12 Orono WeeklyTimes, Wednesday, November Il, 1998 OMA seeks police -action 10 stop violence 1Ontario Medical Association President Dr. William Orovan will meet the province's top law enforce- ment official to ensure police are doing everythiing possible to protect Ontario's physi- cians against violence. In his meeting wlth Solicitor General Robert Runciman, Orovan will request that police develop strategles to protect physi- cians who feel threatened by violence. These include imine- diate safety audits of the offices and homes of doctors, as well as providing other pro- tection to those who have been threatened. "We cannot allow violence, or threats of violence, to pre- vent doctors from-servlng their patients," sald Orovan. "The OMA will support any police action to protect physi- cians performing legal ser- vices. "The OMA strongly, and without equivocation, con- demns any act of violence against physicians and other- health care providers," said Orovan. "Vie will do ail we can to, work with the police and others to maintain the safety of physicians. "Currently, the focus is on violence to physicians who perform abortions -- a very serlous issue across North America. But violence against physicians in general also needs to be addressed. There are indications that violence to health care professionals is increasing, causing greater concern for physiclans," he said. The OMA is working with the National Task Force on Doctor-Related Shootings, which is investigating several recent violent incidents against doctors in Canada. E Ilie best rcites: lassif îW., 0rono,,--ý -53 05)y83 0 ..... ..... Drug Awarefles Week in DurhOLm NOV. 15- Nov. 21 Th-is is the 1998 theme for Drug Awareness Week across the Province. Pinewood Centre has now assumed a leadership role to maintain the tradition of the Drug Awareness Campaign in Durham Region. In recogni- tion of Drug Awareness Week, Pinewood Centre welcomes the co-operation of individu- als and the communities we belong To - in this most worth- while cause. The goals of Drug Awareness Week are: - To heighten our commu- nity's awareness of the con- sequences resulting from alcohol,,and drug use and abuse; - to provide a focus for community effort deaiing with alcohol, drug. and gambling issues; -to.promo te individual involvement and encourage members of the community to work together; - To inform people about available help, the agencies, and individuals helping those experiencing problems with alcohol, drugs and gambling., For more.information cal Bowmfanville (905) 697-2746. C Yo 1u've got the Iast word Places V've done time by: Clifford Francis Some time ago 1 read a let- ter in our local paper written by Yvonne Maitland supporting our local youth and their skate- boarding. It was flot until, last week that 1 realized what an avid skateboarder she is. 1 was resting on the bench in front of the townhall, when 1 heard the sound of a skateboard drop, across-the street. It was Yvonne, locking.the door at the Apple Blossom Shop. She then reached down, tightened the straps on lier $300 Birkenstock sandals, stepped on lier skateboard and shot across the street-quicker than a pit from a plum. In amazement 1 watched her go up the townhall steps on lier skateboard. She did ahl the moves. The kick flip, the back- side, the lip slide and the blunt 180, then down the steps she flew. At the bank she did the no comply - commonly known as the milk and sugar. Down past Ray's barber shop she went, with lier long blond hair blowing wildly. She became airborne at one point, going really liigh, which is called 'catching big air' and 1 don't mean passing wind. Down the street a littie further she jumped on the hood of a parked Toyota, did the grind across the roof and kick flipped off the trunk and into a rock and roll fakee. From there she did a double yolked ollie; the first 1 ever saw done. Then she went from the side- walk to the road and into a dutch splitz, a wide sweep.ing tum to the right side of the road and, across to her left, up the sidewalk and on to her porch. In the distance I could hear Frank, lier husband, yelling in his broken dutch, "Yvonne, you're a perfect ten", or, " that was a perfect ten," I'm flot sure which. Choose From Our Book By Rainbow Invitations Or Have Us Design One Unique For You! Panoz Motor Sports finalîzes Mospo rt purchase Donald E. Panoz, chair- man and founder of Panoz Motor Sports, announced Nýovember 3rd in Georgia, that negotiations had con- cluded and ownership of the Mosport Park properties iin Bowmanville, Ontario, Canada transfers to Panoz Motor Sports effective frorn October 310, 1998. March 20, Panoz had entered into a lease agreement with IMSG with first right To purchase. The properties include Mosport International Raceway, the 2.5 mile road course which was the site of the Canadian Grand Prix from 1967 through 1977; Mosport Speedway, a haîf- mile Pave,-d oval Irack, and Mosport Kart Track, a one- kilometer karting circuit. "We are delighted to have resolved and finalized the purchase 'of Mosport,î says Panoz. "Now we can turn ouir attention to restorin,'g Mosport To its position as one of the great Canadian race tracks." Thepurchase of Mosport continues Don Panoz' s vision for motorsports in North America. Improve-mentsand upgrades to the facilities are planned, along much the same uines as those already underway at Road Atlanta and Sebring. Beginning in 1999, the fabled Canadian Track wýill be included in the inaugural Amnerican LeMans Series, which was launched last rnonth at the Petit LeMans 1000 Miles at Road Atlanta. Mosport wîll host a full siate of races in 1999, incl uding many of its. traditioiîal race weekends. A final schedule for next year will be released ini the corning weeks, 'After several years of uncertainty, Mosport finally is in the hands of a man with the vision and resources to bring this historic track back to its position as one of North Amnericas truly great road courses,' says Myles Brandt, executive raceway director. .Mosport joins tlie Panoz group of companies which include Road Atlanta Motorsports Centre; Sebring International Raceway; Paniloz Auto fDevelopr-nenit. manuf'ac- turer of li-niited-production, h igh- performnance sports cars; Panoz Motor Sports, with teamns racing in the FIA G(T, tJSRRC and Professional Sports Car Racing champi- onshîps, and Chateau Elan, a four-star resort in northern Georgia. -American Le Mans Series Eight races including three on live network televi- sion as part of a seven-race package with the NBC net- works, highîight the inaugur- al American Le Mans Series sehedule for 1999 which was announced Iast Thursday., 1Seven of the races wilI be televised live, with NBC Sports airing three events.' The season starts with 12 hours ofSebring on March 20;, Road Atlanta on April 18 - CNBC (Live); June 27 - Mosport,,Canada - CNBC (Live); July 25- TBA - NBC (Live); August 1 - Portland, OR - NBC (Live); September Hl or 19 - TBA - NBC (Live); October 16 - Petit Le Mans - CNBC;, and ends with the inaugural San Diego Grand Prix late in the year (November/December- CNBC (Live). Ail will be sanctioned by Professional Sports Car Racing ("SPORTS CAR"). Minimum purse for each of the eight ALMS races was announced as $200,000 dis- tributed to privateer, non-fac- tory teams. Iffja E Sg FR $IElf j niiiAS '-,IAu, SAiVE v40a OFF uIRiEyi v fiiUit - mîng. New & current custoiner inquinas înviled, plus Sony F-AMILY titSOH T, 35 Is, executive golf course, ishîng SAT-BS3l Diital Satellite Systemso nly $399 Cdn. ami boatmng. Sales approximatety §600,000. "RESORT Pln 188-4-8707. HOTEL, 52 roomo, fult service, sales $80000. Cail MPeler Kewiey, Sales Flop 416 223 16000322. 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