7U 2 - Orona Weekly Tinies, Wed.n~sday, October 28, 1998 A Flash Back, by Roy Forrester One could call it a flash back and indeed it was to see and hear Harvey Thomnpson of Kendal at the mike addressing council on Monday and of course the subject had to be about the Port Granby Low Level Waste site in, the south-east of the municipality. Surely this subject must go back twenty years when Eldorado of Port Hope announce d plans for a new nuclear waste site in either the 'lyrone or east Clarke Township area that would take waste from the Port Hope Eldorado plant and the waste already dumped at Port Granby. The first big well organized protest was aj aunt down Morgan's Road to the Highway 401 overpass. It seemed that about everybody was there with their poster signs of protest waving to the passing traveilers on 401 highway. A lot of water has gone over the dam since then. One would have thought at least enough to have drowned the issue. But now here it is again and perhaps it bas gone full circle to now rest where it was first'placed - the Port Granby Low Level Waste site south of Lakeshore Road at the lakefront. Harvey seemed to suggest on Monday at coundil that stabilizing the existing Port Granby site could be the answer rather than moving the waste from the site. Over the past twenty years thousands and thousands of hours have been spent by hundreds. of area citizens and some from afar over the issue and the cost would be in the millions of dollars. What goes around cornes around an.d really how dan- gerous was the contamination in the site that couldnt be controlled by stabilization. FLe tt e rto the*Editor (COUNCIL NOTES) O)RONO WEKLYATnvws Subscriptions $21.50 + $150 G.S.T. = $23.0l/year. Publications Mail Registration No. 000368 Publishing 50 Issues Annually at the Office of Publication 5310 Main Street, P.O. Box 209, Orono, Ontario LOB iMO E-Mail Address: oronotimes@speedline.ca Phone/Fax (905) 983-5301 Publisher/ Editor Marg Zwart These notes were taken at the Municipality of Clarington Council, Meeting, held on October 26, 1998. Exchange students Jennifer Drummond intro- duced the two Canadian stu- dents, the two Russian students and the Russian project co- ordinator who will be based in Clarington for the next few months. These exchange stu- dents have been hired by the Com munity Services Department for the Canadian portion of their exchange. Cuddle'quilts The Clarington Fire Department were presented with 68 different, hand made quilts made by municipalstaff. These cuddle 'quilts, a project initiated by Nancy O'Flaherty,, will be placed in municipal fire trucks and will be used when a situation occurs that could use the comfort of a quilt. Fire Chief Mike Creighton said there is nothing worse than going to an emergency where children are involved, because they just don't understand. Creighton was very thankful for the quilts, and assured council they would be placed in the trucks right away. Hospital update Judy Spring, Chair of Lakeridge Health gave an update on developments since the five. area hospitals amalga- mated on July 3 1 st of this year. A new Chef Executive Officer has been hired, and this week he will announce the new executive teamn. Spring told council that Foundations associated with each of'the five hospitals will continue their role with no name change. Fundsraised by the Memorial Hospital Foundation will stay with the Bowmanville Hospital. Mayor Hamre thanked Spring for'her presentation, and complimented the new board on the work done to date. Radioactive waste site Harvey Thompson, Chair of the Port Granby Monitoring Committee updated council of the work being done at the Port Granby Low-Level Radioactive Site. Due to. ground érosion, Thompson stated it is the com- mittee's opinion that the site, is nfot safe for a long period of time, not 5 years, not 20 years said Thompson. The original focus of the committee to get the stuf out of the Municipality, has shifted somewhat, and they are now looking at the possibility of building a permanent storage facility at the Port Granby site. Councillor Trim put forward a motion that the Council host a meeting with représentatives of the Fédéral Government to investigate the feasibility of a Low-Level Radioactive storage m ound for waste generated some twenty years ago by the Eldorado refinery in Port Hope. Trim's motion asked that repre- sentatives of Natural Resources Canada, Alex Shepherd and the Port Granby Waste Monitoring Committee be invited to partic-' ipate in the meeting. The motion was approved. Carson Elliott remem- bered Council approved a report that would see a road within the Liberty' Village Development dedicated to the memory of the late Carson Elliott. Councillor Young stat- October 13,, 1998 Dear Editor: Gun control and its detested registry i s an attack onour basic freedoms and is essentially about confiscation and social control. The gun law allenates grassroots Canadians and will do little for crime control. -No, 1 don't believe there Is, a Liberal Ctonspiracy to repress Canadians liberty, but I do think the Chretien government, If only subconsclously, sees the writing on the wall- that its excessive social engineering is breaklng. down this country's moral and social ethlc. Bad ideology Is the root of the problem. Socialism and the Chretien government's liberal humanlsm are ideological brothers. For them to survive they must exert lncreaslng control over soclety, for their inherent nature is to evolve into totalltarlanism. This, regres sive -political process was largely initiated by Pierre Trudeau and the Charter of Riglits. Successive Canadian governments have followed suit and their policles have been catalysts towards our diminished freedom. The Chretien government, in its ignorance, is now fast- tracking this country's demise. Legislation detrimental to the traditional, famlly and Judeo-Christian values, the suppo rt and fundîng of special interest groups, at the expense of the average citizen,, charter led judiclal activism and public funded multiculturalisrn have al been breeding racial, gender and cultural divisions. The outcome of this ideological progression will be increasing crime, domestic violence and socto- racial disruption. Confiscation of guns as well as greater restrictions on free speech and public demonstrations will fit in only too .vell. What d-.1 you think wi corne nex9, Reg Hoegfi Lloydrnlnster, SK ed that though he was glad the late councillor was getting the recognition he deserves, Young would really like to see the new proposed skatepark named after Carson Elliott. Toronto St. works Council received for infor- mation a report by solicitor Mr. Hefferon regarding the Port of Newcastle Development. The report refutes the daim by the Kaitlin Group that the municipality is being unfair, asking for performance guaran- tees for the reconstruction of Toronto St. in phase one of the development. Mayor Hamre stated, we are being more than fair 'vith the Kaitlin Group., The co st of reconstructing Toronto St. has been estimated at $4.5 million. That amount is to be paid in.instaliments by the developer as building per- maits are issued. The Kaitlin Group's solici- tor, Ron Webb made a presen- tation to counicil on October 13, 1998, where he claimed bis client was only requirea to pay $750,0O in performance -guar- antees for the future road work. Council voted to receive Mr. Hefferon's report for informa- tion. Youth report Chris Kreasul of the Courtice Teen Centre gave a report of recent activities lat that centre., Kreasul's report was very positive and council- lors commended him on the good work being done - ith the youth in Courtice. S When asked by the" Myayor if aduits were supervir.-g the activities at the centre, Êreasul replied "yes." This does not create a problemn said Kreasul, because the adults treat the kids as equals. (continued page 3)