6 Orono Weekly Tirnes.,Wednesday, October 7, 1998 Fail Fun Fair InI NewcasIte The infamous downtown corner played hast to a different gang Saturday morlling. Steve, Bey, Bruce and Bannie af the 'Down an the Camer Gang' played and sang cauntry saiigs thraughaut the marning. The day-long fair ended with a Harvest Dance in the Town Hall Saturday night. Father Jones took children, Michael, Lindsay and Melissa out for a pancake breakfast cooked up by the Knights af Columbus.__ ___________ Newcastle was a busy place ail day Saturday with this years annual event. Thie day kicked off with the faurth annual Lions 'Dog-Walk-A-Thon'. -A hundred dogs and at least twice as many people walked the 5 km af 10 km route. This event sponsored by the Lians Club raised over $1 2,000 for the Lions Foundation Dag Guide School in Oakville. Provincial, seat beit campaiign Saturday, October 3rd, 1998 marks the beginning of the Provincial Seat Belt Camipaign with a 24 hour national seat belt blitz titled "Operation Impact". During this two week period, police officers thraugh- out Ontario will enforce the wearing of seat belts wîth zero tolerance fo r offenders. Special emphasis will be on the safety of children in motor vehicles and the proper use of child restraint seats. Failure ta wear a proper seat belt or ensuring passengers under the age of 16 years of age are properly secured, carry fines of $105.00 as welI as two Demerit Points on the driver 's Lîcense.. In Durham Region Iast year there were 8,103 motar vehicle collisions reported, resulting in 2,635 injuries and 21 fatalities. Let's work tagether and try ta reduce that number with the help of properly used seat beits, and child restraints. Textbook delivery to sohools almost complete During the next week, the schaal's order, and then deliv- final load af new textbaaks is ered ta the schaals. The .cast scheduled ta be delivered ta ta the Board for storage, sort- Kawartha Pine Rdge District lng and dehivery af the baaks School Baard schaols. lihas been approximately The delivery wlll bring a $6,000. Another $3,'200 was close ta the flrst phase of a spend callating ail of the Ministry of Education and ordering information ta meet Training initiative ta provide the Mlnistry's deadline.' schoals with new textbooks ta "O0ur only regret with this support the new province- initiative bas been the addl- wide cunricula for Language, tional expenses that have Mathematics, Science and been incurred by the Board. Technology, and'the new We are looking forward ta the Kindergarten pragram. second phase of this fundlng "We are pleased that many wbich will let schaals arder of the textbaoks on the list of some aof the mucli needed appraved texts from the equipment and resources ta MVinistry were the saine ones support the new Science and that we have been recam- Tecbnology Curriculum. As mending ta schaals," says well, it is hoped that the Jan Pomeroy, Principal of Mlnistry lias in place a mare Program for the Kawartha streamlined ardering and Pine Ridge District Schoal delivery pracess ta alleviate Board. "Aithaugli they have the difficulties that suppliers arrived later than expected and boards had ta deal wlth from the publishing campa- this time." nies, they are sure ta enhance Geof Dudding, Principal of aur instructional pragram for James Strath Public School aur students.", in Peterboroughi, says many The Kawartha Pine Ridge of the new textbooks have District School Board received been delivered ta bis school, an allocation of $2,058,041, and are beginning ta be used and was directed by the in classrooms. Mlnistry ta use two-tbirds of "Our teachers were qulte the allocation ta arder text- anxious ta, receive the new books this past spring. The textbooks, as they have been remainder of the allocation working wlth the new cur- will be made by the Ministry riculum since we started this fall ta purchase science class in Septemnber," says and mathematics equipment. Dudding. 'Teachers and stu- A total of 62,157 books fromn dents are looklng forward ta 16 different pïxblishing com- uslng these updated panies were ardered. The total resaurces which are clos ely cast of Board's order was aligned with provincial cur- $1,447,902. riculum expectations." Due ta the large number of books ordered, and the inabil-- ity of publishers ta deliver dlrectly to schools, the Board Ieased warehouse space to accammodate the delivery of the bookçs. The books had al arrlved by September 18, delivered an -large, waoden flats and covered by plastic sbrink wrap. The books then had to be sorted ta meet each IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE Saturday, November 7th &8th, 1998 9:00 a.m.'to 4:00 p.m. United Steel Workers Hall 115 Albert Street, Oshawa Vendors Wanted Cali (905) 721-9158 1