2 Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday. Decejaber 9, 1998 J WEEKLY Tuvws Subscriptions $2 1.50 + $ 1.50 G.S.T. $23.00/year. Publications Mail Registration No. 000368 Publishimg 50 Issues Annually at the Office of Publication 5310 Main Street, P.O. Box 209, Orono, Ontario LOB IMO E-Mail Address: oronotimes@speedline.ca Phone/Fax (905> 983-5301 Publisher/ Editor Marg Zwart The stories that really count t has happened again. Just when you're trying to make sense of what are supposed. to be this week's big stories: the GTSB, Hwry. 407 extension, councillor'swho want their pay increases land those that don' t, developers who cut down trees illegally on land slated for developmnent etc., someone calis with an even bigger story. One that defines the community we eall home, and one that puts al the other stories into their proper perspective. Henry Lorrain called me late Monday afternoon with the story of Glady Brown, and how a group ofhler friends have been working on m aking a recording of hier music. In hier 82 years, Glady has touched s0 many people with ber enthusiasm and love for life, and hier gifi of music. .The effort to make a recording of Glady's music was spearheaded by Doug Lycett, Glady had been a part of his life for many years. Fourteen of the 18 numbers on the compact disc were recorded on September 10, at Doug and Henry's home. The project was interrupted by Doug's' sudden death on September 15. Glady's next public per- formance was at Doug~s fuinerai where she sang and played.a few numbers including: 'Just a Closer Walk With Thee'. The CD a ppropriately titled 'Reminiscing with Glady Brown! is a collection of songs that have become old favourites. The recording will received if's public debut on Sunday, at the Orono Town Hall. AIl proceeds froni the sale of Glady's CD will go to charity. These are the real stories that define our communities, whether or flot we.become a part of the Greater Toronto Services Board, or whether the I4wy. 407 someday cuts across our region. L etter to theý Editor, and loss Of Privacy. nor for the negative inipact this may have on the value of their property. It's a good trick if yau can get Land Division Carnrittee to grant you a property -right you would oth- erwise have to buy, assumlng the owner was willllng to seil. At no Urne did either the Llshrnans or Mr. Halminen approach the Kingsleys to buy the lands underlylng the right-of-way, or the Kngsley property outright. They knew they didn't have to because this Couneil found a way to accommodate the Lishmans and Mr Halminen without theni having to pay the Klngs leys a dîme. Clarlngton Council is pre- pared to rezone the Kngsley's lands underlylng the right-of- weay against their will and witbout their consent. Al Clarington Counilor voted to approve this' rezoning with the exception ofTrYoy Young. Witb this note, this Council has demonstrated that it Is wllling to trample on_the property rlghts of indivdual taxpayers to acconuinodate a developer. Today it's the Klngsleys that have been forced to spend enormaus amounts of Urne and nioney ta protect their property rlghtsý; tornorrow it could be. any one of us. In rny opinion, this Council already does too rnucb to accommodate the developers In Clarington, sorne of whicb is not in the public lnterest. 1 also tbink lt's hlgh Urne we sent this Council a mes- sage that we will not tolerate these questionable metbods and decisions. Some Councillors have already started carnpaigning for the year 2000 elections s0 let tbem know exactly how you feel about these Issues. Land Division Conimittee wlll deal with this application on Monday, December 14, 1998 at the Wbitby Mail. Lang Tower 4th Floor Planning Dept. Boardroom', with the meeting beginning at 13:00-bours. Yours slncerely, Linda Gasser , Open Letters to Editor OPEN LEIER TO THE MAYOR AND COUNCILLORS Members of Council; Further ta the editorlals ln the local newspapers regard- Ing your (Council) salary increases, we feel that there are questions that rnust be answered, if for no other rea- son, because of the buge property tax icreases that a, lot of taxpayers are having ta pay. Why are the salary increases retroactive ta January 1, when aIl candi- dates knew befare they were elected what the salaries would be for the current terni? Referrlng ta the Mayors statement on the local TV talk' show on Dec. 3, stating that the meeting was held ln -cami- era" because there was dis-) cussion of the salary strucMý' ture of non union staff and counicillors. Why weren't these two issues separated Sa' the Mayor and Councillors' salaries could be discussed- openly'? We feel that tifis issue can and should be revisited, and that the Council owes this to the taxpayers. It Is unfortunate that this issue bas corne up, because we feel that the C ouncil has done a good job on the major- ity of issues up to thiùs point, and we hope this wlll not be a trend for the future. Chairperson - Willie Woo Secretary - Frank Hoar Newcastle Ratepayers Association On bebalf of the Executive TO THE IGA I amn wrIting this letter in thanks ta the IGA of Orono for letting the Girl Guides came in and cantribute ta the food bank in this Merry Urne of year. The Orono Sparks groups lst and 2nd walked down and purchased non-perishable praducts with their due rnoney ta help those in need. The importance af giving at tbls special Urne of the year is greatly appreciated by ail that use these facilities. We should ail rernember at Christrnas time that presents, or how mucb nioney we spend ls nat Important but that glving ta others Is one of the magical moments that niakes this speclal time of the year sa wonderful. The IGA bas given ta the faod bank for rnany years. as well as the Guidlng unit bas been allowed ta partîcipate in this wonderful charity. The girls enjay giving, as well as tbey should be edu- cated i the need ta belp ath- ers. 1 amn very praud of aIl the girls lin y unit as well as the lst Orano Sparks wbo went (continued page 3) December 7, 1998 I amn writing ta update your readers on the Llshrnan appli- cation. The landowner, Mr. Halmlnen, Is an active devel- oper in the Municipality of Clarlngton. Mr. Halminen bas applied ta the Land Division Cornmittee of Durhami Region ta sever approxlmately 50 acres froni bis total holding ta accomm odate the Lisbrnan fur, factory. Many of us who have been following this application have serlous doubts that the fur factory wîi ýever be built. In rny opin- ion, It seenis that the Llshrnans are slmply high profile pawns willing ta help Mr. Halminen open up bis parcel of land for develap- nient, and the lure used is the promise of jobs and tax rev- enues. To provide sanie bistory of the property, Mr. Halminen bougbt twa properties in 1989. One parcel is wbat was commonly. known as the Bennett gravel pit just north of Taunton Road, and the sec- ond property ta the nortb was known as the Hawke Farm witb access ta the 7th Concession. Mr. Halminen enjays a right-af-way over the lands of Robent and Jean Klngsley, whlcb rigbt-of-way existed at the Uie of the grav- el pit aperatian ta provide access ta the gravel pit froni Taunton Road. The Hawke Fanm lands ta the north did not have an access froni Taunton Road. Mr. Halminen is now also seeking ta have Land Diision Conimittee grant hlm an access ta the northemn lands froni Taunton Road. The Kingsleys may bave ta endure additional traffic aver their lands withaut being conipen- sated In any way for noise