Orono Weekly Timesa Wed, Clubs d Orqanîzations Orono Cubs and Beavers graduate In a ceremony Monday night at the Orono Park, 3 beavers and 3 cubs moved Up to the next level on the scouting program. Bv mavll Tatm s e rry at 905-9852003. tjuàwl»ilanvlleToasmastrsAtendance is limited to 40, Brian Forrest. There were several firsts at the meeting. Toastmaster Cam Berry and Vanessa Hughes served as Toastmaster and General Evaluator respectively. Toastmasters Jeff Hancock and Russ Le Blanc each gave competent first evaluations. For learning that is fun and stimulating visit Bowmanville Toastmasters any Tuesday evening 7:30 - 9:30 p.m. We meet at 'The Darlington Hydro Information Centre. For more information please cail Irene Konzelmann 983-9423 Orono. BPW Club April meeting Beavers (lefi to right) Kody Kroontje, Sheldon Thompson and Michael Bullock swim up to Cubs. Cubs (Lefito right) L.T. Harris, Kyle Secord and Daniel Adam receive their walking stick, and walk up to Cubs. -..Ce Hooper's Jew.eIers. . Antique Pocket Watcbes and Modern Watch Repairing, Corne in and see our collection &f Howard Miller Grandfather Cloks -Sales and Service - Hlooper 's Jewellers 39 King St. Y. 623-5747 Bowmanville Lively round table discus- sions of resolutions were the feature of the April meeting of the Bowmanville Business & Professional Women's Club. These resolutions reveal the scope of the inter- ests and concerns that mem- bers have. Once approved at either the provincial or the federal level of the BPW orga- nization, they will be present- ed to the provincial or federal government. Although not all of them could be studled in depth, the Club's delegates are well prepared to partici- pate in the Annual Meeting of both the Provincial and of the Canadian Federation of BPW Clubs taking place in May (Trenton) and in July (Lethbridge, Alberta) respec- tively. The May meeting Is the Club's Annual Meeting dur- ing which Club Officers and FARM, NEWS INTRODUCTION TO WOODLOT MANAGEMENT WORKSHOP The Ontario Woodlot Association, in partnership wlth the Stewardshlp Councils servlng Durham Reglon, Victoria, Northumberland .,and Peterborough Counties, are hosting a one day Introduction to Fores try/Woodl ot Management Workshop For Landowners on Wednesday, May 2th. THe workshop will feature a mornlng indoor ses- sion held at the 'Garden Hill United Church commencing at 9:30 a.m. and will, be fol- lowed by an aflernoon out- door session around Ganaraska Forest. The Garden Hill facility is located on County Road 9 between Highways 115 and 28. The topics covered willl include basic tree and shrub Committee Chairs present their reports. 1998 is also an election year for the Club: a slate of new club executives will be elected for a two-year terin. The Bowmanville IEPW club received its charter in 1950 and members are begin- ning to plan for an exciting 5Oth anniversary in the year 2000. We welcome guests at our dinner meetings and extend an invitation to join us on Thursday, May 2lst, 1998, at Silk's Cafe, 73 Kng St. West, Bowmanville. A social time begins at 6:00 p.m. and is fol- lowed by dinner at 6:30 p.m. The cost for a full course meal lncluding appetizer, entree, dessert and beverage is $20.00. For dinner reserva- tions, please cail Helen Devitt at 623-3915 by Monday, May 1 8th. Irene Konzelmnann identification, forest manage- ment principles, and other forest values includlng, wildlife and recreationi. Pre- register by calllng the Ontario Mini ster'of Agriculture, Food and, Rural Mffairs in Port I ~ eWedding Cakes *4q eCackes for ail Occasions t'i le nhke e Pas tries - Don uts - Pies ftnp Bread &Buns & Tea Ro 983-9779 Proprietors: Gary & Carol Vreeker Main Street, Orono Closed S unclay & Monday E~~ Funeral Homne THOUGHTFULNESS, SERVICE & CONCERN A Famlly Owned Business, Offering: Traditional Funeral Services Prearranged & Prepaid Services - Cremation Arrangements Alternatives to Traditional Funerals - Out of Town Shipping Cory Kuipers - President 53 Division Street 623-5668 Bowmanville, Ontario LiC 2Z8 -OFF STREET PARKING The May 5t1' meeting of the Bowmanville Toastmasters under the leadership- of Chairman Toastmnaster Irene Konzelmann was a vibrant affair. The leadership theme was appropriate since elections for 1998-1999 club executive were held. The officers for the year commencing July 1, 1998 are President Carol Wonnacott; V.P, Education Vanessa Hughes; V.P. Membershlp Karen Martin; V.P. Public Relations Russ Le Blanc: Secretary Jeff Hancock: Treasurer Mike' Sullivan; Sergeant @ Arms Cam Berry; Cpl.- @ Arms iik. There is a registration fee of $20 to assist ln the costs, including materials provided. WHAT IS PAIR RENT FOR FARM BUILDINGS?7 by G. A. Fisher, Economist Owners of farm buildings frequently ask "What is a fair rent for my buildings?" There are many buildings through- out the countryside that are unused due to declining interest in livestock produc- tion. Many other buildings are unused as farm owners either seli or rent their farm- land, and have litUe or no use for the buildings. How do you arrive at either a fair askIng price or at a fair offer price for a building rental? What are the owner- ship costs for a farm build- ing'? These costs consist of fixed costs which are those that continue each year whether or flot the building is used. Flxed costs are depreciation, interest on the capital investment, repairs, if needed, taxes and insurance. While repairs, taxes and insurance involve direct cash outlays, depreclation and interest on investment do not. 0f course, if the building stili carried a mortgage, then cash would be requlred for interest and principle payments. The variable (or direct cash) costs are those whlch occur when the building is belng used. They are added repair costs and costs for electrical and water service, If required. It Is more difficuit to deter- mine the present value of older buildings that are in good condition, but are obvi- ously not as functional as a more modemn one. Often these older buildings due to type of construction, smaller doors and other drawbacks are not as useful. Also, older buildings would llkely have a higher repair cost than newer ones.