Prn ekY Times,, Wednesday, Octobeër 7,9g: Classif ieds (continued from page 14) SAT., OCTOBER l7th, 11:00 a.m.L Selllng the Farm Equipment and Household effects of Wendell and Freda Trineer, R. R. #l1, Orono, farm located 3576 Conc. Rd. 4, 1/4 mile east of Hwy. 115: Ford 3600 diesel tractor w/allied loader and 2 buckets (1300 hours), MF 20 85 gas tractor (new rubber), Howse 5 ft. rotary mower. MF-2 furrow plow, (3 pth). MF - 9 ft. cuîtlvator (3 pth). 5 ft. garden cultivator (3 pth). 6 ft. rear blade (3 pth), JD - 14 ln. post hole dlgger (3 pth), Garber seeder (3 pth), 2 wheel trailer, land roller, pick up racks, steel cattie feeders, buzz saw and blades, 7 Trusses (20 ft.), quantities of lumber, 32 ft. aluminum ladder, shop equlipment.' vises, anvil, shop vac, 'body grinder. cant hooks, chains, pulîcys. cable, 2 - 32 ft. poles, chain saw, carpenter tools, Milwright tools,- old flshing equipment, Kenmore almond fridge and stove, rocking chairs, high chair, gun cabinet, filing cabinet, trunk, gultars. records, books, household effects, etc. etc.... Everything in Good Condition Owvners Moving Plan to Attend Ternis: Cash, App. Cheque. Visa, M/C, Interac AUCTIONEER FRANK G. STAPLETON Newtonville (905),786-2244 1-800-263-9886 7, 14 ac (continued page, 12) SAT.. OCTOBER loth 10:00 aa.. BERRYBANK FARMS Taunton Road R. R. #2, Orono (1 1/2 miles West of Hwy. 115) Selling a fulll une of farm equlpment. tractors, machinery. vehicles, hardware. recreational items, tools. lumber etc. TRACTORS - restored' Int. 414 Case 1690 2 wd. EQUIP/MISC. - 1981 skldoo everest 464 c. 6 Iocking headrails panels, square balers. lawn mowers. Danuser post hole auger. NH 679 manure .spreader w/endgate/top beater, log splitter, haybine, 5 hp 3 phase air-compressor. Patz 98B silo unloader, roto tillers, tractor weights. 16 ft. tandem traller, snowblowers, discs, plows, cultivators, caroni tc7lOm 3 blade rotary mower, 100 gai sprayer. agri-vent strawchopper w/5.5 hp motor, prouix bedding chopper, 20 ft. culvert, 213 new idea manure spreader, buckets 2-54" x 72» picture window w/double thermal low E agron, truck box for one ton, JD 6 furrow plow. LUMBER - cedar, hemnlock, hickory, 5 & 6 ln. oedar posts. TRUCKS - 1990 GMC 3/4 ton van, GMC truck w/pitman auger body. 1981 Int. truck w/dump box. This is only a partial listing. LIST SUBJECT TO ADDITIONS AND DELETIONS TERMS ARE CASH OR CHEQUE W/PROPER ID OWNERS AND AUCTIONEERS ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ACCIDENTS OR MISHAPS L UCNH BOOTH FOR INFORMATION FOR THIS AUCTION CONTACT THE JOHN D. BERRY 1Orono 905-983-5787 7 ac performs secretarial and clerical services for the school, and performs delegated duties under the direction of the Principal and the Elementary Secretary. Proven intermediate level secretarial and clerical skills are required, including experience in office procedures and business machines. Intermediate level technical skills in WordPerfect and spreadsheet software are required. Strong interpersonal, coimmunication and organizational skills are required in order to meet the varied requirements of an elementary school. Please fax, or mail, your letter of application, stating qualifications and complete resume by 16 October 1998 to: Principal Orono Public Sehool 171 Church Street, Box 30 Orono, Ontario LOB iMO Telephone: (905) 983--5006 Fax: (905) 983-8194 Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board is an equal opportunity employer. We thank ail who apply, but advise that only applicants to be linterviewed will be contacted. Personal informnation is collected under. t u QLLAcL, S.17(3), c.E.2, and will be used for employment purposes only. GRIST MIPL AUCTION CENTRE. N'ewtOnville Th,,ksgi-[çlng Holiday MOINDAY OCTOpER l2th io:0P a-m Selling the nattractive and interestîng contents froma the home o( Mary Joncs and the late Charles Melville Jones, Newtonville (pioneers of the local telephnne industry and1 founders Of the Port Hoee/Newtonville telephone eý,change), also selling the Estate property 4503 Hwy. 2, conslstlng of 1.46 acreS. 5 bedroom, 1 full bath, 2 haif baths, central air, appliances, 2 storey brick home and 2 exterior buildings includlng the former Orange Hall, S/E corner of Hwy. 2 afd Newtonville Road: 9 pc. Krug walnut dlnlng sulte, several occasional tables, 2 drawer tamp stand, Empire séfa. parlour chairs, 2 pc. Provincial >chesterfieltl. 3 Pc. Deilcraft eoffee suite, lamps, RCÂ remote TV, Sears VCR, çntrance hall table, Ogee çlock. school dlock, old Wall phone, candieç stick phone, table phones,_plhone parts, occasional,ç.hairs, 5 pc. kitchen set, bookcases, books, coin collection. several oil lamps-and crocks, colectable china and glass, silverware, 7 ft. Harvest table, several pine chairs, pressback chairs, séveral pine tables, fern stand, cedar chest, Provinicial bedroomn furniture, beds, antique chests of' drawers, Robinson caned chairs, quilts, bedding. waterfall b.edroom suite with vanity. 2 combination chest wardrobes, Raymond tredle sewlng cabinet, large armoire, numnerous old pictures, frames. paintlngs, prints, samplers, wicker dol carniage, youth bed, old bar counter fromn Newtonville tavern, old switchboard, advertising, artlfacts, historical pleoes. Newtonville Band bass drum, flags. puimp organ, antique gas enginie, qty. of insultators, camera equipment, old tools, numerous rare articles etc. etc .... PREVIEWMONDAY 8: 00 a. m. AUCTION STARTS at 10:00 CL m. Real Estate Offeoed at 12 Noon AUCTIONEER FRANK G. STAPLETON ICCA, CAI, Newtonville (905) 786-2244 1-800-263-9886 7 ac Food for thought!l Shari*nga Future, \A/1 Written and submitted b-Y Able Hunter; Kendal The Sun sets against an azure and mauve coloured sky, a scarlet testament to days end. The hilisides ablaze, a palette from the creators hand. Night then falîs like a curtain, an epilogue to the day's theatre. 1 lie here looking at the stars and wonder are they heavenly bodies or simply holes in the curtain that separates heaven from earth. The sweet scented evening air, e nvelopes me like a silken womb The coyotes chorus transports me to a far away place, as the sounds of the earth's night creatures serenade me to sleep. NE WCA .STLE FUNERAL HOME, ~FunraUJ'u-ector -Car[ qooti Personal, professional, affordable service. Genesis Bereavement ResourceCentre on-site to serve the community. Informative funeral home tours are welcome. 386 Mil Street South, Newcastle (Just nortfl of 401 ~ Paing off oi.gert Stree t) (905)< 987-3964 -9 Complete Car & Truck Repars.a *Diesel En gifles a Cummins, Detroit & Cate @ Radio Dis patched Tow Trucks a eMobile Mechanical Service, Truck a R.R. 1, Orono 1019395 LOB 1iMO (05 98,95 4 Miles North of Hwy 401 on Hwy 35/115 JO.ES ( z Cati me to buy or selL. Orono and orea's reai estate representatîve.. Kryslyna Jones 983-6013 ReoItyp-rNet ASSOCIATES <DURHAM>Inc. 1050 Simcoe St. N., #103, Oshawa TEL: (905) 721-2112 Ibungalow on 3/4 acre country lot just east of the Ski hiil... $ 187,500!. 1