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Orono Weekly Times, 13 May 1998, p. 8

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c 8 Orono WeeklyTimes, Wednesday, May 13, 1998 Orono musician wins award Orono resident Tamara Mitchell, a member of the Oshawa Festival Singers (OFS) since 1993, is the recipient of the choir's 1998 Harriet Holton Enterprises "Chorister of the Year Award."« Tamara, was caught by surprise when the announcement was made by Director Mary-Jane Corradetti at the OFS's end-of-year ban- quet held on Monday, May 4th at the Whitby Yacht Cltub. In Tamaras words, "the night couldu't have been better." The criteria for this award included perfect attendance at all choir rehearsals and con- FROM PARLIAMEN' HILL, Alex Shepherd Sbarlng the larigest unde- fended border i the warld gives Canada and the United States ample opportunity for getting into a number of dis- putes. Rememb er Tru deau 's phrase about living next ta the U.S. is akdn ta, a mouse sleeping beside an elephant. Well even the smallest move- ments by the elephant causes huge vibrations on tis side of the border. I have been asked ta join aur Canada-Parliamentary delegation heading ta Massachusetts this long weekend ta meet with our leg- lslative counterparts from Washington. The llst of Issues at this meeting is endless. From international - Cuba and for- mer Yugoslavla - ta Great Lakes water quality and theWest Coast salmon flsh- ery. My role is ta discuss some of Canada's coricemns for the upcomirig G8 conference (Russia Is now a member) of warld economiic leaders. Actually Canada's stand- ing in this organizatian could be questioned. After aIl other countries are surpassing aur GDP, most notably Brazil and Spain. in any case the coniférence is a great apportunity for Canada ta preserit its' view of world economic conditions. certs, commitment (i.e. inde- pendent practice), knowledge of music, musical strength, assistance to the Director, and deportment in rehearsals and concerts. Tamara felt very hon- oured to be selected from among the many fine singers that belong to this choir. Tamara has been a member of the Oshawa Festival Singers for five years now, during which time she has participated in the 1995 Donny Osmond production of Joseph and the Amazing Technicolour Dreamncoat, as well as the choirs 1997 summer tour of Germany. Tamara enjoys flot only the wide varietyof musie that the choir performs, but also the camaraderie among the choristers. She lias just recent- ly commenced private voice lessons with Monica Cotton of Bowmanville in order to further develop her voice and tech- nique. Girls and boys between the ages of 9 and- 18 with an inter- est in choral music can find out more about the Oshawa Festival Si ngers or apply for an audition in June, by calling choir president Rita Jakymn at 725-3769. For example the Minister of Finance bas been very keen ta implement an early wam- lng systemi regarding finan- clal institutions. Some argue if a system had been in place the world would have had advanced notice of ecariamic turniail in Southeast Asia. Ini other words with monitoring tools problems could have been prevented. Most of the Asian crisis is due ta currency deviations and banks being tao aggres- sive as lenders in the area of real estate. Because too much llquidity is chasing property values it causes inflation. 0f course when the bubble bursts tons of capital becames wortbless. And with the inevitable support pro- grams of the International Manetary Fund often the peo- ple are penalized for the grand schemes of a few spec- ulators. Because commerce gener- ally and banIng in particu- lar, are becoming globalized it's important that warld baning experience a degree of stability. When Mr. Martin original- ly proposed a monitorinig device most countries were rather cool ta the thought. Since most of them have had time ta reflect an how the CoMmmunity policing partnership program James Flaherty, Ontario's Solicitor General and Minister of -Correctional Services, issued a cali ta Ontario municipalities ta participate ti the new Community Policing Partnership program while vlsiting the Whitby Cammunity Office of the Durhamn Reglonal Police. -The people of Ontario have a right ta, not only be safe ti their communities, but to feel safe," Mr. Flaherty said. "I call on Ontario municipalities to take up our offer to help them hire up to 1,000 new police afficers." The Community Policing Partnership program is part of the government's five-year $150 million ($30 million annual) commitment ta enhance cammunlty safety annaunced iri this week's Ontario Budget. "I arn very encouraged by this offer of assistance, " said Chief Kevin McAlpine of the Durham Regional Police 'Service. "Every new officer we can get out on patrol increased the level of service we cari provide ta the people we are swarn ta protect. This riew provincial furiding will help us do aur jobs of making aur communities safer and more secure." Durham East MPP John O'Toole said, "As Durham Regional Police are urider- manned, this announcement could mean more front line police ti aur growth conimu- nity." Asian crisis has affected their own econom ies they are now seeking the degree of menit ta the pracess. We aren't talking- about creatlng a riew bureaucracy, but rather, having.same of aur own regulators plugged into their counterparts from other countries i order ta detect manetary weakriesses. Look at itthis way, if we cari predict world weather coriditions why not banking conditions as well? When we put moriey in the bank, increasingly, we are riot too sure where it may end Up. Who do you look ta, and how, daes one insure deposits in a globally-tradlng finaricial institution? These are alI questions which are giving many of aur regulators big headaches.- I'm looking forward ta, sit- ting down with my U.S. caun- terparts i preparatian for the next G8 meeting when Canada can further advance the philosophy that we don't have ta experience fmnarcial disasters if we take steps ta ensure it will not happeri. The offset to global-trading campantes will be dloser rela- tions between global regula- tors, a positive move Ii.light of Southeast Asia's recent economie problems that could very well cause problems for aur rebounding ecoriomy. Under the program the Ontario Gavernment will pro- vide matching furids for up ta 50 per cent of salary casts for newly hlred police officers who represent a net addition to the strerigth of a police sier- vice. The balance of the salary and ather related costs will be pald by the municipality. Hiring replacemenits for retir- ing or otherwise departing officers will riat be eligible for, assistance. "We want ta get mare officers an patrol - we want them ta be more visible i their cammunities. espe- clally i areas of high criminal actlvlty," sald Mr. Flaherty. "With these 1,000 riew offi- cers, police services will be able ta mncrease police visibil- ity and presence ti residen- tial neighbourhoods, in local parks and i downtown cen- tres that are being affected by crime." OROO TWNHALL EUCHRE RESULTSI jHigh- 1) Aleek Moffat - 100, 2) Velma Jakeman - 83, 3) Esther Allun - 82, 4) Grace Coatham - 80, 5) Ray Staples - 77, Low - May Tabb; Draws - June Wilson, Chartes Campbell, Hilda Caswell, Lavina Downes, Nerta Masters, Bernice Partner. NOTIC TO LL CIIZEN Deadline Extension for the Registratilon of, Apartment-In-Houses On April 28, 1997, Council passedtwo- by-laws concerning Apartments-in-Houses. The first by-law permitted Apartments-in- Ho uses in a single or semi-detached dwelling unit in the urban areas provided the unit met the standards of the Ontario Fire and Building Codes. In addition, the by-Iaw grandfathered existing Apartments-in Houses under certain conditions. The second by-law passed by the Municipality required each homeowner to, submit an application for the registration of existing Apartments-in-t-ouses by April 28, 1998. Council at its May 11, 1998 meeting approved and passed an amnendment to the Apartments-in-Houses by-law extending the deadline for the registration of ail existing Apartments- in-Houses from April 28, 1998 to June 30,1998. Apartments-in-Houses applications and informational pam- phlets entitled 'çitizen's Guide to Safety Standards for Apartments-1 n-Hou ses" and "Citizens Guide to Apartments-in-Houses: Somne Questions & Answers" are available t hrough the Planning and Development Departrmenrt located on the second floor of the Municipal Administration Centre located at 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville. Questions regarding Apariments-in-Houses should be direct- ed to the Planning & Development Department at (905) 623- 3379. Franklin Wu, M.C.I.P., R.P.P., Director Planning & Development Department ONTARIO Dates of Publication: Wednesday, May 13, 1997 P O. #7408 MASARU KARATE CLUB RICK JONES, Instructor 4858 Regional Road 18 S Newtonville, Ontario LOA IJO Tel. (905) 786-2793 - Fax: (905) 786-1031 Classes for Chlldren and Aduits

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