--CI-2>1ron,,We 'ieWesa, oebr4, 1998 'ý ORONO WEEKLY TMMEnS Subseriptions $2 1.50 -+-$ 1.50 G.S.T. $23.00/year. Publications Mail Registration No. 000368 Publishmpg 50 Issues Annually at the Of1fice of Publication 53 10 Main Street, P.O. Box 209, Orono, Ontario Là i iO E-Mail Address: oronotimnes@dýspeed ine.ca Phone/Fax (905) 983-5301 Publisher! Editor Marg Zwart Edfitorially challenged Sorry folks, this has just flot been a week ripe with edi- tonial topics. You may beg to differ, and if so, are wel- corne to do so in writing, in editorial fashion. That being said, there are some aspects of village life 1 feel compelled to comment on. Other than the hullabaloo at the Town Hall Saturday night, Halloween came and went rather calmly. The BIA Halloween party at the Town Hall, was in the words of Tom MacDonald, (who was incidentally was one of the eight of us who showed up in street clothes) "a real blast." This is the only time Tom MacDonald has allowed me to quote him, so 1 had to use it. Whien it comes to shopping, who wouildn't trade ail the shopping mails in the world for a lumber store with a sewing section, or a hardware store with a Sears outiet. Last week, 1 found myself shopping at the hardware store for an item of clothing with the whole Taylor Family. While Linda flipped through ail the catalogues, Murray- the-hardwareman-Taylor stood ready with the tape mea- sure. Only in Orono! Then there are the wonderful contribuions we've been getting fromn our readers to the 'Last Word' column. There is a wealth of talent out there, a thousand stories to tell, and we want to hear them ail. Investigation into the plane crashes have tumned up some interesting accounts. t seemns it was flot uncommon for planes to faîl out of the sky in Clarke Township in the late 40's. I've heard of at least six crashes or landings so far. But the real reason for the low profile editoniai is; we don't want to attract too much attention. With ail the furor in the Canadian newspaper industry lately, the last thing we need right now is an unfriendly take-over by one of the giants. Just kidding. (Lettersto the Edîitor) announced two potential sites for the establishment of a per- manient waý3te site for a1l low- level nuclear waste located i haphazard dumping spots throughout Ontario; not just that fromi Port Granby. The flrst major protest was not that held at Morgan's Road at the 401 overpass. That protest was related to the garbage dump battles al too familiar to Clarke township. Rather, the first major protest related to Eldorado's ili-con- ceived proposai took place on Lakeshore Road in the fail of 1986. Such a sertou s issue as the (mis)mnanagement of nuclear trash ought not to be drowned out of our lives by time. Indeed, the issue requires immediate attention for the toxic chemicals and radioactive waste iocated at Port Granby continue to Ieach into Lake Ontario. No amounit of stabilization of the shoreline wili ade- quately contain the nuecear dump for erosion is a naturai process whlch humans have yet to conquer. And while politiclans (especlally at the federal level) and the nuclear industry continue to shirk their responsibillty for the problem, nuclear trash (includîng that produced at Dariington) continues to be generated WITH NO SAFE MANAGEMENT programme yet devised by the industry. It seems to me, Roy, that as long as we are vigilant in reminding ourselves that the historic mismianagement of nuclear waste is irresponsi- hie, and as long as we inslst upon SAFE management of the stuff In a fashion that ensures it cari be monitored forever and retrieved should human ingenuity deveiop a recycllng process, we are sim- ply voicing reason. And as long as we lnsist upon responsible managemlent of both the nuclear ind,,usýtry and its' trash, perhaps we will convince goverriment anrdr indlustry officiais alike that nuclear is not ontly NOT dlean, it's downiright foul! Sincerely, Helen MacDonald Dear Editor, As President of the Clarington Board of Trade, i was quite concernied when 1 read your editoriai "Rernember the Clarington Board. of Trade?". Obviously I coniveyed the wrong mnessage wvhenj we spoke on1 the phone Pl-lir to your wr-iting thfle editorial. Contrary to the impression you conlveyed to your readers, that flot much hias been done, Board members and Jennifer Chaffey have been very busy. Thle office wNas set uip; logo and let- terhead created, office equip- ment and softwNare installed, applications to the governmrent made for officiai Board of Trade status, promnotional liter- ature prepared, insurance învestigated, bankingarane mnents mad e, contract niegotia- tionis began with thfie Municipality, new miembter-s signed uip... .and ail of this done by volunteer [businiess people and one part timie enployee. Granted, mnuch of the wNork has flot been particularly news wor- thy, hence, no press releases. However ail of this reiatively boring grounidw,,ork is neces- sary i - o if we are ging to be a iegally recognîzed orainization wVith whichi the Municipality cari contract with for economnic developmrent. 1 too was veryv concernied when I saw the report conifirmn- ing-- our status as a bedroorn commulniity. We in the businless comnuntyhave long, been saying, that more emphasis was Heeded on local job creation (econornic developrnenjt) In Claingonand we have volun teered Our t1irne to further the cause. The C'laingitoni Board of Trade did [lot really start in January of 1998. t started way back in 1992 when Mayor Hamire formied the Mayor's Task Force on Econoiic Development. Many of us who were original memnbers of the Task Force, and mnemrbers of the successor group, The Economnic Developmnent Liaison Teamn, are now Board memibers of The Ciarington Board of Trade. Two mnembers of the original Task Force are now Municipal Councîllors. Business invoivement in eco- nomnie deveiopmnent hias been no "flash in the pani" effort, as your edîtorial implies. Somne people have given serious amounits of time over the past six years or mrore to bring us this point. The Board of Trade, and our unique relationship with the MNbiicipality is the culmination of years of liard work and co- operation with oie shared goal, a community with more jobs to offer here at home. I don't think if's appropriate to be criical j ust yet because wýe-have been out of the lîmre-lighit for a few mionthis. Give uis a chance, over the niext 8-10 mnonthis we will bc "sealing the deal" on a Buisiniess/Gover-inment relation- ship that is unique in this Country and will, In my opin- ion, give us the best shot at keepfing and attracing business (and jobs) inClarîngton. Michael Patrick RECYLE Dear Editor Have you ever walked the streets of this fine villag,ýe on a summer night and marvelied at the peace and serenity? Or walked the samne streets in the falianfd sm-elled the swveet smnell of the wood burning in someone's fireplace and looked at the cosy yellow giow from011 the fr-ont windows spiling out inito the Street? I hiave, and it always reminds mle o!fwhy 1JIloved here. 1 arnm riithle itter 10 sadly inform mwy good friends and acquaintances -that ny' f'am- iiy and I arleavngOrono b e CauLISeC of So0!11c very inconsiderlatelie ighlbo.,urs whýl-o have made itucmohal o uis to contfinIue ivnghereLe me xplinthat we a, re not ruin- nig wajust 1putting a baid experience behînd uis 0Oronilo i S àaLIn iluel Can'.adian Place, the kind o place ithat typjf,ifys what il IS1o be Cani-adian the kind of place- that while accepting pýeople from other- countr-ies wýithi openi ams those people have no rit to bfing thir tpr-ejudices withl themi and tryv to chang'le the status quo. We wýont be f'ar- awayand intend on keeping Orýono as the social ceniter, of ou, lives. CrevisîIt 1rNy rens ou knowýwhere we ar-e. Rn Nikki and Sarah Me2sse r October 30, 1998S Dear Editor: RE: A Fliash Back (28 October 1998S) With due respect to Roy Forrester, I'd like to help bis memiory along regarding the Port Granby Nuecear Waste DumTp. It was 1986 that Eldoradof 4