O1- ekyTmsWdedy cobr2.i9S-1 Class ifleds (continued from page 14) HENDERSON, Frederick Oliver "Fred'" At his residence in Newtonville on Thursday, October 22, 1998 in his 79th year. Fred, beloved husband of the late Bernice (Brown). Loved father of Peter & his wife Donna and Carol & her husband Ken Byars. Laving grandfather of Stephanie, Deane, Jay, Klmberly and Melissa. Brother' of Beverley Henderson, Cecil Henderson and Mary Wade. Friends were able ta caîl at the Morris Funeral Chapel, 4 Divsion St.,- Bowmanville on Saturday from 7 - 9 p.m. and Sunday from 2 - 4 and 7 - 9 p.m. Funeral service was held in aur Chapel on Monday at 1 p.m. Interment Lakeview Cemetery, Newtonville. Donations ta the Canadian Cancer Societv o r ,c¶rhar t f mi ar choice would be grai appreciated. LEONARD I. SUTC) (PeeWée) aged 57 Suddenly at his hor Bowmanville on Fr October 23, 1998. friend and compani Carol H-ooey. Dear f of John, Melanie & Woodcock, Tim, Jan Sue, Teresa &B Kealy- Lovlng grandf of Alex, Alicia, Rcl J.C., Valerie, T- Brandon and Brea Fondly remembere bis many sisters brothers. Visitation w The Northcutt El Funeral Home. Division St. Bowmanville 2 - 4 & p.m. Sunday. Fun service was held in Chapel 1 p.m. Mon Cremation. Meni donations may be mao the Heart & Sti Foundation. ÔUSADN ISERT, PETER aged 58 years At Lakeridge Health - Bowmanville on Tuesday, October 20, 1998. Beloved husband of Karina Isert'. Laving father of Stephanie Isert- Kohek & her husband Vladimir Kohek, and Tanya & her fiancee Ian Callaghan. He will be sadly missed by his granddaughter Erika. Visitation was held at The Northcutt Elliott Funeral Home, 53 Division St. N., Bowmanvllle from 10 - 11 a.m. Saturday. Funeral service was held in aur Chapel il a. m. Saturday. Cremation. aSpecial thanks ta the staff, nurses and doctors at Cantlnuing Care for your care and support. If desired, memorial donations may be-made ta the Multiple Scîcrosis Society or ta Lakeridge Health - Bowmanville. 28 ac )1 o' MCKELL. BARBARA itefuly (nec Ransberry) 2 c Passed away peacefully 2ac and surrounded by famlly on Tuesday, October 20, 1998 followlng a courageaus battle with LFE cancer. Beloved wife and ýLFE best frlend of Donald. Laving mother of Keith, )m n Dianne (Gregg), Debbie mIn (Ben), David (Brenda), Jeif riday, (Nadeana) and Dean D-earý (Ritsko). Sister of Mel, ion of Ken, Isabel, Mae, Harold father (M ac), Eleanor & Norma Steve and the late Russell, mie -& Lloyd, Jack, Jean & Brian Gardon. Preclous gramma father to Ryan, Heidi, Cassie, bert, Emma, Joshua and ryler, Rebecca. Forever ta be anna. missed by many family cd by members and friends. Sand Visitation was Thursday, was at October 22 from 7:30 ta lliott 10 p.m.. at the Residenoe 53 Funeraire J.M. Losielie, N., 22 Picard, Ste. Martine, 7- 9 Quebec. Funeral was at 2 neral p.m. Friday, October 23 n> the at Riverfleld Presbyterian mday. Church, Riverfield, anral ,Quebec. In lieu of flowers, ade ta do-nations may be made troke ta a charity of your choice. 28 ac 98 ap Il I -NEWCASTLE FUNERAL HOME fFunera Dtirector - CartqGoot Personal, professional, affordable service. Genesis Bereavement Resource Centre on-site ta serve the community. Informative funeral home tours are welcome. 386 Mill Street South, Newcastle (itat ntrtk of 401 -.-arkinpg off -Ag6ert St re t) (905) 987-3964 STAFFOR M 0 N U;M: E;, 143 Kiý,g Sl.ý Bowmanvijléý,., 5) 623-9160 TOLL FREE .ELDENE EDWARDI (905) 983-8105 TOM HENDERSOh (905) 983- 9608 * CEMETERY MONUMENTS GRANITE OR BRONZI MARKERS INSCRIPTIONS * COMPUTER PRINT-OUTS FREE WINTER WREAI AND FLOWERS VASEE (in Season) RANSBERRY, Russe Peacefuliy on Wcdne October 21, 1998,a Lakeshore Gel Hospital, aged ninet years and seven m< Loving husbando late Alice. (Dunc Beloved father ta Kat Allan and Doug. Bti of Mel, Isabel, Harold (Mac), Elear Norma and the late1 Jack, Jean, Gord( Barbara. grandfather to Kath Elaine, Joanne, Doui Kim, Kirk, Jennifer Andrew. Gi grandfather ta Justin, Oliva, Consi and Joelle. In lie flowers, donations n; made in memory of Ransberry ta the M( Arboretum Associa Rested at Urgel Bci Ltee., 281 Bord du (Lakeshore), PointeC Funeral ceremony Saturday, Octobei 1998 at 1:30, p.n Summerlea Ur Church, 225- Avenue, Lachine, Qu Visiting hours Thursday from 7 p.m., Friday from 7 p.m. and Saturday fr ta il a.m. GRIST MILL AUCTION CENTRE, Newtonville FRIDAY OCTOBER 3Oth 6:00 P.m. Selllng the Estate contents from'an Oshawa home, attractive 3 Pc. bedroom suite, occasional tables, chairs, vanity' dresser. dressers, palntings, lamps, records, Hammand organ, electrie mower, garden tools, Royal Doulton figures, plates, and Jugs. fridges, etc. Terms: Cash, Appraved Cheque, Visa, M/C, Interac AUCTIONEER FRANK G. STAPLETON ICCA, CAI,,Newtonville' (905) 786-2244 1-800-263-9886 28 ac Clarington Fire Calis The Clarington Fire Department responded ta the following calis durlng the peniod of October 19 ta October 24, 1998: 2 vehlicle fires; 1 grass fire; 2 fires: 9 motor vehicle accidents; 13 medical assistance calis; 1 assist other agency; 1 alarm activation cali and 1 check- out call. LDEAATH NOTICE CH BTA MNS/USINESS P POTUIT Joîn rocing oeiwork of Christ ion ranciaees. Semae the Lard & our Communîty. Protecteif todes. Investoranl requirad, SIGNIFICANT ROI. Traning & support. Caf t1- 600-663-7326. 9140,000/pr Potential. eai Profil maQazioe soys 'Bcst businesologo inoa9.'Lore overead v no iaoenloiy - VaiyProfitable Franchse! Caet now, [mesinformation: t- 888-679-2201. Discooer tio peopleetifke YOU oie moking 97,000- $t2,000+/ma cîtti the Wrldo muaIt succesofal inernet franchsa. We train pau, InveOlmani required. f-88678- 7588. CASH RIGHT NQWi RRSP, RRSP Lacked-i, LIRA (LaUrad-in Rafirament Account), LIF (Ltfs Incame Fund) or atier lokedîin accaunfos, ownero cas toto pour inveaf- mants inIa CASH RIGHT N0W WITHOUT PAYING TAXES. Dead befare a satînlar. Na deposit reqirad. Tel Oaca & ars:o t-800-399-7040. Tarants & ares: 1-88- 548-7708., ACTIVE PARTNER - Wa are aooking tor an ambifious, coctiatile, saif-starter. Catalogue îadustrp. Geoinie resîdual six figure incame. For interviec, catit Frad or Terry Hegendorfer, Local (416)770-1245 or 1-800-675- 5604 TRAVEL PROFESSIONALS INTERNATIONAL 0f Trav- ela oeacp franchise is Canada socakîng reps cîtti oaes backg0ound. Pol traning, aupport, maauels, software $7,500.00 invsofment, financîv9. Seriaus caliers. CALL 1- 888-857-7139, COTTONELLE. 3 dialribular a scaded n pour area. Launch bad nec product! Subsafil i 99/ear poentil. Mnmoum invealmenl $6000 uraofeed. Frac aodia/Nideo package. t,800-600-28990 EASA CTINERING Clapsse il aebrf4 Pî4S 7919063-09 Excîffing cclli pou careers in computer pragrommiog Wa wîli prepara sait abia appicasfo inrafry of Edacation Regolcered Home Stîîdy Dplama Pra9ramn. Financial axaistance, barrer compofar spstaanad job plocemnl taxiss ovalabla. No coperience aeccaaary. CKIS 1-80-. 477-0078- in Csansaltiqg Prctîca, la begin this monti Free calt- logue, cuti 241b. 1-909-665-7044 BE A SUClfES'OFUL WRITER . rfih0ou greor hame, vludp course- Calt fay for pour FREE B00K 1 800- 267-1820ý The Wnîfing ScIroat, 38 McArftiur Anna, Suife 3116, Ottaca, ON KiL 6R2. ýNOTI 200 JOBS Lakeide Packers near Brooks, Aberta io tir- ng for product ion abourera for day and evevng shifis. We are Lookiag for people inereslad in acareer inIre beel iaduatry. Permanent, fuîltifae mark as avaitabla. Applicanfo obould be prapared for pfrysîcal labour involv- in9 a koife. No experene required as ce frain. Day shiff starfing waga $925 hour; affamoon shiffai aria $960 tinta. Fax your resumne ta 403-501-2239 or catI ua 1-888- 700-0903 for informat ion. SAWMILL $4895 SAW LOGS INTO BOARDS, planko, beamo. Large capacify. Beuf aawmill value anywhere. Free informafion 1-800-566-6899. Novod Sacorilis, R.R 2, Klworby, Ontario POE f GO. CALLING ALL HUNTERSI ORDEA 50W froly iacredible vîdeoa an tbe mat 109 1009009e af moase, filmed in the wild. Cai TOLL-FREE 1-888-727-33f1O or oraîf soc wwc.cervi-d.com $ATTENTION STUDENTS; Moka a toi of money oelling chocoltfe bora. New producto available. Nothing ta puy in udvance. Fast dlincoy 1-800-383-3589. 202U WTH-OUT GASE 1Soa apd narigical permooa efoainn -1cka ilnapltdavel- opcd. aL rapaaiFrc fraî a f al 406- ADULT ENTERTAINMENýF1T Ode babotodcoby mail &pE pa lsa -4E .,-,oof, - FREE caa ,, e. iacrefe, coolideafiaI. HMC Videa, 5298 Parc, Manea_, t3ebac, H2V 4G7 PREGNANT? Wa Veare a Saale loa9mare ouleci a 3 V2 year aId, chaob r e Ibn avfhm1 ta, aopt aawbom Please cal AndrEa00PfnktI-reI-- TELBIDNSELBado LcfdeGo iai 6a2 92,988ý.0. 21 3 9,70.025x46$5240.JO.320x44 $6,835.00.'-3405698,360040060 9,89.00. 40070 $13,0440, 56 a 90 922,68900. Oler.Pioncer 1-800- 668-5422. FUTURE STEEL BULINGS 1 00%,Gaivalume Steel, guarantecd 20 peara Engînaareala[10010 tiîme neat in te beot. Maoy modela f0 chooefrran Free astîmata. Caîl 1-600-669-9653 eaf 536. DISCOUNT LIQUIDATION, Sfraightcoît IBeorn Commer- ciel Buildings mus[ bu movad. AIl coloured colla/frira Bravd nec izes 40x4O, 50x60, 70f90. Druolîcaîly Raduccd. Calad Sae -888-875-9894. îe H. macGRPEG.OR esday, AUCTION CENTRE at the 182 Welington St. neral Bowmanvjlle ýty-two Antiques, Collectables, onths. Household Effects, of the Jewele-y & Lumber .can). SUN., NOVEMBER lst thryn, 10:00-a.m. rother (viewing 9:00) Mae. 401 ta Waverly Rd. (Exit ýnor & 431) North ta #2 Hwy.. Lloyd, East ta Scugog St. & on & North 1 km. Dear Sunday's auction features hleen. the partial contents from L:g Jr., a local Estate, plus ,r and qualîty inclusions rrat- including flat-to-wall Josh, çupboard, 1930's sofa & stance chair, china cabinet, eu of -misc. tables (kitchen, nay be parlour. nesting, end & f Russ roffee), washstands, organ dressers, blanket box, ation. chairs & rockers (sets, urgie singles, parlour, oak, u. Lac pressbacks. kitchen etc.), Claire. tredle sewing machine, y was hooked & wool rugs, exc. r 24. 7 pcs. Myott wash set, n. at Doulton &r Hummel, Inited Figurines, quality glass & -5th china, Estate1 jewellery uebec. (rings, diamonds, gold, were pins. etc.), watches, old ta 9 books, clothing, old 7 to 9 fishing tackle, broad ax & rrom 9 mise. tools, plus many more rare, unique & 28 ap useful articles from d ays gone by. LUMBER (selling at 11:00) includes Ash, Maple & Cedar CALL FOR ALL YOUR AUCTION NEEDS MacGREGOR AUCTION APRAISAL & MOVING * SERVICES Mhael J. MACGREGOR (905) 623-7949 1-800-363-6799 28 ac- Coaxdmaker A&itc Sales & Service Ontario St., Port Hope SAT., OCTOBER 31st, 10:00 am. Selllng the following Automotive Equipment, Vehicles, Parts etc.: Devilblss Pro Air Shop Campressor. Baldor Low Risc 6000 lb. Hydra Lift Hoist (110). Snap On 9000 lb.Scissor Hoist, Two 2000 lb. Floor Jacks, 1 ton Engine Crane, Engine Stands, Drum Dokter Brake and Rotor Lathe w/accessories. 16 Speed Drill Press, Electrie Parts Washer, Bear 4 Dimension 4 Wheel Allgnment Unit, Front End Pit Ramps w/Jack, Tech One Scanner w/OBD II Cartridges. Whites R134/,R12 Recovery Recycle Recharge Unit, A.C. Sniffer, Leak Detector Kit, A.C Flush Unit, A/C R134 Conversion Kits. Cooling System Flush Unit, R12 A/C Cart w/Guages. 125 Amp. Mig Welder, Oxy/Acet Guages & Cart, Bench Grinder, Assorted Speclalty Tools, Trico Wiper Blade centre, Work Benches. Shelving, Marquette 39-IIOC Charger/Booster, Bishman 570 Bubble Balancer, Champion Fuel System Tune Up Kit, Hoppy -Headllght Aimer Kit, Shop Vac, Weed Eater, 2 Micro Fiche Units,, 4 Unit Locker Cabinet, Rebuilt 1.6 Tracker Engine, Standard & Automatic Tracker Transmissions, 3 Power Glide Automatic 2 Speed )s ZE ýTH -S - i Transmissions, 4 boit 8 cyl. Chev. Block, Suzuki Block Heaters. Exhaust Systems. Side Kick and Tracker Soft Tops, Auto Parts, Mag Wheels, Small Pickup Box Liner, Side Window Frames, Alarm System,, National Time Clock, Dlsplay and Workorder Racks, Signs and Letters, Manuals, Qty. Vital Rust & Fabric Protection, Florescent Fixtures, A/C, Office Desks, Chairs, Electrlc Typewriter, 2 cheque Writers, File Cabinets, Bar Fridge, Microwave, Kitchen Set, Coke Machine, Etc.. 1986 Jimmy V6, 1983 Yamaha Maxim 650 Motorcycle, 17 ft. Tandem Axle Car Carrier (Hydraulie Brakes - MOT Certified), and other Vehicles, etc. Owners Relocating, Everything Selling TE-RMS: Cash, Approved Cheque, Visa, M/C, Interac AUCTIONEER FRANK G. STAPLETON Newtonville (905) 786-2244 1-800-263-9886 28 ac UT NPAr YS TO ADVERTISE IN THE ORONO WEEKLY TIMES 983-5301