Ç rno.WeeklyTlmes1 3 RCR baille group Bosnîa Herzegovîna Corporal Janet Wendland was bom in Bowmanville, but spent a good part cf her life in Orono, which she considers home. Cpi Wendland' enrolled in the Canadian Forces in 1989, and is on lier first overseas tour cf duty. She is seen here just outside the Unit Medical Station (UMS), in front of the Bison armoured ambulance in which she sometimes works. Cpl Wendland is currently serving with the Canadian contingent cf the NATO-led Stabilization Force (or SFOR) in Bosnia Herzegovina. Corporal Janet Wendland was born in Bowmanville, but spent a good part cf lier life in Orono, which she considers home. CpI Wendlanid enrolled iia thie Canadiani Forces in 1989, and is on her first ever- seas tour cf duty. She is seen hiere just ouitside- the Unit Medical Station (UNIS), in front of the Bison armoured ambulance in which she seme- times works. Cpi Wendland is currently serving with the Canadian con- ingent cf the NATO-led Stabilization Force (or SFOR) in Bosnia Herzegovina. Cpl Wendland, 32, is a Medical Assistant with the Unit Medical Station (UMIS) at Camp Holopina, headquarters of the 3 RCR Battle Group, located in the northern part of the Canadian area cf responsi- b-ility. The Battle Group is made up cf approximately 900 soldiers, and takes its name from its largest compenient, the 3rd Battalion The Royal Canadian Regiment. The UMS looks after the routine and emergency medical treatment cf Canadian soldiers at Camp Holopina, and provides a limit- ed humantarîan medical ser- vice at a rural clinic nearby. CpI Wendlaad is attached te the Battle Gro up frorn ler par- ent unit, 2 Field Ambulance, based at CFB Petawawa. Her tasks in Bosnia include medical screenings and ambulance duties. The 3 RCR Battle Group encompasses an area the size of Prince Edward Island and is Canada's main contribution te the multinational peacekeeping for-ce. Its mission in Bosnia is te prevent hostilities, support civil development and monitor the military requirements of the Dayton Peace Accords. CpI Wendland and the other mem- bers cf the Unit Medical Station will be returning te Canada in late January early February 1999. Stocking stuffers for the golfer on your Iist Just in time for Christmas gifts, The Lung Association is once again offering their Golf Privilege Bock with ail pro- ceeds used te support The Lung Association's respirate- ry research efforts and cern munity healthi pregrams. "Each year the Book gets better and better! For less then one typical green fee, you can enjoy great discounts at 41 golf clubs and driving ranges' without travelling hundreds of miles," said Tim, Kennaley, Volunteer Chair for Central Ontario Region. The 1999 Golf Book, a great value at $25, is a pro- motional voucher beoklet filled wlth great discount offers te golfers across Central Ontario. It provides seasoned golfers and new golf enthusi- asts with an eppertunity te play many fine courses and practice ranges in areas such as Lindsay, Peterborough, Oshawa, Brampton and Orillia, te name a few. "Last year's bock was extremely popular, and sold St, FrrýiCS uof Assis Parîsh News BAPTISMS - opI the weekend cf November 2lst, 22nd the following childrefl were wel- comed into our faith communi- ty through Baptism: Christopher CoTai Madeiros, son cf Hilary M4çdeiros; Pierce Michael Fegan, pri cf Paul and Charlotte Fegafl Heinz Moukarzel, son cf Kamal and Christine Moukàrzel, Michelle Elizabeth Hoppar, daugliter cf Joseph and Kareni Hopper. PARISH CHRISTMAS BAZAAR : On Saturday, November 28th , frorn 11:00 arn te 2:00 p.m. the C.W.L will be hosting the Parish Bazaar, Anyone wîshing te donate towards the WhÏte Elephant Table (good used items), Crafis, Knittîng, Baked Goods, items for the Penny Table please do se by bringing te the churcli or phone Kathy at 786- 2655 or Marie at 987 4601. Ail ait PàaIrkwoomd As one cf'Canada's finest heritage attractions and des- ignated National Historie sites, the ParkwoodEstate is an experience that should be on everyone's Christmas list. Christmas at Parkwood - through January 3 - reflects the elegance cf grand living and the gracieus hospitality cf a bygone era. Parkwood was the private residence of Col. R. s. McLaughlin, founder cf General Motors cf Canada, and is now a cern- munlty heritage resource te be enjoyed by ail. Guided tours cf the 55- room mansion highlight lav- ish original furnishings, architecture and artwork, enhanced by season decora- tiens and holiday finery. Principle rooms are aglow with vibrant poinsettias, and captured in reflections of pol- ished wood, glittering crystal and shimmering silver. Llngering is encouraged in the festive atmosphere of the Greenhouse Tearoom, featur- ing fresh home baking, and the Gift Shop. Groups are welcome by appointment. Tours are available Tuesday to Sunday 1:30 te 4:00 p.m. at $6 Adults, $4.50 Seniors & Students and $14 Family. Afternoon Tea is $4 per persen (net open Saturdays) . eut. We suggest that If people want one, they should caîl as soon as possible," said Mr. Kennaley. 1Don't miss eut! Order yollr Golf Privilege Bock teday by calling The Lung Association at (905) 436-1046. are welcome. On Monday, November 3Oth 1998 - Treat yourself te a Night of Silence. Prepare for the great Christmas seasen by ccming te, a prayerful, spiritual, enriching musical evening. The Taize singing group from St. Anne's parish (Peterborough) will visit our parish for an Advent Prayer Service called "A Night cf Silence". Don't miss this one! Treat yourself te a wenderful evening cf peace. Ail are Welcome. Social te Follew. Christmas Masses - Christmas Eve, Thursday, December 24th - 5 P. M. (Children's masses, 7 p.m. and 10 p.m. SERVING DURHAM REGION SINCE 1841 FUNERAL SERVICES PRE-ARRANGED & PREPAID 'Wicre Professional9stiquette is Important' Funeral Directors Paul R. Morris Robert E. Williams Gary M. Conway Deug R. Rutherford ANSWERING YOUH CALL 24 HOURS 623-5480 4 Division St. Bowmanvllle Public Information Centre Long Term Waste Management Strategy a Plan As part of the Region of Durham's Long Term Waste Management Strategy Plan, the first in a series of Public Information Centres is scheduled for Tuesday, December 1, 1998 in the Main Lobby of the Regional Headquarters Building, 60 5 Rossland Road East, Whitby between 5:00 and 9:00 p.m. Information wiIl be provided on the current waste manage- ment system and residents will be given the opportunity te comment on possible future waste management options as well as other waste issues facing the Region. AIl residents are encouraged to attend. V.A. SILGAILIS, P. Eng. Commissioner of Works Clarington Fitness Centre P.A. DAY SWIMS Friday, December 4, 1998 Public Swimrning from 10:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. to 3 p.m. "Corne out and enjoy a fun-filled afternoon with our friendly SIGWEED the Sea Snake!" Courtice Community Complex P.A. DAY SWIM Friday, December 4,1998 Public Swirnming from 1:30 p.m. to 4 p.m. 'Waterslide WHIl be open!" (jIa NICIPALhTY 0F ONTARIO Dates of Pubi.cation: Wed. November 25 & December 2, 1998 P.O. #6833