10 Orono WeeRly T1me~ W~du~0ay. Noveutber 25, ~99f3 - Complete Car & Truck Repairs5 *Diesel Engines a Cummîns, Detroit & Cat. - Radio Dis patched Tow Trucks eMobile Mechanicaf Service Truck R.R. 1, Orono LOB 1iMO (905) 983-9151 Literary Section byjosh Moffatt IThis week 1 have selected tbree IDiamntesin tribute to I Remembrance Day. Peace Wonderful, free Caring, loving, playing playing outside without fear Cheering, smiling, laughing Peacefui, happy Love by: Amanda Stewart Peace Quiet, fun Running, playing, Iaughing No, need to worîy Singing, forgiving, sharing Free, joyful Freedom by: Jennilee Hodgson Peace Happy, free Helping, giving, cari.ng No more fighting wars i Bringing, calming, sllencing Long, loving Freedom by: Kaitlyn Leech Xmas -seals soiree raises $7,OOO for Iung disease1 $7,0O was raised on November 19th, at The Lung Association Durham Reglon's Christmas Seals Soiree. 1"We are dellghted, and would like to thanik the many indivIduals, volunteers, spon- sors and guests who made this event such a wonderful success," said Linda Brankston, Co-Chair of the event, "The support from the community and the guests were tremendous, and we si cerely appreciate everyone's generous support." The Christmas Seals Sofree featured a private art showdng by artist Walter'Campbell, beer, wine and chocolate tast- ings, and a live and silent auction. The evening's spon- sors included Ocala Wînery, Upper Canada Brewing Company, Williams Chocolate, the Royal Bank and Novartis Pharmaceuticals. "Vie would like to extend our special thanks to the Youth Orchestra of Durham," said Dawn Flett, Co-Chair. "They provided, wonderful music which was enjoyed by ail." Lung disease is serious and on the rise. The Lung Association is among Canada's oldest health orga- nizations'and has a strong record in terms of bringing tuberculosis under control and helping prevent other lung disease. Funds raised from the Christmas Seals Soiree and through the Christmas Seal Campaign will help those with lung disease in Durham Regi on. For more information on programs, or to make a dona- tion to the Christmas Seal Campaign, please caîl The Lung Association Durham Region at 905-436-1046. When You Can't Breathe, Nothing Else Matters! REC..YCLE n il Hthe plusani nurai l e'-11 Juspckt-pMo rvedlohig Bride ~ To Be? New Baby? For free information and gifts.. Cati Nb aria today! 983-8230& ELCOME- wwAGON SINjcE 1930 ORONO JUN(OR TIMES VOLUME IINOV.2 5/9 8 -NO activation tees EVER.- NO credit cad nunbers . -Always same price Canadian Funds . '. NO fluctuating monthly bils . .NO changeover fees - Low est Subscription Prices.- Cali 1-800-868-6362 for more information. LucI<y Milk Carton in O.P.S. Derek Snow of Orono Public School becarne a celebrity in his grade 2/3 classroomn when bis milk carton mooed. l'he carton was one of the many cartons thaf are a part off tc Milk Moo Contest. When vou open t he lid a moo sound comes out.(lf you're lucky enoughi to win). Dcrek says that lie xvas having a very good day. 1le says that when tic Firsf found out that he had won he feit really good and special(surprised too!). So surprised that bis first react ion was "'1 WON!". Within minutes the news had been announced on the p.a. system. Ail of Derek's class mates crowded around hum asking for an autograpti. " After a white it kind of got on my nerves, 1 wanted f0 eaf my lunch'. t looked like he would be drinking wafer instead of milk. Inside thec carton, there was a bag of water wifh a sticker on it telling hum bis prize. Derek's prize was a $1000 gifi certifficate for a Bell Quick Change card for long distance phone calls. "I1 don't really use if. My parents will. fhough". Derek's neyer going f0 give up hope thaf he might win again. Next time, he hopes fo get a bigger prize that lic can use. Derek's favourite drink still isn'trmilk. île says that he prefers the. Straxvberry Kiwi Gatorade. le mighf change bis mind if he won a car! by Kate Whelan A,-TIMjIC 0F REMEMPRANCE On Nuvenîber the 1i1, Oron Public Sohool had a Remembrance Day assernbly. If waS a time to be thankful and to remëmber the people who fought for us in the wars. They sang O Canada then the flag was selt The choir sang Give It Away a soflig about sharing your friendship. Britta-ny MacDonnell told about John McCrae and then Kristen Blaker and .jlstin Western read his poem n FRanders Fields Each grade, then, presented their doves of peace to the assembly. Eaçh dove told of hrow individual stuçients were going to make peace. Next, there was the setting of the wreath, then there was the moment of silence and the trumpeter. Kelly Hughes and Dorek Van Der Weer, summarized the story," Sadako and the ThopUsand Pa er Cranes," a sfory of à J apanese girl who was affected by the bombing of Hiroshima . The Masfiws of Ceremony who introduced the segments were Kate Whelan and Ryan Campney. The decorations on the walls and curtains were doves, and crosses made by the students , plus some poems of Peace by Grade Six. Eight parents came to the haîf hour. assembly. The students came away with a new respect for the veterans and an understanding of peace. By: Kelly Hughes and Kyle Ostrander. Stuttîs Pharmocy The Bock Studio Gould Cards & Gifts Cathys GoId OSHAWA St, John Ambulance PICKERNG East Side Mroos UXBRIDGE CIBC Williomson Chev, Olds, Codilloc Uxbridge Family Foot Care Med Chem Lob [Id. Rush Photo 0o~~o Newcastle House and urrock Period ISurniture ti 1 invite you to an 10e L/ idtm Jii ai e 4 November 25 to 30 "Browse through our exciting gift ideas and warni up to hot apple cider and gingerbread. " Newcastle House 15%/oOff FREE Christmas Qinament wirth purchase of $25 or iniore HOLJRS: Tues- Thurs: 10- 5:30 Fni: 10 -A - Sun: Il - 4 (905) 987-1978 Sturrock Period Furniture Hancîmnade Fui niture Antiques & Collecribles Holiday Gifts HOURS: Iý-9 DAILA (905) 987-4489 Newcastle House & Sturrock Period Furjniture proudly serving the l ocal community 0 at 210 and 236 King Street WVest in Newcastle c~00 iT'S TIME TO CONSIDER YOUR OPTIONS IT COULD SAVE YOU SOME MONEY IT'LL SURE GIVE YOU MORE CHANNELS If you're flot getting ail 160 channels available on your- 18" dish including Pay Per Vîew movies on channels 101 to 199 or Sports channels 300 to 500 then.its time " to change who you buy programming from. 4 Miles North of Hwy 401 on Hwy 35/115 ....... EALTH EDEPARTMENT S* The Injury Prevention Program, Durham Region Health Dept thanks the following businesses for participatîng in FaIls Prevention Week - September 1418,1998.: AJAX Dr. G.' latropoulos Dr, B. Jesperson Bulk Born Antique Discoveries CLARINGTON Shoppers Drug Mort IGA A&P Loblaws Orono Weekly Times Hoopers Jewellers King Street Bar and Grill McGregor IDA-Drugs Dr, K.A. McPherson