E Orono WeekyTi-ni*,Weinesday, Septemnber 30, 1998 -1 The Barney AdamisBlues BandClsfid Hard-drivng blues played wlth feeling and attitude... .that's how The Bamney Adams Blues Band is described, the Chicago style blues band due to bring down the Orono Town Hall Saturday, October l7th. It's the fourth appearance for the band at the Town Hall, since the inception of the BLues1 Night concept in 1995 as a vehicèle for raislng ftrnds to keep the historic hall open to the public. The band's frontmen are Gord Barnes and Gary Adams, two life long friends who have been playlng blues together for over 25 years. Gord's blistering harmonica work is establishing him as a force to be reckoned wlth. After mastering the sound and tech- nique of many great blues harp players. he has added- his own unique style wich appreciative audiences say rises harp solos to a whole new level. His playing is a great compliment to the growling vocals and guitar work of his partner Doc Adams, who has'the ability to infuse current songs wlIth the emotion and edge of traditional blues. Th.is year's event wfil feature tbree guest artists in addition to the four-member band. . .Steve Bekessy from, the Bekessy Blues Band, sax player Sandy Taylor and trombonist Bryan Livett from the Tishomingo Jazz Band. Tickets are $12 each, with a cash bar available. They must be purchased in advance. Please contact Krystyna Jones at 983-- 9782 or 983-6013 or Gord Barnes at 623-6860. Come on out and support your local Town Hall.... .this year is its' lOO0th Anniversary, with good music, good friends and good cheer! It ail starts at 8:30 p.m., the Saturday after Thanksgiving. ~ Subscribe to the Orlono %Weeklýy limes (continued from page 14) BERRY BANK FARMS Taunton Road R. R. #2. Orono (1 1/2 miles west of Hwy. 115) SAT. OCT013ER 10,1998 10:00 Ia. Selling- fulll une of farm equipment, tractors, machinery, vehicles, hardwares, tools, etc. For Information and to consign to this Auction contact the AUCTIONEER JOHN D.* BERRY R. R. 2, Orono (905) 983-5787 30 ac GRIST MILL AUCTION CENTRE, Newtonville OCTOBER 2nd, FRIDAY 6:00 p.m. Selling the attractive contents from the home of Frances Gray, Port Hope: Missionoak buffet and china closet. ornate oak sideboard, several occasional tables- swivel occasional table. oak music stand, oak hall seat and'mirror, drop front desk, smoker cabinet, numerous antique chairs, walnut tea wagon, floral ivory cheserfield suite, lampls. old rockers, fern stands, antique large sideboard. bedroom furniture, waterfall cedar chest, Berkey & Gay chiffonier, Sligh-Emplre matchlng hlgh boy. dresser and drop leaf nlght stand, paintings. (Lamble, G. Stewart, G. Grant, William Carson), china cabinet. Tffany style lamp, oul lamps. crocks. quilts. linens, beautiful jardiniere, silverware, wickerware, quantities of attractive chin a, Goebel, Limoge, set of Coronationware 'Ontario', Royal Wlnton, Royal Tudorware, Royal Worchester, Crown Ducal Chintz, 1 Noritake, Cranberry, Bavarian. Mason Flow Blue, Depression, Shelley, Anynsl ey. etc. etc, brass lamps,, bronze larnps and more ... PREVIEW FRIDAY after 2:00 p.m. AUCTION STARTS at 6:00 p.m. AUCTIONEER FRANK G. STAPLETON ICCA, CAL, Newtonville (905) 786-2244 1-800-263-9886 30 ac, Tîmberhou.s Suppty heu, chinking, Westher -Bos EnnîiroSate stasaoid mers 708)286 3.'78q1 Dr a- mail: fimberhso@h- haIl nc CHRISTIAN MINISTRYIBUSINESS OPPORTUNqITY. Joîn growîag network aI Chrstian Franchisses, Seras the Lard & yasr Cummunîty. Pratectei lterrîtarîes. Inestmenl reqairont, SIGNIFICANT ROI. Training Il support. Cati t-800-663-7326. CASH IN/CASH OUT Coke, Hoteus, M&M. Re stock estahtishent unique vendors an your areas. Nu seller, Pull-ime, part-tiras. Minimum înveatmenl $13,980. t- 88-5038884 (24 hours). Mmere 6.. $140,000/yr Potentiel. Test Profit magazine seala Bsst busess ta go in10 '8..' Low oveiheant + ne inaentoiy= Veiy Profitabte Franchis! Cati naw, ree information: t-888-679-2201. ACCESS TO CASH ASSETS' RRSP, LIRA or LIF awners, pou cen hurm your îvesstmeots ita, cash RII3HT N0W wilfrout payîng tasa Deent Sefore a soicitor No deposit. Tel: Otawa & ares 1-800-399- 7040. Toronto & rea 1-888-548-7708. TRAVEL PROPESSIONALS INTERNATIONAL #1 transi aoency franchise campany in Canada is seS- îng associales, flitor part lime. Falltfranng, support, manuels, software for resemvations. Ineestrasat $7500. Serîoua applîcents only. Cati 1-888-857- 7139. FREE iNC0ME Tas franchise. Limitaitlimes Canantes 2nd largeot and tasta growîng incarne fw preparation franchise. No initiai franchise tee. Low start-up cool a.Excellent teftrrîlnse uatahîs 1l-800- 665-5144 LEARO ,AUC;TICNEERING. Cassh1fNsme 1-20, '98. For information conîscýl: o theeerni O)nturia chool aI Auctîaneorîng, .6i 55 Wod- stoo, iOa N4S 7V9. 1 -0-7-9 Eocîfn toli p ait arlroincampuler prograraraîng. Wa wmoi piper- surlabie opplîcanta Mnisliy et Edu- caïtion Regî.sterent Home Stady Cîptoma Prograra. Pînaa assistance, oauner carapter systeme and »obplacementt otls anaîtebte, Noexspenience neces- aary. OMS 1-800-477-9578. BOA SCESPL WRTE,..îh arFr e hMe- Avenue 1te38,CowO FL62 SAWMILL $489D SAW LOuS INTO BOARDS, pleko, basoas. Large capacily. 65sf saîmlt salue anywhere. Free inforration 1-800-566-689f,. Nor- wood Sawmia, R.R 2, Kilwrthy, OntsaF00 iG.. CALL NOWI P-1l 266 Computera, Sharp 27' televi- sions, StarClroice ExpressView satellite dishes, White Westngthouse appliances, 15' Scott carioes. Prom only $625 parwelr. 1-800-267-9466. ALPAG AS AND LLAMAS - Thre word's finest live- stock anveotoreot. Fun, easy to raioe and profitable. Large herd ta choooe rom. Hdden Pature Ranch. 613-987-2052. JOCUS EDUCATIONAL lOTS C tehang 20 sac- cessafat years. 350+ qaalitly, games, craftta .up- plemeat yoor lsmîly incarn ding home parties, tundraisers, Catalogue ales180-161-4587, ex 9343. $A-TTENTON SUDENS$ Make o lot a ofarey saetti he an as New prarlacta availabte. 651h- ing tapy radsce. Fast ttshvery 1-800-383-3589. U0 TOU LOVE TO CROSS STITCH? !,Jaînur STYTCHEN ÎmME rendshîp club. t'a frit Parmors iformation and catalogue len ta aur messgeatt 888-666-4806. 302WITH%;O.UT CLASSES!' Sate, rapid, non-surgeia permanent reatanatias an 6-8 weeks. Airlîne pilot deaelaped. Doclor appronsd. Free intarmaution by mail 406-96t1-5570 est 253. Fao 406-961-5577, hsP:y/w'ýww.aîionrssdom.com, Satisation gauruîî testt. WE WILL RENEW YOUR FAlfITIt PSYCHICS..GiS ed, honest, rasaters reneol fture. Adaîce on lacs, success, work, healttt, mooey, relotionahîpa. 24 h Lins. 18+ $3.39/min. 1-900-&10-3113. MARRAGF MNCD mnL.ILcl a atre tionalpronl.Wrt r aITh ea tshpOfice, 635-87As E ~0V B 2 H.Telephone 4033588,-al tancescw STEEL BUILDINGS..Endjs actudent. Go OreL.t16e 24 $288600. 21 0 30 $376000. 25 x 40 $56ý24.00. 32 e 44 $66835080.34 xe566$63860.0ù. 4.j e60 $9,88600. 46 s 30 $1304480. 56 a 90 $2288800. Othera. Pioneer l-8-668-5422. FUTURE STEEL BUILDINGS. Ai-purpose structarea praalding protecton for your înaestmenta. Inrdustri, Recreatioset, Agrîcaltural apecîiîlizationu. Custara Salît to sait pour aseits Factory-Direct Saviaga, Financîng & Leasing Options. Cati 1-800-668-5111 sot 536. MUST LICUIDATE COMMERCtAL tBEAM streiglit- watt clear san buitdings catourent watts and fnim, var. loua sîzes 300x40', 40088' ta 80xl 5V. Drastîcelty dis- caunled. Ceit naw and Saave1-888-875-9894. *Complete Car & Truck Repairs. Diesel Engines Cummins, Detroit & Cat. *Radio Dis patched-Tow Trucks e eMobile Mechanical Service Truck. R.R. 1', Orono LOB 1 MO, 4 Miles North of Hwy 401 on, Hwy 35/115 -rUK & A0 -REA - LrD ( z >1 E Ca Il me ta buy or sell... Orono and area's real estate representative. . - Kryslyna Jones 983-6013 ASSOCIATES (DURHAM)lnc. 1050 Simcoe St. N., #103, Oshawa TEL: (905) 721-2112 fabulous dual or single family brick bungalow on 3/4 acre- country lot just east of the ski hili...$ 193,900! (905)- 983-9151 UT PAYS TO ADVERTISE IN THE, ORONO WEEKLY TIMES