14 - Orono Weekly ~mes, Wednesday, November 18, .1998 For LADIES and GENTS Main Street, Orono 983-5333 BARINA HOME CHECK "Uet us make your home look lived in" *Vacation Home Cbecking *Wedding Day Services or whenever you're away INSURED RELIABLE REFERENCES (905) 786-2996 Barb Shetler - Ina Cox Serving Newtonville, Newcastle, Orono & surrounding çommunitie.m Listed in Whie & Yellow Pagea Flowers Plus FLOWERS e GIFTS & CRAFTS 46 King Street East NEWCASTLE 987-1500 Betty Lycett 983-5908 Wilda Middleton 983-9819 ELECTRIC Ltd. Electrical Appliances Colour TV's- Hi-Fi's SALES AND SERVIE Hopoint -R.C.A. Whiteo-Westighouste Frigidaire - Whiuipool Wood's Freezers Magic Chef - Hoover 993-5109OS GRUNK-4DY'S. Country Upholstery Qualîty Work in Upholstery P.R. 2, Orono 983-9874 Bryon Grundy Instal Smoke Alîarms T'S THE L-AWV. The Ontario Fire Code requires that evety home have working smake alarms. November 20 Elvis Stojko Tour of Champions -December 8-9 Niagara Falls Over-Night December 9 Patsy The Patsy Clime Story December 14 Castleloma/Cullen Gardens Januayl14 Castieloma & CBC Studios Februany 6 Tommy Hunter February 10 Peter Pan March 11 Irish Day March 20 Tom Jones Live Corne in and see our ful fine of TiIIey hats etc., travel *ccssorie s, and rvr education handbooks. Good running computers for sale, full systcms, 486DX33 with monitor. Caîl Loyal Printing Ltd. 983-5301. tfn 415 years experience, will help seli your coins at highest prices on a commission basis. Cal Gary 983-9932. tii Fcb./99 ac Oid fishing tackle, old guns ýor related accessories, outdoor books etc. In home appraisais available. 30 years experience. Daniel G. Banting 905-983-6480 tfn studnta Es (làen auts) fýor our riding and horseman- ship programs, summer camps, etc. For further information or to iegister cail: 1-(905) 623-7336 Home of the .Bowmanville Pony Club BOUGHEN, TED In ioving mcmory of my brother and uncle Who passed away 14 November, 1993. Every day in somne srnall way. Memories of you corne oir way, Though absent, you are ever near, Still m-issed, loved, always dear. Always remembercd June & Adam & Farnily 18 ac BARHAM, JAMES (Jim) Peacefuily at Strathaven Lifecare Centre -on Saturday, November 14, 1998, in his 92nd year. A long-Urne Newcastle resident, he was the dear friend of Bey and Ron Walkcr, Robert Obrist and Peter Louse and family. Visitation was at the Newcastle Funcral, Home, 386 Mili St. South (just north of 401, Mili Street exit) on Tucsday, November 17, from 6 p.m., followed by a service in the chapel of the funerai home at 7 p.m. Private interment in Orono Cemeter-y. JONES. HARRY At Lakeridge Health Centre, Bowmanville, on Friday. November 13, 1998. A iong-time resident of Newcastle Versa Care, Harry will be sadly misscd by staff and residents. Visitation at Newcastle Funeral Home, 386 Milii St. South, Monday. November 16, from 7 - 9 p.m. Funeral service was in the chapel on Tuesday, November 17, at 11:00 a.m. Interment,ý St. George's Cemetery, Newcastle- 18'ac PETHICK AND STEPHENSON AUCTION BARN, Haydon SAT. NOVEMBER 21,/98 at 5:00 p.m. Viewing from 3.00 p.m. Selling the estate of the late Ruby and Ariel (Bill) Stephenson, Bowmanvlle. from 401 ext. 431 at Bowmanville, north on Hwy. 57, 8 miles to Con. Rd. 8. tumn east at the fire hall. Large quantlty of dîshes, ceramics, collectables, antique pcs., kitchenware, silver pcs. porelain doîls (Ashton Drake), crystal, occupicd Japan, depression glass, bedding, linens, jewclery, carnival glass, antique writing desk, 2 antique dressers w/swing mirror, white pine cupboard, Final Edition telegram, royal plates, maple dining table & four chairs (2 leaves), 3 piece large wall unit w/smctked glass, glass top coffce/cnd table, rciining chair, 4 piece chesterfleld suite, antique hall rack with bevclled mirror, 25" sterco colour T.V., GE (6 mos), 12 c. freezer, microwave, microwavc stand, coal oil lamps, super single bcd mattrcss box spring (ncw), dlocks, stereos, stcreo stand, cest of drawers, movies, cassettes, floor model colour T.V., Avon sait & pepper, many other sait & pepper sets, fridge (Roper 6 mos), quantity small kitchen appliances, antique propane lamps. china dishes, cups & saucers, silver tea set, Xmas decorations, qults. Japanese tea set, Sadler crcam & sugar. pantry cupboard, blanket box, small quantity tools, and mnany more items to numerous too mention., TERMS: Cash, Cheque with I.D., or Visa (30/ surcharge). Owncr and Auctioneer not responsible for accident or injury incurrcd at this sale. AUCTIONEER DON STEPHENSON 905ý-263-4402 or 705-277-9829 18 ac General scwing donc in my home. 5 days a wcck. Phone 983-9761. tfn 1 Custom iSew\ing *Alterations * Homedecor- *Baby Qults VISIT 'OUR HOM1VEDECOR AND BABY SHOP 5331 Main St., Orono GRIST MILL AUCTION CENTRE, Newtonville FRI. NOVEMBER 20th 6:00 p.m. Sclling the complete household contcnts of Glen and Elolse Mcelnnan, Hetherington Dr., Bowmanville; oak table & 4 chairs, oak china cabinet, Provincial dining suite & china cabinct, Provincial chesterficld suite, Provincial coffee tables, " glasswarc, chinawarc. lamps, bookcascs, colour T.V., VCR's, small appliances, bedroom furniture. blankets. quilts, linens, patio set, numcrous antiques. rocker. phone stand. dcsk, clarinet, 2 violins, 5 HP Toro snow blower, 3 1/2 HP gas mowcr, electric mowcr, tools, hardware, cquipment, 18 spccd bike, microwave, air conditioner, chcst freezer, 32 ft. laddcr, gas BBQ. etc. etc .. This i9 a Large Sale PREVIEW Friday after 2:00 p.m. Auction starts at 6:00 p.m. TERMS: Cash, Cheque, Visa, M/C, Interac AUCTIONEER FRANK G. STAPLETON, ICCA Newtonville (905) 786-2244 1-800-263-9886 "Estate Specialista Since 1971" 18 ac SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 22nd, 1998 at 12 Noon At the Port Perry Flea Market (Highway 7A). Schling the property of Mrs. Rebecca and the later Stanley R. Bruton, Port Perry. Coal oul hanging lamp, china cabinet, old washs tand, cedar chcst, corner whatnot, tables, rocking chairs, gateleg table, maple kitchen table, linens, and a large selection of dishes and giassware. TERMS: Cash or Cheque AUCTIONEER EARL GAUSLIN 905-640-3079 18 ac MONDAY, NOVEMBER 23rd, 1998 at 6:00 p.m. At Lemronville Community Centre on McCowan Rd.; household furniture, antiques, collectables, dishes, glassware, small tools. TERMS: Cash or Cheque. AUCTIONEER EARL GAUSLIN 905-640-3079 18 ac ]RECYCLE 6Danie( G. BIanting ine fFirearms c& Coffecti6(es C ollect ions & Estate Appraisals, A Specialty In Home Service Available GUNS BOUGHT, SOLD, TRADED 5331 Main Street, Orono 983-6480 email: dbanting@istar.ca Fruit Market ALL FRESH ONTARIO GOODS *Mclntosb,.Cortland, Empire, & Royal Gala Apples *Bartlett, Flemish, Beatty & Bosc Pears -Field Tomatoes FRESH CIDER Brown Potatoes,: 983-~28 SOLOh of Orono, H-wy 115/35 il ýr.. J' 00, .44 . . . . . . . . ..... .......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ;Y jzjn n ..a .5- .1 . . . . . . . . . . 40.1 ffl WA. EN