Gravel atoms TRT Sand & Gravel division 3"champs! Pictured above are members the 1997/98 TRI Sand and Gravel atom house league team. Back Row (left to right): Coach Barney Bangay, Joseph Staples, Andy Bangay, David Apt, Jon Fowler,, Mike Puddicombe, Joeýy Konopka, Mark Spiers, Tîm Buttonshaw, Frank Maitland. Front Row: Scott Mclntyre, Reid McDonald, Garret MacDonald, Ke vin Martin, Chris Buttontshaw, Colin Maitland, Justin Guillemette. Orono's TRT Sand and Gravel atoms played their third and final playoff game against Justin Barry Optical on Tuesday, April 21 st. The atoms worked hard on the ice playing a fine defensive game and it wasn't until two minutes remained on the dlock that the 'opticians' took a 1-0 lead. But, with four seconds left in the game, TRT's Justin Guillemette hit the mesh tying the game at 1. TRI came out of the play- offs without losing a single game and were crowned 'A' champs of Division 3. The atoms had a terrific sea- son and would like to thank their team sponsor--T 'RT Sand and Gravel. A special thanks ta assistant coach Frank Maitland, tramner Tim Buttonshaw, and most especially coach Barney Bangay for aIl the time and effort put into coaching this year's team., Many thanks to the parents for their support throughout the year. Staying In Touch John O'Toole Durham East MPP It is Sunday, April 26th andîI am preparing for my 30 minute speech as seconder ta the Throrie Speech. Thi-s hon- aur must be shared with ail of my constituerits. Members of any goverriment are elected ta execute the wlshes of the peo- ple. The thirty phonie cails we receive per day and the many letters we get ail deserve ta be answered. However, your input is most important and helps me ta bring forward the views of my riding. Meeting with caristituerits and attend- ing variaus funictions ailows me ta hear first hand about what is important ta the peo- pIe who elected me. Two studerits from Port Perry High School cailed my office a couple of weeks ago. They were working on a class assigniment examining health care and e4ucation. I had not met these studerits and was not especially coricerried about their political point of view. I was impressed with their initiative and question- irig about how aur goverri- ment's changes will effect their future. As usuai, I for- warded the information they had requested Orie week before the Throrie Speech, MPP's were advised that they could invite two guests ta this special event., Naturally, I could havelInvited famlly members or Important sup- porters . I chose ta Invite Ms. Kristy Daltori and Mr. Ryari Moyries. These two young students need ta see and hear first hand about the inten- tions of this goverriment. Thursday April 23rd, the day of the Throne Speech was my, first meeting with Krtsty and Ryani. it x as refres-ing ta see their enthusiasms as Krrsty and Ryan met Her Honour the Lieutenant Goverrior Hilary Westori, Premier Mike Harris, the Hon. David Johnison, Minister of Educatiori, as well as caucus members, including the oppo- sition. Kristy and Ryan corifi- deritly met and spoke with important elected and non- elected leaders in the health care and educatiorial sectors. Business cards were exchanged and I amn certain that Ryari and Kristy will complete their project wlth objective input from ail sides. I have asked Kisty and Ryan ta forward me a copy of their final paper anid I will make sure that the Premier and Minister receive a copy. The Throrie Speech day was a rewarding exp erience for me and two of my coristituents. I am still receiving cails on the riew praperty tax assess- ment system. Persans calIrIng are coricerried that their property value assessmerit bas gorie up anid fear that their taxes will go up in pro- portion. Dor't let people frighten yoû with the techni- cal details. Rather thari go irito a technlcal explanatiori, I prefer ta use common sense. Fîrst, look at your new actu- al value property assessment notice. Does the value reflect wbat you think your property is worth? Ask yourself, would you sell your property for the amount stated on your notice. If you would not selI your property for that value, perhaps you are under assessed. If you have any questions, cail the ruiber on, your assessment notice. The second part of this question is wlll your taxes go up if your assessment bas gone up? Think of It this way: The entire assessment process should be revenue neutral for the municipality. If a munie- ipality keeps the same bud-, get, the new assessment base should generate the same revenue. If some property val- ues go up, some will go down. The assessment process is simply a method of appor- tioning the tax load fairly across the assessment, base. For example, if everyone's property value went up, the municipality should not col- lect more money. When the municipality determines their budget, it will set a tax rate to be applied to each assess- ment. Remember, the assess- ment residents i Port Perry should bave a similar assess- ment and should pay the same municipal taxes. Twoý similar properties, orie in Port Penry and one in Clarington will pay the same Regiorial and Educational taxes but will probably pay differerit municipal taxes. I have video taped copies of my cable show on this subject. Please call my office if you have ariy questions: 1-800-661-2433 or (905) 697-1501. Small business is the back bone of aur expariding Ontario ecariomy. Recently, a small business owner in my riding came to me with a problem. H1e explained how he came ta Canada in 1955 with $20.00 ti his pocket. H1e bas neyer been on assistance of any kirid in over 40 years. He bas worked as a general labourer, then ta Gerieral Motors as an assembler for 12 years while operating a pizza store with bis wife and family. Eveéntually, he bought the small plaza and through bard work today owns more property. He reported that he has suffered through the peri- od where his property fe ti value, interest rates werit through the roof alorig with property taxes contini ally goîng up. Today, he employs a number of people in build- lng and property manage- ment. H1e leases commercial property ta ather small busi- ness owners. He was sup- portive of Our govemrment but cautioned that property taxes are killing small business aperators. He wants changes i both business taxes and property taxes. He wants the public sector like the private sector ta adjust their taxes with the economy. He explairied that competition makes hlm contiriually review Ils operations so he cari keep bis customers. He wants al levels of gaverrimerit ta remember that aIl taxpayers are customers. I believe that this constituent is like the rest of us. Hard work is still the best guarantee of suc- cess. No matter what busi- ness you are in, the customer is always rlght., Peggy and I are thrilled ta have aur three chlldren home from University. Ail students will be looking for summer employmerit. The Ontario Summer Jobs, 1998 wiil help 48,500 young people find joabs. This $50 million p)ro- gram wîll assist youth I gainirig not only money but valuable experi -ence. In the comirig weeks, I wîll have more information at the con- stituency office. You cari access this information by callirig 1-800-387-5656 or on the Ontario governmerts web sites, or .Federal youth employment centres wlll be openlng soori to fur- ther assist employers and youth i securrig summer employment. This'is a challenging Urne for ail students. Balancirig fanuily demands while getting good marks, a good job and havirig some funi keeping every student busy. I extend best wishes to ail the stu- dents from university, college and high school. Do your best and have a great summer. c.M Celebrate the opening of NEW SUR6IICAL SUITES at Memorial Hospital Bowmariville 47 Liberty St. S., Bowmanx'iIIe hv joining us for an OPEN HO USE Tuesday, May 12, 1998- 9 a.m. to 4 p.rn. *Operating Roomn Staff will be giving tours of the new area throughout the day *See new equiprnent purchased through donations * Refreshments wiil be provxided For information, contact the Public Relations Department of Mcrorial H-ospital at. (905).623-3331, ext. 1881 'Please note iiLner iq ysuricd senie s il N vroi(ïe(- . ...... ... ... .

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