Oronv, WeekJy Times, Wednïesclay, October 14, 1998 -5 AGRICULTURE AND AGRI-FOOD CANADA Message from the secret'ary of state Thougli what Mrs. Vanlith of Leskard Rd. is holding in hier hands could be mistaken for their Thanksgiving turkey, it is in fact a puf ball.. Mrs. Vanlith watched it grow in lier back field last week. Upon inquiring, she found out that fried with a lot of butter, the mushroom is quite edible. Bo"wmanlaville Museum New BOWMINANVILLE MUSEUM FREE FALL The evening of October 16th, from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m., is our Annual Free FaIl event. This is when the Mus eum is open with FREE ADMISSION in the evening, to allow peo- ple, who are ordinarily busy during the day, a chance to visit the Museum. This year we will also be featuring Andrea Mesgaros giving a pioneer wool spin- ning demonstration wlth a spinning wheel. Wamner Fehn will be entertaining us on our restored 1901 Jury-Dominion piano in the Museum Parlour. As an added bonus, all vis- !tors to the Museum during Free Faîl, an-d during Applefest the nextý day, will be able to -purchase BEANIE BABIES from thie Museum Shop for only $10.00 (tax included). Each Beanie pur- chase will give you a chance to a draw for an "ERIN" Beanie Baby. This draw will be held at 2:30 p.ni. on Saturday, October l7th at the Mus eum, For more information pl'ease contact the Miuseumn Office ai 623-2734. APPLEFEST AT THE BOWMANVILLE MUSEUM Saturday, October I7th, 1998- is Applefest in Bowmanville. -The Bowmanville Museum will be taking part in the festivities. From 11:00 a.m. to,4:00 p.m. the Museum will be open for tours. From noon to 2:30 p.m. we will be serving Apple Cobbler with bot custard from the Museum Verandah, at 37 Silver Street. The cost of this delicious dessert is- only $2.50 each. On King Street the Clarington Museums display will be set up with many old photos and artifactis relating to apples. Both the Bowmanville Mus eum and the Clarke -Museum will be selling raffle tickets. The Bowmianville -Museum raffle features an orighil water- colour painting of the Museum by Bernice 1Harper as lst prize and a H-eritage ~Teddly Bear, ha-ndcrafted by Carol Anderson as 2ncI prize. Tickets are only $1.00. For more information please the Muiseumn office at 623-2734. On behaîf, of the Govemnment of Canada and as Secretary of State (Agriculture and Agri-food,, Fisheries and Oceans), 1 would like to mark the World Rural Women's Day, October 15, with ail the respect owing to the women who personiIfi the hopes and dreams of more than a quarter of humanity. In Canada, these women symbolize not only the essence of the diversity and excellence of the agricultural sector - which is the envy of the entire world - but also the vitality of ruralcommunities throughout the country. Indeed, the skills of farm women and their important role as economic partiners are essential to the vitality and prosperity of the agri-food industry and our rural com- munities. This is particularly true in the agriculture sector, which is facing important challenges. In this regard, more women are assuming a leadership role and become more involved in decision- making. At both federal and provin- cial levels in Canada, a com- mltmaent bas been made to promote and support mea-ý sures to ensure that the pro- fessional accomplishments of farm women are recognized and that they are able to par- ticipate more fully in deci- sions affecting farm opera- lions and the development of the sector.. Farm women have their own vision for the develop- ment of the agricultural sec- tor and rural Canada - a vision that they would like to share. In the interest of rural renewal, we encourage them to continue týo redefine their community at the cultural, social and economic leveis. The federal governrnent is in touch wiIh rural commu- nities and with the women who live there. For example, earlier this- year, in the -con- text of the Cana dian Rural Partnership, the Canadian govemnment introduced the "ýrural impact test," which commits federal departments and agencies to consider the impact on rural Canada when formulating policies, pro- grams and services. And there is more. In addi-- tion to intra - and intergov7 emnmental initiatives, my col- league, the Honourable Lyle Vanclief, , Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food and Minister Co-ordinating Rural Affaîrs, has introduced earlier th!i.s year the far-reachi- ing Rural Dialogue project aimed at helping men and women who live in rural coma- munities to provide input to the federal govemnment and talk to eaàch, other, to, share their experience, challenges and knowledge and learn from one another. 1 The Rural Dialogue will give us a better understand- ing of local and regional prob- lemns and help us to deter- mine the role the federal gov- emment should play in deal- lng with the major issues facing rural Canada. In Canada, as elsewhere, the power of dialogue and com- munication is undisputed, as is the record for fostering a spirit of co-operation and sol- idarity. For farm women and- women living in rural com-' munitiies, the resuit will hope- fully be an even better quali- ty of life and economic situation. Therefore, on behaîf of the Governiment of Canada, I amn delighted to have this oppor- tunity to give my support to this second World Rural Women's Day and to wish women living in rural areas every success. Gilbert Normand RECLYC-LE Now OpE-4 N UN ORO Buy &Sel We buv, Çse/I, tradile a/mos! anlythlingi9 1V's - VCR's - Stereos - Guitars - CD's - Movies - Tapes -Games (sega, saturn, playstation) - & much more For fast cash cali Sandi 983-1121 LOCATE1D ;AT 5 351 MAIN S TREET, ORONO Thbe Newcastle Lions Club would like to thank everyone, thatparticipated in the Fourth Annual Walk -a-Dog-a-thon. < We would cilso like to thank thefollowingforgifts donated. L ~Pet Value à, Welcomne Feeds' Paulmac Pet Store - Michelle's Grooming Newcastle Vterinary Clinic Newcastle IGA L -Groups assisting in our walk: -North S hore Radio Club 279 RCSCC Bowrnanville Sea Cadets Bowmnanville Badgers Fast Bail Teamn and thec Oshawa/Clarington Association for Conununity Living 4