1rnWelTms ensaDcme2 98-1 Oh ,deer Photo taken at Orono's Jungle Cat World. KENDAý Kendal United Church wel- comed Rev. John Sullivan ta the Newtonville/Kendal/Shiloh Pastoral Charge. fie will be aur interim minister for the next six months. He led us in worship for the first Sunday in Advent, and also in celebrating Advent Communion. His con- siderable talents include invig- orating and motivating serinons and great musical talent shown in hîs piano playing. Prayers of support were offered for Lea and flarley Elliott, since Lea's sister Mary King of Orillia had passed away suddenly on Friday, November 27. fier funeral was held in Peterborough on Sunday, November 29 at the Nisbett Funeral Home. S After the Children's Moments, Matthew 24:36 - 44 was read and Rev. Sullivan pro- ceeded with his message of hope in his sermon, "Jesus is Coming". Afier offering was presented and Advent Communion was celebrated by all, Joy to the World was sung as the closing hymn. "Let us return now to the waiting world with God's mes- sage of peace and hope." We should all remember this in our everyday lives. This Reading quote preceded the Blessing, L NEWS by Joan Anderson Choral Amens and Postiude, before ail were welcomed to the Christian Education room for refreshments and socializ- ing. COMMUNITY EVENTS CHRISTMAS SHOPPING TO DO? Corne ta .. .The Pampered Chef Fund Raising party at the Kendal United Churcli on Thursday evening, Deceinber 3 at 7:30 p.m. These tools are superb quality and a large vani- ety will be available. Get your Christmas shopping completed, and assist the Church at the same time. Proceeds wilI go to the Church. Christmas Flowers Kendal United Church is also raising funds this Christmas season by selling poinsettias for $7 tax included and Christmas cactus for $5. They will be delivered ta the Kendal Church on Friday December 11. If you wish to support the church by ordering some of these excellent quality plants, please call Joan Anderson at 983-5371. Orders must be in by no later than Tuesday evening, December 9. Christmas Giving Kendal United Church has adopted a family for Christmnas and will be supplying them with food, new clothing and toys. Any donations of new ladies clothing, size Mediumn, or girls' clothing size twelve and four or other items of food and appropniate toys would be appreciated. Please caîl Laura Savage 983-9547 ta arrange your donation. Thrkey Dinner Sunday, December 6, L.O.L. 405 will be hosting their Annual Turkey Dinner at Kendal United Church from 5 - 7 p.m. Tickets are $10 with,$1 going ta a local needy family. Please bring a non- perishable food item for the Clarington East Food Bank. 1 iT PAYS TO ADVERTISE 983-5301 Just Moved? Bride ~ To Be? New Baby? For free information and gifts..-. Cati Sharla today! 983-8230O& WECOME* WGON Notice te residents regarding a Waste Management Advisory Committee Meeting The next meeting of the Region of Durham's "Waste Management Advîsory Committee" will be held on Tuesday, December 8, 1998 at 7:00 p.m. in the Main Boardroomn of the Region's Works'Department Building, 105 Consumers Drive, Whitby. The Public is wel- corne to attend. V.A. SILGAILIS, P. ENG. Commissioner of Works BtIue spruce Ridge Gofand Country Club... ... inthe roUing hif(s of Bethany,- wouLV (ik.e ta invite aff goLfers in th-e orea. ta view aur golf course. As wellI, it's ant opportunity ta receive 10 YEARS FREE GOLF with. the purdw.se of an equity tetn- bersfrip. Corporate, yecrfy andf tournamrent rates wifl atso be cwfaktfe. Presentation witf be SATURDAY, DECEMBER 5,, 1998 at 10 a.m.. Directions are 3tn north. of 115 Hwy on County Roau 32 ta BaL(ydluf Roadi, tf-en 3km east ta th-e golf course. Pfease caff aur fr-ienidfy staff for more infortnatian at Community Services Department Winter Aquatic Registration The registration process for ail those interested in register- ing their child(ren) in the winter session of Aquatie pro- gramns from Aqua Tots 1 ta Aqua Ouest Level 12 may do so as follows: FITNESS CENTRE - Bowmanville Location: Gamnet B. Rîckard Recreation Complex OOURTICE COMMUNITY COMPLEX - Courtice Location: Gamnet B. Rickard Recreation Complex DATE: TIME: NOTE: Saturday, December 5, 1998 9:00 ta 11:00 ar. Ongoing registrations wilI be accepted com- mencing on Monday, December 7 at the Community Services Department. A late fee of $5.00 will be assessed as of Monday, December 14, 1998. Private & Semi-Private Reaiistration DATE: TIME: LOCATION: Commencing Tuesday, December 8,1998 8:30 a.m. ta 4:30 p.m., Community Services - Town Hall **PLEASE NOTE: Proof af Clarington residency will be requested (Driver's License, Tax or Hydro Bill)** For information contact Community Services Departmentat 623-3379 ON TARIO0 Date of Publication: Wednesday, November 25, December 2, 1998 P.O. #6824 SF--j Simpson Memorials M "Now ini Bowman ville" 119 King Street East Bowmanville - 623-6581 and 111 Toronto Rd., Hwy #2 West, Port Hope (905) 885-6434 Monuments e Granite or Bronze Markers a Inscriptions Indoor/Outdoor Displays ffi-=ý131, Excellent Prices -Guarante ed Workmanship - Etchings- Personal and Scenes -Wooden Sandblasted Signs Try us before you decide by visiting our new Sales Office, or cail us and arrange for an appointment in the com fort of your home,