6 Orno eeky Tmes WenesayApril 29, 19,98S StudentsLengc ouraged C"to tel! storie es Orono students involved in the story, tellingl fair- are, fromn left to right: Front row - Jessica Standeven, Katie Kniapp, HlyMacDonaildi, Sophia Cooper. Back row - Mrs. Bird, Brittany MeDonnelil, Erini Webb, Amanida Stewvart. one and two to write the two- and-a-haif hour papers hinfthe library. The test resuits will be posted in early dune and al Participants wiIl receive a cer- tificate recognizing their par- ticipation. The student who receives the highest mark out of ail the Clarke students that took part will be crowned "School Champion" and be awarded a medal to take home anid keep, P.S.x=5eA 4+3 e A4 Ce-n Evans Politics take over Clarke tl-ils- week as elections will be held for Student Council. Present Student Council Prime Minister Ricardo MeLean will turn over the reins of power to the winner of this week's elections. The Academic Decathion team will retumn from Edmonton and let us know if they were victorlous, or not. In addition intra-mural sports are well under way with floor hockey coming on line iast week. You'il have to retumn to tis spot next weeK to find out the election resuits, how weil the Decathion team did and how Clarke is faring in the worid of spring sports. Can your chWid hear you? (NC)-is yeur cliildespcilyIe ie Iearning te talk9> Dees yeUr child ienev o r t ec henhishe back is rurned? DeePocyour child talk difterently than rnest ch irers hissher age? Ihýis type et behaIeîUr ceuld inicae aherîeg I)ss. Early dttie e a hearirïing ss in chilesen is impeorlant -and requires prel!essienal tselp. Ceetýact ai, audieloist- a prolessienal trained toeveaJnate and treat people with hea ring c1s(rdcrs. The national voice cýf speech-langea çe pathelogisrs and audio/e çists 1 <800) 259-8519 www.caslpa.ca Students from 5 area sehools joined at Orono public to engage in the oldest form of entertainment., The 35--participating stu- dents from grades 4-6 broke into small groups and shared their stories with each other. Students displayed a real mix- ture of traditional and original stories. Roberta Godin, a member of the Story Telling Club of Toronto and Cobourg, lîstened to the students and afterwards shared 2 traditional tales with them. A good question and answer period followed the session. Children learned how important if is, to keep the tra- tion of story telling alive. Sehiools involved wYere: Howard Jordan, Central and George Hamilton from Port Hope, Newcastle and Orono, This yearts event was orga- nized by Teacher/Librarian Mary Bird, who also happens f0 be Resource Teacher for Sehool Board District 14. s Clarke High A/ew" St.lStphen's Sohool News by Sarah Howe Spring is a busy fime in the halls of St. Sfepheni's as many things get under way. In the sports departmenf,thie girls' soccer f eams have start- ed their season jusf as the weafher tumned niice enough for practices. The girls wil play their last .year on our beloved field, a field that comn-, pares to no other. How many other schools have a swamp in one corner and are proud' of if? It's our secret weapon against our unsuspecfing opponents! In other sports, this sprlng's track and field practices have jusf began and students are miaking prepa- rations for Algonquin Park oufdoor experlence in early May. Sttident Councîl is busy preparing for our last school dance ever in our present school site. It will be a lot of fun for al Hiose who attend. The Spirit Commiffee contin- ues to plan hilartous events and theme days. They kicked off spring, wifh a week long tribute to ie movie classic, Grease. The, week was a lot of funi for everyone wh o partici pated in Hilings like arot beer-float chugging contest, hula hoop confest, and a flfties style dance confest. Maxiy senior students are filled with anticipation for an upcoming annual event- THE PROM! There's talk of dress- es and shoes, tuxedos and limousines. Whispers -of who's going with whom can be heard everywhere. The Prom Comxittee has done an amazing job of planning ahl the defails, and, with a car wash still to corne, if looks as if thie night will be perfect. The counfdown has begun as we are int o the home stretch at thiis location. Our new school on Middle Road is progressing at a very fast pace and bofh staff and stu- dents are looking forward to being moved in nexf September. Teachers have worked very hard this year in particîpating in thie planning for the new facility and many regularly visif the site to ensure thaf fhings are being built according to plan. If's a batulbuilding and ail stu- dentis should take pride in theichysca space next year andI( ini th-e year'sto comIný 13,0ghchooL. School News Waterloo Math Competition 'In (x + 3) - 4 = ln (x - 5) Solve for x" On April 21sf the Grade 12s, and on April 22nd the OAC students put on their thinking caps and tried their hardesf fo "solve for x" as Waferloo University spon- sored ifs annual Mafhematics COnfest. Although if was nof mandatory for thie Grade 12s to write thie "Euclid" test, and the OACs did not have to ,write thie "Descarfes- paper, uniess they were applying f0 thie Math/Science faculty of the Universify of Waterloo, thie teachers were strongly in favour of thie senior students writing the contest. Strong test marks can resuit in financial rewards and schol- arships to the Universify of Waterloo. The Waterloo Mathematics Confest is extremely chai- lenging and in order fo help thie students to prepare for if, thie stu dents are given thie opportunity f0 meet with feachers from the Math department af Clarke during lunch hours over thie past 2 weeks to reiew test papers from p;reviou-s years and to receivetrafuflorinig.Onthie day i offtecnefsuet wereeeptdfýrom iperiods - - -- - --a r Michael& ILiam Brown.. I Your Orono iReal Estate Team! Iimsas I eptligDdb ed otk et I okwt î.Bto oeraoDdsy iensdntwn -eroda itn "J keep tellingoDadahe needs to fdtaometo IBuyer Agency, contact: MICHAEL BROWN a t Re/Max Reflection Realty mnc. (905) 434-52222 (24 lirs) at h omne in Orono 983-5756 or e ail i1cehart@netcom.ca Clip this ad for a free L Com-parative bMarket Analysis of your home (ý I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I J A lý ýp 0 1 lý ýj