Oro)noWeekly Timies, Wednesday, Novernber F25, 1999 Hospital wins big at Summer Games The 1998 Wilmot Creek Summer Games Committee, donated $2,000 to the Memorial Hospital Foundation Fund. Committee members, left to right - Edythe Bell, Fred Ufton, Doug James - Memorial Hospital Foundation President, Mai Hamon, Irene Eiersen, Tony Hull. The doniation will go to the ophthalmology department at the hospital. MM CfCOUNCIL NOTES These notes were taken at the November 23rd meeting of the Clarington Council, held a 7:00 p.m. in the council cham- bers. . Certificates of Achievement were handed out to members of three local sports teams who won championships in their divisions. The teams were: - Ail Ontario 'E' Midget Basebali Champions - The Kendal Royals. - Ail Ontario 'E' Pee Wee Basebali Champions - the Kendal Royals - Ail Ontario O.M.H.A. Pee Wee Hockey Champions - the Newcastle Square Boys team. 0 Wendy Orton, Executive Director of the Community Foundation of Durham, informed council- that a Clarington Community Fund has been set up. Monies are donated to the fund in perpetu- ity, and the interest generated from the fund is used to sup- port charities. With the impie- mentation of the Clarington Community Fund, donations made in this community wiii heip charities in this communi-; ty.1 Orton said she would like counicil to be aware that they are a charity, and they would like to apply for. a portion of the Advance Lottery Funding the province is making avail- able to municipalities. ONTRIOFARM NEWS GROWER PESTICIDE SAFETY CERTIFICATION FOR 1999 Th e 1999 Grower Pesticide Safety courses are now avail-, able to sign up for. Courses will be held starting in January and runnlng to April of 1999. These courses are part of a serîes being offered across the province. Course toplcs will include pesticide toxicity, poisoning, protective clothing and equipment, label interpretation, equipment cal- ibration, legal requirements for transportation, storage and disposal as well as envi- ronmental concerns. An op en-book exam follows the course about mid-aftemnoon. You must successfully com- plete the examination with a mark of 75% or greater to obtain certification. If you are certifying for the first time,. you must attend the full day course. Due to the large number of expected renewals, there will be over double the number of courses offred ln York and Durham this winter. So reg-' ister early to reserve your spot. The cost for the certifica- tion is $65.00, due and payable on the dayofthe course (to the University of Guelph). Applicators have a choice of attending the one- day certification course, or in the case of those whose cer- tificate has expired AFTER October 31, 1997, can wrrite the re-certîfication exam only. Manuals will be available to the clients at the Port Perry OMAFRA office prior to taking the course. To put your name on a waiting list for a course, eall Port Perry OMAFRA office at 905-985-2003 or 1-800-263- 8023. DUREIAM WEST 4-H REPEATS SCOTIABANK RAYS CLASSIC SUCCESS by Anne Marie Werry, Durham West 4-H Leaders Association The team of Krsten Camartin, Jason Dowswell, Ian Mathers, Carl Phoenix, Jenna Phoenix, Joel Phoenix, Michael Phoenix, and Scott Werry, made Durham West stand up and cheer as once again Durham West walked away with Premier County Award. The Scotiabank Hays Classic is the most presti- glous dairy 4-H show in Canada, wlth 362 4-H exhibitors from 6 provinces participating. Mike Phoenix, Greenbank, was named flrst place Senior Showman, -as. well as Grand Champion Showman. Scott Werry, Oshawa, placed first in the Intermediate Class. Carl Phoenix, Greenbank placed third in Senior Showmanship and Kirsten Camartin placed 1 lth Intermediate. Congratulations to the fol- lowlng members in the con- formation class: Jason Dowswell, 7th Intermediate Calf; Kirsten Camartin, 6th Senior Caîf; Joel Phoenix, 2th Senior Caif; Scott Werry, 6th Summer Yearling; and Carl Phoenix, 3rd Junior Yearling. Thanks to Laura Finley for her time and coaching that she gave to the members again this year. A special thanks to the members who came and helped Durham West place 2nd for the sec- ond year in a row on their exhibit. These are some of the Iowest rates-in Canada ANNUAL RATES 35 157 287 515 40 187 367 670 45 259 535 985 50 374 790 1,495 55 577 l',275 2,465 60 868 2,003 3,920 65138 3,212 6,215 Kim Little Insurance & Investments (905)983-0512 Comu t erve s Doeatmn Winter Aquatic Registration The registration process for ail those interested in register- ing their child(ren) in the winter session of Aquatic, pro- gramns f rom Aqua Tots 1 to Aqua Quest Level 12 may do so as follows: FITNESS CENTRE - 8Bowmanv.iIe Location: Garnet S. Rickard Recreation Complex COMMTIE COMMUNITY COMPLEX - Courtice Location:- Gamnet B. Rickard Recreation Complex DATE: TIME: NOTE: Saturday, December 5, 1998 9:00 Io 11:00 a.m. Ongoing registrations wiIl be accepted com- mencing on Monday, December 7 at the Community Services Department. A late fee of $5.00 wilI be assessed as of Monday, December 14,1998. Private & Sem-Private Registration DATE:, TIME: LOCATION: Commencing Tuesday, December 8, 1998 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Community Services - Town Hall **PLEASE NOTE: Proof of Clarington residency will be requested (Driver's License, Tax or Hydro Bill)* For information contact Community, Services Department at 623-3379 ONTAnIO Date of Publication: Wednesday, November 25, December 2, 1998 P 0.#6824