Jvfteq O-rono Public School Dear Parent/Guardian: Parents of students ln grades one ta six wlll be recelvlng - the new Standardized Ontario provin- cial report forin an Monday, November 30. This new reports fallows a different format than the reports you have received in the past and has a diffrent phiflosophy for reporting your child's progress. One aspect af this report card is the reference ta achievement levels and their correlation ta letter grades ta four levels. With this new report, teachers are reporting an achievement with a four level systein that relates directly to the Ontaria cur- riculum and reflects a change in the letter grade achieve- ment levels. The descriptars of these levels and how they relate ta letter grades are out- lited belaw: A - ta A+ is equated ta level 4: this level of achievement, means that the student has demonstrated the required. knowledge and skills outlined in the Ontaria curriculum and exceeds the provincial standard. B - B+ is equated ta level 3: this level of achievem ent means that the student has demonstrated most of the required knowledge and skills outlined in the Ontario cur- riculumr and meets the provincial standard. C - C+ is equated ta level 2: this level of achievement means that the'student has demonstrated saine but not ahl of the required knowledge and skilis autlined in the Ontario curriculum and approaches the provincial standard. D - D+ is equated ta level 1: this level of achievement means that the student has demonstrated some of the required knawledge and skills in limited ways outiined in the Ontario curriculuin and falîs below the provincial standard. R is equated ta an achieve- ment level where the stuident has nat demonstrated the required knowledge and skils outlined in the Onrtaria cur- riculumn and extensive reine- diatian is requlred. The provincial report card Is anly one way teachers use ta cammunicate student achievement ta parents. Interviews, phone cails home, IformaI reports and cammu- nication books/agendas'are other methods used ta inforin parents of their chîld's progress. On behaif of the staff of Orono Public« School, I would like ta welcome Kathy Knight- ta the position of Assistant Secretary. She commenced her Iduties on November 3rd. We also welcome Erin Muizelaar ta the Kindergarten class. Erin is a secondyear student ln' the Early Childhood Education Program at Sir Sandford Fleming College and is coin- pleting an internship from November 2 ta December 18. Yours truly, Elaine Flett-Hurst MILK CARDS To alleviate dif'ficulties that have been encountered with the current dally purchase of mllk, we lnitiated a new pro- cess beginning Monday,_ November 9. 1 A mllk card for 10 cartons ofmIlk xiii cost $5.00 and wiil be available for purchase on Mondays and Tuesdays only of each week. There will be no daily milk purchases. REMEMBRANCE ACTIVITIES A Remembrance Assembly will be held today Wednesday, November il beglnning at 10:.30 a.m. Representative students froin the Primary and Junior divisions will be particlpating in variaus comn- panents of the assembly. WARÈM CLOTHING As we look at the calendar, we are remtaded that the sea- son for hats, coats, mitts and boots has arrived! Please label clothing wlth your child's naine for identification purposes. Parents and students are remiinded that students enter the school at 8:45 a.m. On cold momtangs, the time stu- dents leave their homes shouid.be adjusted s0 that they arrive at schoal between 8:40 and 8:45, and are there- fore not out in the cold too long. SOCCER TOURNAMENT Congratulations to the fol- lowing students who partici- pated in the Saccer Tournamnent held at Orono P.S. Speclal thanks to the coaches Mr. Witheridge and Mrs. Brown for sharing their expertise wi7,th the students. 1Teain Witheridge: Gavin. Fergusani, Ryan Knox, Andrew Vandergast, Matt Moffatt, Reid MaeDonald, Troy Webster, Justin Westerink, Scott Henderson, Jaey, Robertson, Kyle Ostrander, Emily Malcolmn, Amanda- Stewart, Shannon Dejong, Jacqul Pinch, Kayleigh Anderson, Brittany- McDonnel, Sarah Halik, Kyla Anderson, Robyn Henderson. Teain Brown: Emma Lunn, Krlsten Verkyl, Kaitlyn Whelan, Lindsay Paxton, patients and staff With Christmas onily seven weeks away, the patients in our Continuing Care , Rehab, and Acute Care units will have an opportunity ta do their Christmas shopping without any- heip from their families. Lakeridge Heaith Oshawa is holding a Craft Sale, especially for those patients, so0 that they might have an opportunlty ta pur- chase Christmas gifts for their familles and friends. At the Craft Sale, patients, staff, and volunteers wfil have an oppartunity ta seli their products, and dispiay their taiented wark. The money from the sale of tables gaes ta the .Continuing Care/Geriatric , Patient Recreation- Program. This year saine of the money raised will be used ta begin a resource library for the cogni- Kaltlin Leech, Heather Maitland, Kristen Blaker, Hilary Bamnes, Kelli Bugden, Chris Remy, Kyle Johnsan, Kyle Ritchie, Mike Lemay, Cam Delorme, Kenny Jackson, Lucas Leech, Josh Moffat, David Landman, Andrew Kirkbride. HARRIER. On' Tuesday, Octaber 20, Orano Public Schoal students wan 13 out of 18- medais at the. Harnier meet held at the Ganaraska Forest. Thank you ta the coaches, Mrs. Brown and Mrs. McCrea, and ta the parents who volunteered as marshalls or came and cheered the runners ta the finish lune. Junior Boys - First - Derek Vander Weer; Second - Justin Guillemette; Third - Ryan Campney Junior, Girls- Third - Amanda Stewart Bantain Boys - Second - Ryan Knox: Third - Jin Nelson Bantain Girls - First - Hilary Barnes; Third - Jacqui Pinch Atom Boys - First - Tray Webster; Second - Lucas Leech; Third - Denis Beenen Atoin Girls - First - Sarah Schoenmiaker; Second- Lndsay Paxton .'EARTH POWER" CLUB A graup of Grade Five stu-, dents has arganized an envi- roninental club. These stu- dents are involved in co-ardinating the compost. collection froin classroams and playground litter checks. The members are: Jennifer- Lyn Gunn, Robyn Henderson, Jaylene Chapinan, Emma Lunn, Jackie Pinich, Heather Maitland, Kristen Biaker, Caurtney Stevens, Amanda Chatterton, Kira Iliggers tive support unit. This year the cammunity is also encouraged ta attend. The Craft Sale will be held on November 23rd, froin 9:00 a.m., to 3:30 p.m., in Roam 1002 and, the Cafeteria Extension. This Craft Sale for the LAKERIDGE HEALTH CORPORATION gcitoolA Christmas tradition for Memory Laize Calendars_ A -wonderful Cbristmas gift idea! I Personalized cale ndars made from your 12 favourite photos Now available at the Orono Weekly Times 5310 Main St., Orono - (905) 983-5301 To view a sample calendar, drap by aur office. Order forrns can be picked up or dropped off weekdays 8 ta 5. Orders ready for pickup in 10 days. $24.95 for first calendar--save 20% on any additional copies (usingsamne photos). patients has been a tradition for aver eight years now. It, started when recreation staff overheard patients comment on how they would like the opportunity ta do some Christmnas shopping for their families. A Craft Sale was suggested and it became an immediate success with patients, their familles, and staff. It means a great deal to them ta have the freedoin ta shop independently and see ail the Christmas crafts and decorations. Subscribe to the Orono Weekly Times NEWCASTLE FUNERAL HOMIE Fruneralqjirector -. Car(ÇGoot( * Personal, professional, affordable service.- Genesis Bereavement ,Resource Centre on-site ta serve the community. Informative funeral home tours are welcome. 386 Mill Street South, Newcastle (Yust nordl of 401 - Parkng off 7Pwbert Strceet) (905) 987-3964 r (1 n ýIll ýl e C 1 -1 1 ýyf 1 n 1 e d n, ýýs- (la y, ýNo v e, , 1 ýj ý ý ý t- -12