Second Chance for Bethesda Ho use Be-ýthesda liuse, sh-eltýer for abused women anýd childreni recerîtly embarked on another fun;tdraise- ing veniture. The Second Chance, is a used clothing store operating at 103 St East i Bowmnvile. Bthesda hanse is the only shler in the Province ofOintarÏo that rceives no promi- cia fudin, lavng rgaizes tyig to raise $21,000 per Year to aperethe sheltr. PiWtudfrornle% to right are: KarenMaonetedHasExcteDrcoHln Caïrspbef;ii.- VlnerFnriigCO-ordnator, Mayor Diane Hmre, ary Hwr etr Yvonne Hopkins, Volneer bStreCo-ordinator start." The club 4 at noon. The 'e decided on a ke to do. New welcome. rison, 'UB castie Publie ;Club will hold ling of the year 1 on November 1 we xiii meet yT and Thursday 'ecess and it is rs of ail levels. xiii be available begiriners and ced players wili nity ta take part its others lity. Depending ýst, othier board cplayed during icliI Lisa Daignaulit ors SAFETY PATROL NEWS On Friday, Octobecr 9, 1998, the Newcastle P.S. Safety Patrol took part ti a speciai "swearing tin" ceremo- ny in aur gyrnnasium'. We are pleased ta recognize the foiiowing students who make Up aur Newcastle P.S. Safety Patrol Tearn for a job well donc. Kyle Dupant (Captaln), Patrick Rand, Tatum Rogers, Laura Little, Hailey Jarman, Ashiey Sauve, Rena Malda, Melissa Jones, Holly Mullen, Egan Barrett, Kristeri Recalis, Carey Johinson, Heather Powiess, Sean Rand, Gemma Sheppard, Ashiey Ferreira, Kendall Boyd, Larissa Colemjan, Jessica Ferencz, Heather Rvers, Klm Golder, Adhley Lewis, Jessica Reid, Micheile Hodgson, Amny Gosweli, Erin Napier, Katie Cauli and Stephen Sanders. Scott, McKeown, Dianine Wood, Staff Co-ordiriatars R EC'Y.CL E S-c/zol Newcastle Public Sohool Dear Familles anid Fr[ends of Newcastle Public Sehool During this schoi year, the students at aur schooi xviii be expeiericing the full range of the Minis try of Education and Training's refarms. Ail grades iricluding Kindergarten are now work- irig with riew curriculum guldeliries iri ail subject areas. The teachers started ta famniliarize themseives with the new pragram guidelines as they deveioped their Long Range Plans far the year, and wili continue ta learri about the new curriculum as they devý,elop the units and acquire the necessary resources. The second piece af the Minis try's reforms is the Provincial Repart Card. It has naxv been compiete-ly aiigned ,wlth the new curriculum and teaturies some refinemients in the format. Students in the grades at this school received the Provincial Report Card form last year. This year the Kindergarten teachers xiii be using a sîilar reporting for- mat that was developed by the School Board, which reflects the new K indergarten program guideline. The final piece of the provincial education reform is provirice-wide testing. Grade 3 students have been partici- pating in this testinig stace the spring of 1997, anid it, wiii be in place once again this ca- ing May. This school year aiso brings the introduction of pravince-wide testîngc for Grade 6 students -and We anticipate that it too xiii taclude assessmnent inred ing, writirig andà math. Mare information xiii be shared as it becomes availabie. Tagether, these reforms provide clear information about what students are ta learri, how well they are ieami- ing it, and the effeciveness of our sch6oi programs in pro- mottag studerit iearning. We encourage you ta become knawledgeabie about these changes in the education af your chidren and would be happy ta answer any ques- tians yau rmay have. Worklig together, the home and the schooi can pravide the best possible education for aurý students - yaur childreri. Siricerely, Margarete Cameran "*THANK-YOU'* Hot Lunch Program Volunteers! Friday, Octaber 23 marked the first hot lunch day for this school year. Marilyn Hossack and ber teamj of parent vol- unteers did an excellent job organizing this event. Students were very pieased ta have a change i their lunch time menu and tharoughly enIý oyed the hamburgers from Wenidy's an d the cupcake-s donated by parents. lit w-as agreat wvay ta end the week. Th1-jan ks fo r ail you r liard work and ddcto! D RESSING FOR THE, WVEATHER Mo)st mjongs these days, there is a blet of a chil intr the air. VWe cari anly expt that- there xiii be more days lk this and that the tmea tures genierally xiii becomne coofler it is imnportant that al ,students camne dressed ta enijay the outdoor recesses aver thec couirse of' the day. Jackets, mnitteris anid bats make thiis tirne mnore comnfort- able, We remnind parents of the dangers of long scarves anid jacket drawstrings that aire hanging long and baose. These cari become tarigled during play arid pose stran- gulaion hazards. Please feel free ta check aur iost and found i the main foyer of the schoi, if your chiid bas lost or mi-isplaced ariy clathing items. We wouid be happy ta see them returned ta their owners! REMEMBRANCE DAY ACTMVTIES Novemiber 1iith is Remembrarice Day. The stu- dents ti grades 4 - 6 iii attend the traditionai service at the ceriotapli. Studlents rieed ta dress warrnly f'or the walk ta and from the ceria- tapli. The studerits ti grades K-3 will attend a School Assembly from 10:415 ta approximateiy 11:10 am. CO-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES TIS MONTH FRIENDSFHP CLUB The Frieridship Club is off Manageme nt Adviory Committee Sua L WILMOT NATURE ARE The Samnuel wilmot Nature Area s l ocaýtec1 on the shor,,e of Lake Ontariac, south west of the Village of' Newcastle. The lands are owned by-te Municipaityof Clarîngton a nd thýe Mfinty of Natural Resources. An EnvironmentJal Management Plcin hasý been! prepaired wich providles r-ecommnendations to protect and enhance thie site's natural f'eatures and llows for soi-e passive recreaionail uses. PUBLIC INFORMATION CENTRE A Public Information. Centre will tae place ti'ntroduce residents to the Samnuel Wil!mot Nature Areaj. tMembers fromthcmunyad Staiff from the Clarington Planning & Developm-ent Department wil be availcible to' provide you withý information on the Nature Area. A short slide presentation w1il begin at 7 p.m. Tie Informaion Centre wilI be held asý follo\'/s: Date: Time: Plce: Thursday, November 1 2,i98 6:30 p. m. ta 8: 30 pD.mni Newcastle Communitly Hall, Newcastle Village if you have any questions, please contact Ms. Cynthia Strike, Planner, Planning & Development Department ait 623-3379 ext. 219. MANAGEMENT ADVISORY COMMTE To aissist the Municipality of Clarington and the Ministry of Natural Resources in manaiging the site, Council h-as endlorsedl the creation of a Management Advisory Comm-ittee. The Commnittee will be responsible for the following: I mplementing the recommendlations in th-e Samuel Wilmot Nature Area Environmental Management Plan, *Raisîng public awareness, *Encouraging volunteerism ta undertake capital prajects and edlucationail activities; *Fun.d-raisîng; and Monitoring cha1nges ta the ecosystemn. The Committee shaîl be comprised of twelve i2)*volunteers;- eight from the community ait large aindi three (3) from public q1sencies. If you hàve an interest and knowledge of the natut-al en vironiment, leaidership skills and/or skill in public relations, fundraisinq or o ordinating vojlunrteer-s, pleaise obtain an application form from the Clerk's Depaîtmnentacnd forwajrd itar a resume ta: Ms. Paitti Barrie, Clerk Municipality of Ciar-ington 40 Temperaince St. Bowmanville, Ontaria LI C 3A6 Phone: (905) 623-3379 Fax: , (905)j 623-0830 OINTARIO Lcst day for accepting applications is Novemnber 2Oth, 1998. Date of Publication: Wednesday, November 4 & 11. 1998, PU. #74211