Fabulous fashions in Kendal Some of the latest fashions went down the runway at the Kendal United Church Iast week Tuesday evening. Gail Empey is ready for the drop in temperature in this black and red ensemble. There was a good turn-out for the fashion show, dessert and tea, put on the the United Church. The garments featured were fromn Monica Rose &The Bridai Path in Bowmanviiie. submitted by Joan Anderson The Bridai Path and Monica Rose 'Fashions, both of Bowmanvile, sponsored a great Fait and Holiday Fashion Show at the Kendal United Church on Tuesday November 21. Many thanks to fashion 00- ordinator and emcee Carole Gardner, refreshment co-ordi- nator Peggy Frank and decora- tor Gail Empey for putting a professionai polish on this show. The evening started with a coffee and dessert hour, and then progressed to the impor- tant event - the fashion show. T he first two models, Don Peddar and Grant McConaghy, were demonstrating the latest fashions for gentlemen sefting a humorous tone for the evening. They were cozy in fur wraps, with their loveiy long dresses aceented by cowboy boots, exaggerated makeup, scarves and blonde wigs.' This hilarious introduction ta the evening was then followed by the true fashion show. The first-time models were ail volunteers from Kendal United Church, who enjoyed the evening immensely and did a very professional job. They were Melinda Andrews and her daughter Stephanie, Joan Anderson, Joan Blackburn, Joyce Boudreau, Gai] Empey, Peggy Frank, Vicki Haass, Christena Lewis, Lisa Rideaut and Laura Savage who did wonderful jobs in presenting the outstanding ensembles. A great variety of outfits was shown, ranging from casuai to dressy with many versatile pant and skirt outfits that could be dressed Up or down. The aceessories for eaeh outfit were beautiful jewelry and/or strik- ing -scarves also froni Monica Rose fashions., The grand finale was a dis- play of gorgeons bridai gowns being shown by Melinda Andrews with her littie daugh- ter Stephanie dressed as a flower girl, Gail Empey, Laura Savage and Vicki Haass. Beautiful formai gowns and mother of the bride outfits were shown by the other modeis. Door prizes which were sub- stantial gift certificates from Monica Rase Fashions were won, and the iovely floral bou '- quet, a door prize donated by The Bridai Path, was won by Jessica Markland of Newcastle. The well-attended evening was a terrific success with al proceeds, gaing ta Kendal United Church. A very big thank you to the' sponsors, Monica Rose Fashions and The BridaI Path, to ail who helped in any capacity and to aIl those who attended. Chief execu tive off bcer of Fisher Gauge honoured Trent University will recog- nize Bill Fisher, local founder of precision manufacturing company Fisher Gauge Limited, for Nis personal, fam- ily and corporate support by namlng a lecture hall for hlm in its recently-renovated Otonabee College academic building. The room wlll be known as the William F. Fisher Lecture Hall. Awarded an honourary Trent doctorate of laws in 1986 to recognize Nis contri- bution to the university and the Peterboroughi communi- ty, he has personally set an example for contlnuous leamn- ing, research and develop- ment as an inventor, design- er and engineer. Mr. Fisher began a tool and die shop in Peterborough in 1942, and together with Nis late brother Chester, bufit one of Canada's most successful famlly-owned businesses which Is a model for many Canadian companies in today's age of globalization. Today he is Chief,,Executive Officer of a company that has three Peterborough plants as well as plants in New York and Wales. The presentation of a plaque to mark the room's naming was made at 12 noon ti the Bata Libraiy's A.J.M. Smîth foyer as part of the November 27 meeting of the University's Board of Governors. In addition to Dr. Fisher, other special guests included Doug Fisher, Bill's son who is Chairman of Fisher Gauge and a member of the Trent Foundation Board-, and Nis nephew and Fisher Gauge Carporate Secretary Jim Fisher. Also present were Fred Murphy, President of Fisher Gauge and a Trent board member, and hon- ourary Trent board member and retired Fisher Gauge President Tod Willcox. Trent President Honnie Patterson acknowledged the support of Bill Fisher and the Fisher Gauge company for Trent's science teaching and pure research. A particular interest has been the scientif- ic measurement techniques used in Trent's Environmental and Resource Studies program and other science departments. Their financial support has been provided tO help Trent acquire scientific equipment to estab- lish the Trent University Institute for Mass Spectrophotometry. *Complete Car & Truck Repairs'e eDiesel Engines * Cummins, Detroit & Cat.e a Radio Dis patched Tow Trucks a eMobile Mechanical Service Truck. R.R. 1, Orono LOB 1 MO (905) 983-9151 4 Miles North of Hwy 401 on Hwv 35/115 MASARU KARATE CLUB RICK JONES, Instructor 4858 1RegionaI Road 18 Newtonville, Ontario LOA I JO VTel: (905) 786-2793 - Fax: (905) 786-1031 Classes for Children and Aduits To ail of aur patrons, friends and neiglibours, wishing you the best of the Holiday Season! Hl-Ioliday Greetings from the New Dutch Oven Restaurant Choosefrom the menu or enjoy our BUFFET SPECTAL Ail you can eat $13-50 4 983-5001 where the Partij's at! ~ Decerrber 31,'99~ - gp.m. to 1 a.m. Al Night Buffet and >> Featuring Live Band CROSS WINDP Complimentarq Champagne at Midnight Cash Bar - $50 per person- Res erved geating TICKETS AVAILABLE AT The Apple Blossom %Sop- Apogee Productions Daniiel Banting Fine Firearms& Collectibles