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Orono Weekly Times, 9 Dec 1998, p. 12

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--.Oon.W - ---nsWeneda -.ecmbr , 99 r Rebekahsholdanothergreatbazaar NewCastle Public School Again this year, there was no shortage of hand-made items on sale at the Heather Rebekah Bazaar. The Bazaar, held last Saturday, in the Oddfellow & Rebekah Hall from 2 - 4 p.m. -offered a penny sale, crafts, a country store, bake sale and tea, candy, near- ly new items, and a big draw. Alice Hooey, pictured, was the sales associate at the knitted goods table. cgc/wol Orono Public Sohool1 REPORT CARI) DISTRIBUTION AND INTERVIEWS Students in grades one to six received their reports on November 3th. Parents are, remlnded to, please return the report card envelope and page 3 of the report to the school when they attend their sched- uled interview. IMPORTANT DATES We will have regular dis- missal on Friday, December 18, 1998 and will begin school again on Monday, January 4, 1999. UNICEF UPDATE On October 31, the stu- dents of Orono Public School raised $226.00 for the United Way. Many children canried UNICEF boxes out when they went trick or treating on Halloween evening. The stu- dents can be proud of their accomplishment. The UNICEF program will benefit fr-om the efforts of our stu- dents. submlttedi by S. Bek UNITED WAY Our United Way campaign is still underway. We are con- tinuing to collect a loonie from every teacher who chooses to dress dlown on a Friday. The hat day we had just before Halloween raised over $20.00 and we are con- tinuing to try and MIî a large plastic jar with pennies. When the jar is fuil we will hold an estimating contest for the children in the school. Whoever comes the closest to estimating the actual amount will wn a prize. The United Way campaign wrapped up at the end of November. GALLERY IN THE CLASSROOM On November 9th, a vol- unteer from the Art Gailery of Northumberland came to visit Grades 2/3 and Grade 5 stu- dents as part of their Gallery in the Classroom programn. Dear Fapulies and Friends of Newcastle Public School, Decembçr is here! And with it, the knpwledge that one third of ouf school year Is now behind us. To mark the end of this acadePic period, report cards came home on Wednesday, December 2. At this trne, I would like to express my sincere apprecia- tion to yoi for your Ongoing interest inou child's school experience. My first months at Newcastle School have Pro- vided me fi3any opportunities to witness the commitment you have to your chlfdren - our studeflts. Many of you give of youf ltime to volunteer in classroffils. chaperone on class trip@, participate In The prëpentation5 Iro- duced thé students to art fijndainentals such as colour, shape and perspective. Thank you to Ms. Skfllen for organijDfg this presenta- tion as part of the art cur- riculum. BOOK FA1R More than six hundred dollars worth of new books lias been adlded to the library because of another successful, Book Fair at Orono Public School. WINTER ACTIVITIES Again thjs year, the School Council ià sponsoring skat- ing for otîr students. The skating dates are January il and 12, FePruary 8 and 9th, and Mari-eh8th and 9th. CAMPBELI' SOUP LABELS, We are eýontinuing to col- lect Campb)ell Soup Labels and Pepperidge Farm Goldfish e-racker proofs of purchase labels. Please help us by saving your labels and sending theml to the school with your ghild. INCLEMENT WEATHER/ BUS DELAYS In the c-ase of inclement weather and poor road condi- tions, pjearýe listen to radio stations 1350AM or 94.9FM, (both called Magic) will broad- cast any bus delays or can- cellations. in order for this informnati,*on to haveé meanlng, you and you-r chiùldren need to know your bus number. SENIORS' CHRISTMAS TEA The Seniors' Christmas Tea is scheduled for Tuesday, December 15 at 1:30 p.m. in the gymnasium. Seniors, grandfriends and grandpar- ents are more than welcome. Please phone the school at 983-5006 to let us know if you are attending. submnitted by C. O'Neill CHRESS CLUB Chess Club will begmn this week. Students will be devel- oping their chess playing skills during the noon hour sessions. Mr. Witheridge Is the staff co-ordinator for t1fls extra curricular activity. School Council activties, and assist with homework assign- ments. Your visible Involve- ment is an essential ingredi- ent in your child's school success. When combined with the excellent classroom pro- grams the teachers are pro- viding, we have a powerful combination that in fact will provide the children with an educalion that will last a life-, time. On behaîf of the staff, I wish you and your family the peace and pleasures of the upcomning holiday season. We look forward to coântinuing the partnership between home and school in the new year. SCHOOL SAFETY: LASER LIGHTS The Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board lssued a memo on November 19, 1998 directing that laser liglits are banned from all school properties. This deci- sion was made as a resuit of eye Injuries that were caused by the accidentai pointing of the laser liglit. A PLEA FROM THE CHESS CLUB We have had a tremendous turnout for our Chess Club meetings. ý On Tuesdays the experienced players attend and on Thursdays the begin- ners receive Instruction. We have in attendance forty to fifty children from grades one to six. It Is Very encouraging to see so many eager chess play- ers, but it causes a problem wlIen it cornes to flnding a board and pîeces for every twco players. If anlyone bas any old chess sets (even wlth mlssing pleces) that they would be wiiling to donate, we would be very grateful. L. Daignault & J. Yates Chess Club Co-ordinators SCHOOL SAFETY PATROL NEWS 1Il was a busy November for our School Safety Patrols! I amn pleased to report our first Safety Patrol Popcomn Day was a success. We sold ail 200 bags of popcomn that we made. We raised $85.00 from the sales that will be put toward our end of the year outings. Thiank you to ail stu- dents and staff who support- ed us by purchasing a bag. The Safety Patrols have been busy helplng to reinforc'e safe play practices on our playground equipment. Wlth cooler temperatures present there has been frost on the equipment in the mornlngs, therefore It lias been a great asset to have patrols asslsting teachers in remindIng the chuîdren to show extra cau- tion in these conditions. The Newcastle Safety Patrols would like to wish everyone a Safe and Happy Holiday. Scott McKeown Staff Facilitator TURKLEY LUNCH The Annual Turkey Lunch will be served at Newcastle Public Sehool on December 15. During the evenlng of December 15, grade 6 stu- dents and staff will serve a Christmas supper to the seniors of the cornmunity. IT'S TIME TO CONSIDER YOUR OPTIONS IT COULD SAVE YOU SOME MONEY JT'LL SURE GIVE YOU MORE CHANNELS If you're flot geting ail 160 channels availabie on your- 18" dish including Pay Per Vîew movies on channeis 101 to 199 or Sports channels 300 to 500 then is time ta, change whop you buy programming from. s *NO activation tees EVER - NO credit card nunbers. Aiways sane price Canadian Funds. *NO fluctuatinq monthly bis. *NO changeover tees - Low est Subscrnption Prices. Cali 1-800-866-6382 for more information. j.Îe Orono & Kirby United Churches present... ~ A Connnunity Christmias Concert MFeaturing Groups & Performances ~ from the local community Friday, December l8the 7 p.m. £1 n eentat Orono Town Hall j An evn featuring alae o h enjoyrnent of ail ages' N NO ADMISSION e REFRESUMENTS S:Please bring any of the f0110 winlg tems for o ur Mitten Tree Mitts, Gloves, Toques, Scarves, Socks, Sweaters Ail of these items wiiI bc doniated to BE11REISDA BlOUSE & DUIlIIM CIILDIlEN'SAID -SPONSORED BY THE ORONO TOWN HALL BOARD

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