B Bw BA. Arthur Black AýND NOTlHING O)N limagine \\lai it \wouild be like if TV actually \as good. It wýould bie the end of evrtigwe k1ow\. Marvin Isk VI'mamddeaedgy .tl several years aayfroin ni old age pension. Unm relatively hiale and hearty -- still ride a bike, paddle a kayak, go for, long( hikes and brisk swimis. 1 can dance (albeit aw),kwaridlyý) climib ladders, shoot a fewhioops in the driveway and even, once in a wvhile, stay up to the wvee hourIIS of the morn1-1 ing. And yet. . .and y et... 1 amn old. Incredibly old. Ui'm 5 old I grew u Lp in a house without a TV set. Arn 1 a mnember of thé last generation able to say that? Probably. Whien I telli young kids of my boobtubeless upbringing, they lobk at mie like Ui a neanderthal just recently escaped fromi a mieit- inlg gClacier. It even seems incredible to mie. 1 uow have two televi- sion sets in miv home, and every day along the banks and uipon the waters of Giastinieau Channel. Folks n Juneau cail it the Channel Channel. And they love it. GCI Cable first started broadcasting live coverage of the waterway in 1993. Money, was tight for pro- graming aniu fld it wýas ail they could afford. Five years later, the soothing 'program' hias becomne so popular thiat the companyv refuses to bumip it foi-r regular- programinrg. ..We get more positive feed- back fromr this than from any- tingi, we've ever done," said GCI's marketing manager. Doesn't surprise mrie. When 1 lived in Thunder Bay, Ontario somne years ago, the local cable station uised to broadcast a video of a org firebunginafrpae You could turil01 on yourTV and wýatch the fire for- hours aIs it waIxed aild waedlte flamnes Cracklip-g merrily i your livig1r11. AnId 1 neyer hiad to take out the ashles. There's a lesson here for TV programmners. U.S. National Cable Netýwrks are discoveingic that somne ofthleir most popular progr11ams are funierals and miemorial ser- vices. Why? ý'Because ifs real life, nlot TV confection. And nobody's tryving to scare, shame, titillate or infuriate therhi. It's just ... life going on1. Without commercials. The possibilities are end- less -- ilo0w about an] AquiariumII Channel? RoLund the dock coverage of angel fish), neon tetras and kissing gýouramnis floating about their business? Howý about a train chan- nel, with the camnera locked on a railway switching yard? Heck, the programmrers already have a pr ototype in place. They've got the Weather Channel, where yýOu get to watchi changing wýeath- ~er patterns 24 houLrs a day. 0f Course, there'S lreallyN nothing very newý about that. inical Service Truck e 4 Miles North 983-9151, of Hy41o Candidates must have the ability to comml both verbally and in writing and work co-, variety of professionals. Kniowledge of the] essential component of the job. Knowle< language is preferred. ýunicate effectively ýoperatively with a ýative culture is an Ige of the Ojibwa This is a temproary paritime position (14 hours per week) ending on 31 Decemiber 1998 (with a possibej~ extension). Preference will be given to Native applicants Section 24 (1) (a) of the Humnan Rightsi exception to Section 5 of the Code. Please submit a covering, letter, resume and references before 4:00 p.m. on 13 Novei qualifications and experience to: l3arb Isaac Principal Roseneath Centennial 9047 Hlighway 45, Be Roseneath, ON KOK Fax (905) 352-3944 J. Armstrong Chairperson ot o the Board A Police Records Check is required for ail individuils hired l District School Board as a cond iion o employme nt. Kawariha Pin.e RýIge District. School Board is an Equal thank ail who apply, but adivie that only applicanis ta l'e iml Persona? informnation is colected under the Education Act,S iused for employaient purposes. sin accordance with Code ihiat sets out dthree professional mber 1998 stating IPulblic School x 59 2XQ * Dick) T. Malowney -ctor of Education 1Secretary ý the Kawarlha Fine Ridge 9pportunily Employer. We lerviewed will be co,,lacied. .171 (3), cEF2, andi will be s,. I a, mi.. hoo ar CAWýlAPTHA PINE RIDGE D;ISTRICT SCW L BARD a