SO r, D oiWé-eek ly Thes Wdnsdy. ctbe,7 .99 Heidi wins big at National Championships Ontario dairy farmners continue to give miore, milk to Food Banks Bowmanvi lie Toastm asters Dave Taylor's dog Heidi has only competed in one Jack Russell Terrier National Competition and has already earned a rack fu11 of ribbons. Twenty month old Heidi came home from Burlington lasi weekend a big winner. Besides earning ribbons in 9 other- events, Heidi was declared 'Grand Champion' in the 'Go To Ground' competi- tion. Heidi is owned by Dave Taylor of Orono, who said, "I knew she was fast but not this fast." Dave entered his dog Minnihaha Heidi ( dog's ful namne) in the 7th Annual International Competition put on by the Jack Russell Terrier Club of Canada. In the 'Go To Ground' com- Not a great deal to report this week as, far as the sighting of birds is concemned. I do have, to thank Royal Lee of the Leskard area for his phone caîl.- Five Bluebirds dropped ti to pay a visit to hits water fountairi which is certainly worthy of note. Royal bas a great concerri for Bluebirds and looks after somne thirty Bluebird houses ti the area. He reports that he had two used for nesttng this past summer which is down somewhat -from former years. "Perhaps they have moved on to other areas," he states. No doubt Royal will be lookng for them to retumn next summner. I do have one bird to report, that of a Pine Warbler busy searching for -food in a Mountain Ash tree. t was rather an odd petition, Heidi had to run through 30 feet of tunnel with three 90 degree turns in it. This was no small feat for Heidi being that the tunnel was only eight inches high and Heidi herself stands 14 inches tail. At the end of the day, Heidi was awarded Sth best Canadian Breed. Dave says it's important to bond and spend time with your dog. The trials, according to Dave are to have fun with your dog.. sightlng ti that at the time I was painting a window. With the sun in the west the shadow of the Mountain Ash was showing up ti the glass. I soon realized that a small bird was flying about from twtg to twtg, no doubt- i search of insects. Moving to the sun side of the tree 1 did get a good look at the bird which had to be a Warbler ti fail colour. t did have white wing bars that eltminated a goodly number of fal Warblers. An d further the body was rather yellowish. SMy best bet had to be a Pine Warbler. There are still some stragglers around of many species but they generally go uridetected at this time of year. A slghting is more by chance. l'm afraid that is it for this week. The friendly competition took place at Bowmanville Toastmaster Club on September 29, 1998. The occasion was the Humorous anid Table Topics (impromptu) speech competitions where several guests joined the enthusiastic club members in the auditorium. Gong to the area contest are Toastmaster Russ- Le Blanc and Toastmaster Jeif Hancock, for the humorous competition. In the Table Toplcs contest Toastmaster Karen Martin and Toastmasster Jeff Hancock wil represent Our Bowmanvtlle Club. Several guests comnented on the warm, frtendlyatmo- sphere that prevailed throughout the evening. Much of the credit for the success of the meeting was due to the capable prepara-. tion by V.P. Education Toastmaster Vanessa Hughes. Join us at our next compe- tition ti Bowmanville on, October 20th, 1998. Meet and greet 6:30 - 7:00 p.m.; contest commences 7:00 p.m. We meet at "The Darlington Hydro Information Centre" Bowmanville. For more information please 1 phone Irene Korizelmanri 983-9423. Newcastle Ratepayers The regular meeting of the Newcastle Ratepayers associa- tion was held on Thursday, September 24, 1998, in the Lions Room at the Newcastle Coînmunity Hall. Chairman Willie Woo welcomed-the 30 people in attendance. Ward 4 Councillors Charlie Trim and John Mutton each gave a report on their public duties. Trim has been looking into concerns regarding snowplow- ing and keeping the roads clear at the Bondhead Cemetery, spraying weeds on public prop- erty and the issue of youth in the Community. The persons operating The Meat Man, on Hwy. No 2, west of town, have been violating many local by- laws according to Trim, and these incidents are being inves- tigated. Regional Councillor John Mutton was pleased with the budget the Municipality was able to produce. "A lot of credit goes to the late Gamnet B. Rickard and the Council of the day for their foresight when assessment changes were made in the 1 980's thus avoiding the need to catch up now," said Mutton. Mutton also reported that the public has not noticed much improvement in area crime since the instigation of Community Policing. Improvements have been mnade to Mill St., both the road and sidewalks, a new street light has been installed at the four corners and new garbage containers have been placed on the front streets. A newý fire- hall for the village is in the 1999 capital budget. "Newcastle is the only village within the Municipality to have a firehaîl housed in a former garage," stated Mutton. A new twin pad arena for Toronto St. is in the long terni planning stages. Chairman Woo reported the Cairn commemorating the Old Newcastle, Public School will be under way soon. Brenton Rickard reported that renovations to the Newcastle Community Centre were progressing well. Mr. Herb Taylor of the Historical Society is compiling a list of local citizens who have made outstanding accomplish- ment over the last 75 years. Mr. Taylor will be accepting suggestions of namnes for his list. In respect to the damage being donc to the Town Hall and surroundings by skate- boarders, Councillor Mutton suggested the possibility of putting up surveillance cameras at strategic locations. The next regular meeting will bc held on Thursday, October 22nd, with Tenzin Gyalstan of the IGA as guest speaker. RECCLE " e do'1sta à à Orono -g ete eur. custemers cemments ever the last four menths, we are pleased te anneunce our new business heurs effective immediately. - Monday to Friday f rom 9 to 5 - for Sales - Monday to Thursday f rom 10 to 4 and Friday f rom 10 to 5 - for Teller Servie