- -~ Alzheimer Society says thank you ail The Azheimer Society of Durhamn Reglon would like to thank ail of those who par- tlcipatecd in the Third Annual COFFEE BREAK event held on Thursday, September 24, 1998. There were over f00 host sites across Durham Carole Garnder at The Bridai Path, 42 King Street in Bowmanville 623-0351, Gail Empey at the Apple Blossom Flower Shop in Orono 983- 9155, and Laura Savage in Kendal 983-9547. Please get your tickets promptly, there Is a limited number. This promises to be a very classy and well-produced event - fun for both participants* and those in attendance. The lion - Nicole Cowan and the witch - Jamie Stewart prepare a batch of brew outside their haunt- ed house. The Orono Boy Scout troop had ail manner of frightful activity going on in the church base- ment last week Monday and Tuesday night. For a small fee, guests were escorted through the scary maze. A lot of time and effort went into this production, and it showed, the props and acting was very wvell done. Kendal United Church had Mr. Grant McConaghy as its Iay preacher this Sunday, November 1. After the choir's introit, the congregation raised varions concerns and reasons to celebrate. With lhghtlng the Christ candle, prayers were raised to thank God for the miraculous recov- eryof one of the congregation fromi a severe head lnjury, and to ask God's assistance in carlng for ail those experi- enclng the loss of a child in the Halloween fire in Scandinavia, as well as those suffering tremendous losses of family and devastation of homes in the Honduras and Nicaragua from Hurricane Mitch.' The Gathering hymns and choir's anthem preceded the Children's Moments. The sermon this morning was based on the Scripture read- ing from Romans 10: 13 -17, and was titled "A Team Member or a Fan?" Grant was most enthusiastlc in his deliv- ery and helped us realize that fans neither win or lose, they only sit on the sidelines and cheer. Team members, on the other hand, do what they can according to their God-given abilities and talents to work for God's cause and our church. We found this quite lnspiring and motivatlng before Offering was gathered and presented. The final hymn sung by ail was "Victory in Jesus." After ser- vice we gathered in the Christian Education room to enjoy light refreshments and socializing. UPCOMING EVENTS Saturday morning at 7 a.m. is the weekly Prayer Breakfast and Bible Study. A hot breakfast is provided at the Church in the Christian Education Room and ail are lnvited to an enjoyable way to start your weekend. The Kendal U.C.W. will have a Bake Sale on Saturday, November 7, from 2 - 4 p.m. in conjunction with the Penny Sale at the Loyai Orange Lodge Hall that evening. At 6:30 p.m. Saturday, November 7 is the Monthly Famlly Bowling Excursion down to Pine Crest Bowling Alley.s in Port Hope. Please come and have a great time bowling and socializing withi some great people. The Kendal Senior Youth Group for 12 - 16 year olds, "Youth 'R Us," meets every Wednesday evening from 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. If you belong to th-is age group, pleasejoin us and bring a friend. Many enjoyable outings and activi- tes are planned so come and join in. Sunday, November 8 at 11:15 a.m., veterans of the wars will be recognized and ccomme-morattedl at the Kený-dal United Church Remnembrance Day service. Any veterans in the area are most welcome to attend and transportation cari be provided if needed. Please call Joan Anderson at 983-5371 if you wlsh some assistance to attend. Sunday, November 8 - 11: 15 a.m. wlllbe the weekly Church Service and Sunday School for children of any age at Kendal United Church. Fellowship and light refresh- ments will follow the service. There wvill be a shower for Andrew Hellebuist and Maria Riedstra at the Kendal United Church, ýSunday, Nov ember 8, at 12:30 p.m. Please bring sandwiches or sweets to this. community shower for this promising young couple. There will be a Gospel Mus-'c Beniefit Concert for the Claringto:n East Food Bank with many singers well- known to Kendal United Church congregation - Lyle and Yvonne Bender, Dolores Bender-Hone, Matthew, Joshua and Christopher Hone as well as Grant Mcçonaghy. This will be Sunday, November 15 at 2:00 p.m. in Newcastle United Church. A Freewill Offering for the Food Bank will be received. Tuesday, November 24, 7 p.m., a Fashion Show featur- lng garments from Monica Rose Fashions and The Bridai Path will be held at Kendai United Church. There wlll be a dessert tea served first. The models il be from the com- munity, and the funds raised are to aid the Church. Tickets are $5 and available from Region that helped the Society raise approximately $7,200. The winners for the host site participant draws were: Sunnycrest Nursing Home in Whitby for the large site, Brock House Retirement Residence in Sunderland for the medium site and King West Rehabilitation & Treatment Clinlc for the small site. Special thanks to the Office Coffee EXPRESS for donating the prizes for the draws and also the supplies for the society's host sites. For more information please eall the Society office at (905) 576-2567 or 1-888- 301-1106. RESIDENTIAL MORTGAG-E RATES Owner Occupîed 6 mo. 6.10% 1lyear 6.10% 2 years 6.20 % 3 years -6.30% 4 years 6-.50% 5 years 6.50% RATES SUBJECT TO CHANGE WI1THOUT NOTICE Cail us for other deposit rates and services including FREE PERSONAL CHEQUING. Rates subjeot to change without notice. PAUL MULLER, Branch Manager 15 Charles St., Oshawa 728-4658 Office Hours: Monday to WVednesday 9:30 - 5:00 ThUrsday 9:30 - 7:00 - Friday 9:30 - 6:00 KENDAL NEWS by Joan Anderson CHRISTMAS CRAFr B AKE - >SA L ES Saturday, November 7th & 8th, 1998 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. United Steel Workers Hall 115 Albert Street, Oshawa Vendors Wanted Cali (905) 721-9158