4 - Oron We&kJynes. Wýednes>day.Deceruber 2. 199$ý l Russ, Major Plumbing finds 'silver Iining' at tournament The Russ Major Plumbing Novice Reps were pretty busy playing six gaines this past week comuing out even sporting a 3 and 3 win/loss record for their efforts. Iin exhibition play, the Orono club hosted Port Hope in a rernatch corning out on top again defeating the Redimen 6- 2. Brett Cairns and Andrew Kirkbride were the top point- getters this garne accurnulating two goals and two assists each. Matt, Moffat contributed with one goal and one assist wbile Jesse Rice also added a goal. Denis Beenen and Joey Van Dusen added two helpers each while Lucas Leech and Dan Mclsaac each had one. Thursdav night league action saw the visiting 4 plumbers' corne out on top 5-2 over their Bobcaygeon counter- parts. Tommy Meester scored the first Orono goal with Brett Cairns and Michael Hicks drawing assists., Andrew Kirkbride scored Oronos sec- ond goal from Brett Cairns wbile Meester. with his second of the game scored number tliree fromn Kirkbride. Number four was scored by Dan Mclsaac from Cairns and Hicks wbile number five went to Andrew Kirkbride wi th bis second goal of the night from- Hicks and Moffat. The Major Plumnbing Leafs met their 'Waterloo' 3-1 Friday night in exhibition play against Oshawa. Orono's lone goal was scored by Lucas Leecb assisted by Brett Cairns and Denis Beenen. Weekend tournarnent play found the Plumbers in Ops Township. Gjai-e one was a roughi one with the bometown boys going down 3-2 to St. John's. But, Sunday was a new day as Orono out-shined and outplayed Millbrook defeating thern 8-3. Matt Moffat witl a good day's work, rose to the occasion scoring bis first-ever liat-trick in leading his team to victory. Assisting Moffat with bis scoring output were Meester, Cairns, Van Dusen, Tyler-,Lawrenice, Luke Green (2), Michael Whalen, Matt Fuller and Kyle Balson. The other goal, scorers were Kirkbride witb one goal and one assist, Lawrence with one goal and two assists, Daniel Mclsaac witb two goals, Hicks witb one. Gaine three of the tourna- ment against Ops was close in lits eniirety but the Leafs could- rt close tbe gap going-down 5- 3 to the hosts. Lucas Leech scored Oronos firsi goal assist- ed by Matt Moffat', Daniel Mclsaac scored from Hicks, and the third Orono goal came from Tommy Meester assisted by Mclsaac. Because tourna- ment wins were based on the point system, it was good enough for tbe Orono to clinch second place overail. Also, special congratulations to Matt Moffat who received tourna- nuent MVP honours for bis offensive output. Goalie Alex Campney also deserved a pat on the back for his stellar play in net for Orono. And, special tbanks to Ron Van Dusen who volunteered his time to referee both Tuesday and Fridays games. It was rnost appreciated!, Family Auto bantams continue overwhelming opposition This past week was a- busy one for the Orono Family Auto Bantams, but it was a produc- tive one with the boys winning both their games by over- whelming scores. On Friday, Orono travelled to Woodville for iheir fourth league away game in a row. In this game Orono came oui fly- îng as Mati Reid opened the scoring early on, in a solo effort coming oui of the corner. Chris Bouley and Dan Tresise drew assisis on the goal. Less thari a minute later, Reid set up Tresise in the slot and Dan made no mistake in putting it away. Adam Tolleti drew the other assisis. Woodville answered that quickly to make il 2-1. Orono took over from there and held Woodville off of the scoresheet the resi of the way. Orono would get one more goal before the period was up. Mati Reid got il as he iipped a Mark McCalister point shot. Jeff Thompson made the score 4-1 early in the second period on a nice one-timer ihat trickled in behind the goalie. Chris Field got the assisi afier some nice work along the boards. Mati Reid completed bis hai-trick one minute later on an easy goal that was assisted by Aaron Robinson. Later in, the period, Aaron had to leave the game after being drawn into a fighi. Derek Heershop, (back after an ankle injury) made it 6- 1 on a nice behind the pack pass from Ricky Howe. Jeff Thompson and Adam Tolleti got the assisis. Orono then held their tempers in the third period and went home with a 7-1 vic- tory and another 2 points. Sunday night Orono hosied Mariposa and dominated yet again. Chris Burriti played another outstanding game in goal as Jeff Slemon was still oui sick. This game was not as rough as two nights before but Orono still put the puck in the net a lot. The final score ended ai 8-1 as Orono got revenge on an earlier season loss to the same team. Goals were scored by: Mati Reid (3), Dan Tresise (2), Derek Heerschop (2) and Jeff Thompson (1). Assisis were handed oui 10: Dan Tresise (3), Jamie Rowe (3), Ricky Howe (3), Chris Field (2), Aaron Robinson and Mark McCalister got one each. Unfortunately Chris Bouley and Colin Cureaiz boih had to leave the game wiih injuries. Chris had leg problems, and Colin had a sore hip. Hurry up and get back boys! Buttie of -the Orono major tykes The batile of the two Orono Major Tykes came to a head lasi week.- Henderson X-mas Trees v.s. National Power Skating. This much anticipaied match-up was fun to waich and the players had fun compeiing wiih each other. -On November 21 the teams had an exhibition game whîch was the warm-up for'ibe big game on November 27. The X-mas Trees were shut- oui in the firsi match, but were sharp in their league game. On November 27, before a packed bouse the X-mas Trees battled to a 2-2 tie, midway through the second period. Gardiner Cule came oui flying to score bis firsi of the year assisied by Tyler Johansen and Harley Mccoll. Tyler Johansen scored the nexi assisied by Gardiner Cole and Colin Gilbride. The Power Skaters shifted gears in the third period 10 open Up the lead 10 win 5-2. Mati Puddicombe was very steady in net for his club. Lucas Martin, Brian Knapp, Ryan Wood, Shelby MacDonnell 1, Tyler Armstrong, Scott Duquette, Alanna Picknor, Mati Field and Jo -n DeVries ail played well for the team. TRT Sand & Gruvel slips pust TRT Sand and Gravel Novices edged Union Oil 4-3 in CRHL action lasi Saturday oui-sbooting tbem 24-10. Sbarpsbooter Dustin Armn- strong scored on a rebound during tbe firsi shift of the game witb Tyler Elson getting the belper. The Qilers respond- ed mid-period but Armstrong netted bis second goal of the game ai 4:12 nailing the top corner to regain a TRT lead. Elson and Jevon Staples picked Up -the assists. Rob Blaker gave bis team a two-goal lead at 13:40 of tbe second, unassisted. The Union 0Oil group climbed within one ai tbe six minute mark only to see-TRT defenseman Natban Smith on a Daniel Hodgson fée, land a bard screened shot Unio n 01il from the point--wbicb would eventually be tbe game winner. Bowmanville narrowed the gap adding one ai 6:16 of the ibird putting more pressure on the TRT team by pulling their goalie for an extra attacker wiih 1:16 in the game. But, tbanks to some fine defensive work and determination, TRI 4-3 hung on for the Win. The Sand & Gravel crew bave been on a roll of laie, squeezing out another one goal victory in exhibition play. Sunday aflernoon ibey posted a 6-5 win overBowmanville as TRT's rookie goaltender Devin Robinson--deemed bero of the gai-e, saved the game stoning a Bowmanville sbooter on a penalty shot! Country Cafe fails to Woodiville The Orono Country Cafe Atom Reps shared recipes with Woodville Friday November 27, but looked sharp on the ten- nis court the following morn- ing. On the Friday night match, Orono played well in the firsi period. Evan Moore shot a blistering shot ai the Woodville goalie and the rebound came to Justin Guillemette who drove it in. This was Orono's only scoring highlighî. Orono was two men short when they scored this goal. Woodville wore them down and won 4- 1. Shane Winters and Andrew Fudge both played strong games in the net. On Saturday morning Coach Knox got the team together with a few other friends to play a game of road hockey and back to lis place for french fries., The kids had a bail! We print and design.. w* Letterhead, Envelopes, Business Cards ,*- NCR Business Forms id Flyers, Coupons, Gift Certificates <-Bookiets, Programs a-Admission & Draw Tickets q*- Scratch Pads and much more! Other services pro vided... w. 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