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Orono Weekly Times, 18 Nov 1998, p. 10

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10 - Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, November 18, .1998 KEf NDma NEWSCAA ONTARIOliec ý1~~by Joan Andersoni How to updatelie c submitted by Joan Anderson (983-5371) Kendal United Church had a special speaker from St. John's Newfoundland,,Judy LeMoine, this Sunday, November- 15. A fter the choir's introit, the congrega- tion raised various concerns and reasons to celebrate. With llghting the Christ can- dle, prayers were raised to ask God to care and comfort Doug and Christena Lewis and their family in- the sud- den death of Doug's father in Ki,,tchener - Waterloo. Prayers of support were also ralsed to support the famiîy of Ewart Robinson, 1915 - 1998 who had been a life-long resident and supporter of Shiloh' United Church. H1e passed away November 9., The Gathering hymns "I Will Go Lord," "Everyday People" and "Brighten The Corner" were sung by aIl. Laura Savage took the ChIldren's Moments which focusd on what they can do to heîp others using their own talents and abilities. Before the children went to Sunday School we aIl sang "Wise May Bning." The sermon this momning was based on the Scripture from Matthew 25: 14 - 30, read by Lisa Rideout, and was tîtled "lt's Ail Yours." Judy amplified on this most inter- estingly. There will be a Bible Study at Susan andGreg French's home, on Thursday eFvening at 8 p.m. All are wel- corne, whatever their experi- ENVIRONMENTAL FARM PLAN ENTERS 6th YEAR The Ontario Environmental Farm Plan entering its 6th year; follow- ing a record breaking work- shop schedule of last year. Over 2900 farmers across Ontario participated ln the Envlronmental Farma Plan program last year. Add that to ýýthe already- 10,000 farmers who have completed the pro- gramn and we have over 25% of aIl farmers ln Ontario who have participated in the pro- gramn. The present mandate for the Environmnental Farm Plan program is March 2000, that means there are 2 more workshop, seasons for fann- ers to participate. The Environmental Farma Plan Program is also gener- ating a rural economy. This is due to the $1500 incentive grant available to participants to asslst in the cost of rectify- ngenvironmental concemns on their farms. The $1500 incentive is available on a first corne fIrst served basis. A total of $5.8 million has been provided by the ,,ýNvironmental FArm Plan Incentive programn and a total of $23.7 millon has been ence in Bible Study. We al leam from eachother and we would love to see YOU there. The inspiring and comfort- ing words Judy left with us were "If God is with us, who can be against us. .. .nothing else in aIl creation will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord." We all then went to the Christian Education room where ahl enjoyed llght refreshments and socializing. UPCOMING EVENTS Saturday morning at 7 a.m. is the weekly Prayer Breakfast and Bible Study. A hot breakfast is provided at the Church in the Christian Eductalon Room and aIl are invited to an enjoyable way to start your weekend., The Kool Kendal Kids, a group for children ages 8 - 12 has started at the Church evei-y Tuesday from 4 p.m. - 6 p.m. They do many enjoyable acitivities, and all are wel- corne, The Kendal Senior Youth Group for 12 - 16 ye ar olds, "Youth 'R Us," meets every Wednesday evening from 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. If you belong to this age group, please join us and brlng a friend. Many enjoyable outings and activi- ties are planned so corne and join in. Sunday, November 22, 11: 15 a.m. wilbe the weekly Church Service and Sunday School for children of any age at Kendal United Church. Fellowship and llght refresh- ments will follow the service. spent by farmers to local agribusiness., If interested in participat- ing in the Environmental Farm Plan Program please contact the Port Perry OMAFRA office (905-985- 2003) and leave your name on an information waiting list. Winter course dates for York and Durham Reglon farmers will be conflrmed at a later time. ADVANCE PAYMENTS, AVAILABLE TO COR N & SOYBEAN GROWERS Up to $75 million in cash advances are now available to Ontario corn and soybean growers through the Advance Payment Program (APP). Designed to provide access to cash flow at the end of the growing season, the Advance Payment Program allows farmers to hold onto their crop and sell it throughout the y ear in order to obtain the best possible prices and man- age their rate'of return. Farrners may receive boans of $61 per tonne of corn and $143 per tonne of soybeans that they have in storage. The advances now avallable to Ontario producers-wlll be when sight changes - AA Central Ontario reminds motorists that they should change the status on their driver's licence if their sight changes, whether by laser surgery or another method. The samne applies to motorists who lose siglit of one eye. Under the Highway Traffic Act [32 (9)], you can be fined $105 for- driving in violation of condition if you're not wearing required correc- tive lenses. To change the status on your driver's licence, OAA Central Ontario offers the fol- lowing advice: e Ask your optometrist or eye surgeon for a copy of the medical report stating your current vision. Take this report, along with your cur- rent driver's licence and two other pieces of ID, to any Driver Exami. Centre in Ontario. e Altemnatively, you can get your vision checked at any Driver Exam Centre In Ontario. If your vision is at least 20/40 In one eyre (for G licences), you will have the "Corrective lenses" condition on you r licence removed, pro- vided you bring in your cur- rent driver's licence and two other pieces of ID. For al other licences, you need no poorer than 20/30 in the bet-, ter eye and 20/50 In the weaker eye. * You wvill then be given a temporary licence until the new one arrives by mail (up to 90 days). - There isno charge to change the status of your visuai condition on your driv- er's licence. e The Ministry of Transportation, Licensing and Control Branch can be reached at (416) 235-2999 or toll-free at 1-800-303-4993. CMA Central Ontario is a not-for-profit auto club offer- administered by the Ontario Corn Producers ($45 million) and the Ontario Soybean Growers Marketing Board ($30 million), both of which have secured boans from, financial institutions. The APP guarantees, repayment on ahl advances issued under the program. This guarantee allowed the two organizations to secure the boans at low interest rates. The Government of Canada pays the lnterest on the first $50,000 of the individual pro- ducers advances. Advances must be paid back upon' delivery of crops. Application forms are available from the Port Perry OMAFRA office, and the Ontario Corn Producers Association and the Ontario Soybean Growers Marketing Board. ing insurance- travel and emergency road services. There are 1.7 million CAA members ln Ontario, and 4 million members in Canada. IRECYC;LEr Orono Craft. Sale Canceiled Due to a lack of Vendors for the Orono Town Hall Craft Show and Sale the event has been cancelled for this year. The intent had been to hold the Show and Sale tis Friday and Saturday. The Lighting of Christmas event continues taking place on Friday evening at the Town Hall. Plan to attend this conimnunity event. LAKERIDGE HALTH s Patients Fsrst BOWMANVILLE OSHAWA PORT PERRY UXBRIIOGE WHITBY Lakeridge Health Bownianville Ethics Comrnittee seeks a Volunteer Cornmunity Representative The Ethics Committee meets every two rn onths to approve proposed medical research studies, and assist hospital staff with decision rnaking on ethical issues. We invite residents of the Clarington cormMunity to write, describing their experience and interest in becoming a mnember of this volunteer corm-nittee, by Monday November 23, 1998, to the: Ethics Committee Lakeridge Health Bowmanville c/o Chaplain Bruce White 47 Liberty St. South Bowmanville, Ont. LiC 2N4 RESIDENTIAL > MVORTGAGE RATES Owner Occupied 6 Mo. 6.25% 1 year 6.25% 2 years - 6.35% 3 years 6.50% 4 years 6.75% 5,years 6.75% RATES SUBJECT TO CHANGE Cali us for other deposit rates and services including FREE PERSONAL CHEQUING. Rates subject to change without notice. PAUL MULLER, Branch Manager 15 Charles St., Oshawa 72É8-4658 Office Hour s: Monday to Wednesday 9:30 - 5:00 Thursday 9:30 - 7:00 - Friday 9:30 - 6:00 ONTARIO FARM NEWS

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