14 - rono eeklyRues eduesda-y. October, 99 *-e For LADIES and GENTS Main Street, Orono 983-5333 BARINA HOME CHECK "Let us maire your home look lhved in" " Vacation Home Checkng " Wedding Day Services or wheneçver youre away INSURED RELIABLE REFERENCES (905) 786-2996 Barb Shetier - Ina Cox Serving Newtonville, Newcastle,, Orono & suroundng communities Flowers Plus FLOWERS e GIFTS & CRAFTS 46 King Street East NEWCASTLE 987-1500 Betty Lycett 983-5908 Wilda Middleton 983-9819 ORONO ELIECTRUC Electrical Appliances Colour TV's - Hi-Fis SALES AND SERMIE Hopoint -R.C.A. White -Westinghoust- Frigidaire - Whirlpool Wood's Freezers Magic Chef - Hoover G R U NDY-i'S Country Upholstery Quality Work in Upholstery R.R. 2, Orono 9?83-9874 Bryon Grundy ATTENTION BLUES LOVERS Blues Harmonica Champion Carlos del Junco in Concert CD Release Party Oshawa NOVEMBER 2 1, 1998 Tickets (905) 697-1999 More Info.: www.seen.com - 21, 28.ac HEATHER REBEKAH LODGE f334 BAZAAR Satuxday, DECEMBER 5 2 p.m. - 4 p.m. 124 Church St., Orono Something ForAIL The-Family 2 1, Dec. 2 ac FALL DESSERT CONCERT Kirby United Church Friday, OCTOBER 30 7:00 p.m. Music Provided By Mervyn Russel Accompanied By Mary-Clare MacKinnon Dessert Following Tickets $7.0 983-5502 623-8774 BRANSI Chrisimas1 November 1t' Includes: bus, meals, shows, ar Florida/St. 1 20-Day i January2 Cati Goligers Tri Good runnlug c( for sale, full 486D)X33 with Cal Loyal Prîni 983-5301. German SI puppies for sale, 2642. RECY9 Instali Smoke Alarms T'S THE LAW. SThe Ontario Fîre Code requires that eveîy home have working smoke alarms. NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS ESTATE 0F EVA MYRTLE GIBSON Ai ldaims against thé, Estate of Eva Myrt1ê Gibson of 37 Church St.q Drono who died August 24,1998 must beJled with. the undersigned estat@ solicitors- before Nouenibere 4. 1998, thereafter thet estate assets will be distributed having regard only ta dlaim-s thenfiled. DATED October 8, 1998 SIMS BRADY THOMSON & RABBS 117 King St. Box 358 Whitby, Ont. LIN 5S4 14. 21, 28 ac For Rent- 1 bedroom apartment for $425./month ini Newcastle. For infor- mation caîl 905-668- 4940. tfn 2,28 ac- - ~Old fishing tac] guns or ON accessories, books etc. In Lights appraisaîs aval] 3 - 20years experience. hot1el, Daniel G. ind more! 905-9 Pete's rour 25 ~Canada, USA, sil ,avel Plus 1967 and prior,c currency 1937 ai medals, lodg( badges, old po 1951 and pri( ration books, olc pens. old cheqi stock certificatei prices. We pay $ 'omputers for a 199 1 .25, systeras, Mister Murray,c monitor. 623-7901. iting Ltdi. ;hepherd = oeil 786- Inquisitive, matui to have the tira. 14, 21 ac lives. Leavlng April 22 returniri for a grand1 E~LE Europe. It is th( Mt the decade! ContP CLJCÊ Veldhuis of EI Travel (905) 623- more cdetails. 21,28 HORSEBACK RIDING Colonial Equestrian Centre 3706 Rundle Rd. (Courtice) is now accepting new students (children & aduits) for our iding and horsemari- ship programs, summer camps, etc. For furthe r ifor mation or to register cali: 195)623-7336 Homne of the Bowmanville Pony Club kle. oid related outdoor i home able. 30 Banting 983-6480 tfn MILLIONS FOR MORTGAGES lst, 2nd and 3rd Residential, Commercial, Debt Consolidation Funds upto 95% Cail: Glenn Danzey Dominion Mortgage Corporation 905-655-4960 2 1. Nov. 2 5, Dec. 23 ac General sewing doue lu my home, 5 days a week. Phone 983-9761. tfn IRWIN, Stuart and Dodi are very proud to annouince the birth of their baby boy Joshua Ross Stuart born October 8, 1998 at 2:34 p.m., weighing 8 lbs. 1/2 oz. at Lakeridge Health Bowmanville. The proud grandparents are Stuart and Alice Irwin and Wayne and Barb Brough. Baby brother to older sister Ashley. A special thanks to' Dr. Notarandrea and all the helpful nurses. 21 ac GRIST MILL AUCTION lver coins CENTRE,,Newtonville old paper FRIDAY nd prior, OCTOBER 23rd :e, etc. 6:00 p.m. osteards Selling the-contents from [or, war 2 homes; 15 ft. laser founitain sailboat, Napolean lues and airtight stove, 2 s. Super suowblowers (gas/electric ý700 each start), 3 park beuches. 5g piece. gas BBQg, file cabinets, Cal (905) dishwasher, washer, dryer, freezer, stove, 14, 21 ac French doors, deluxe buuk bed set, 5 Pc. bedroom suite, Mchesterfield suite, dining furniture, chests of drawers, dressers,- a m numerous antiques,- re adults glassware, china, ýe of their bookcases, colour TV, Canada mnicrowave, etc. g May 15 PREVIEW FRIDAY tour of AFTER 2:00 p.m. ie tour of AUCTION STARTS tact John AT 6:00 p. m. lessings Termis: Cash, Appr. -0005 for Cheque, Visa, M/C. Interac 5, 4, il ac AUCTIONEER FRANK G. STAPLETON ICCA, CAI, Newtoniville (905) 786-2244 1-800-263-9886 The family of the late Wayne Chidley wlsh to express sincere appreciation to our many friends and neighbours for the kindness and generosity shown to us at this difficuit tîme. A special thank you ta Dr. Leon Irish for his gentie strength and support. God Bless.3 Elizabeth Chidlley 21 ac 21 ac But for children wth a seeedsability or life- threateng ilness, dreams are elusive. T1he Suinshine Foundation was reted for therrr- to maýke drears cnetru, 0e-hild at a time. GOODMAKER AU' SALES & SERVIC Port Hope Saturday, October. 10:00 am. Selling the, equipment, autoi equipracut, vehicles parts, devilbiss pi shop compressor, R low rise 6000 lb. hydc hoist (110), Snap On lb. scissor hoist, jacks, engine crane,i Doktor brake andi lathe., office equipn parts, etc. Full list next weel Business relocatin AUCTIONEER FRANK STAPLET( Newtonville (905) 786-2244 1-800-263-988E *Custom Sewîri e Alterations e Homedecor *Baby Quilts VISIT OUR HOMEDECOR AD BABY SIIOP 5331 Main St., Oro rTO PETHICK & CE STEPHENSON '1tAUCTION BARN, Haydon 3lt Saturday, OCTOBER 24 at 6:00 p.m. shop Viewing from 3:00 p.m. notive Articles from an estate lu ts and Haydon and other ro air osgmns dia 3dr washer & dryer, hlgh ir ltefficient natural gas 9000 furnace and hot water floor tank, sehool desk, chairs, drum comm. plate, silverware rotor set, oak office chair, ,ment, desks, accent tables, c. Findlay oval cook stove, k. roto tiller, îawn mower, >g Fifth Avenue jewelery, ýN genuine ruby and ON diamond tear drop uecklaoe and earlugs set,. 4 springhorse, propane 6 furnace, Keumore apt. 21 ac size washer and dryer, apt. size fridge, dressers, Ibeds, 381" alura. ext. ladder, 24' alum. ext. ladder, jig saw, baud saw, joiner planer, palm sander, garden tools, ig clamps, store shelves, mise. glassware. dishes etc. Terms: Cash, cheque with ID or Visa. -AUCTIONEER ,ND DON STEPHENSON (905) 263-4402 or 'ono (705) 277-9829 tfn 21lac Thop Orono 983-9155 - Oshawa 433-2515 www.appleblossomflowers.com "Wedont Just speciallze... We moke every oider speclal. 6Danie(G. ~Banting, ine Firearms & Coffecti6(es Collections& Estate Appraisals A Speciafty ln Home Service Available GUNS BOUGHT, SOLD, TRADED 5331 Main Street, Orono 983-6480 email: dbanting@istar.ca C=O 5zeý1 'd Fruit Market 1' ALL FRESH ONTARIO GOODS *Mclntosh, Cortland, Empire, & Royal Gala Apples *Bartlett, Flemish, Beatty & Bos c Pears -Field Tomatoes FRESH CIDER Brown Potatoes South ofO0rono, Hwy 115/35 983-5628 m El ffl- Mmâ=l