(8-Oýrono Wýeekly Time,enesday. Deýcembîer 9,19998 ) Hortîcultural a wards These three women received awards t this mionth's Horticultural Club meeting, for very ditterent reasons. Isabelle Challice was given the Society's Presidents Award for her long standing support and partic- ipation in the Society. Mrs. Challice has decided to retire somnewhat in her level of participation. Shelley Etmanskie received the 'Judges Choice Award' for the wreath she entered in that category. Trudy Douma was given a wreath, as an award for accumulating the most points for a new member to the club. Horicufture club instails board of dfrectors Sharpe hald prepared a detailed finanicial report which was accepted. Appreciation was expressed to Flo for her work and to the auditor Ed and Olive Milison. The beautification report was given by Cor Mostert, who gave details of the flower beds planted and shrubs trimmed. He thanked ail memabers who had helped through the sea- son. In the absence of Show Chairman, Doreen Lowery, the report was given by Pat Bales. During the year there were 528 exhibits and 90 exhibitors. In the Christmas show there were 10 exhibitors and 33 entries. Judge Kathleen Petrie gave ber com- ments and several helpful hints. On behaîf of the Society, President Carol pre- sented a certificate to Isabelle Challice in recognition of ber many years of contributmng to the work of the Society. Ken Love from District 17, then took charge of the instal- lation of officers for 1999, which included the president, vice-president and board of directors. He congratulated the Society on their good work and President Carol thanked everyone for con- tributing to a good year. There were many contribu- tions to the Mitten Tree and non-perishable food to send to the Salvation Armny. Carol gave a reading "Memories of Christmas" and expressed good wishes of the season to everyone. The next executive meet- ing will be January 6,_1999 at the home of Carol Mostert. The next meeting of the Society will be the St. Patrick's show March 18, 1999. Submitted by Dorothy Bamnett CHRISTMIAS SHOW SECTION A-DECORATIVE 1. Ready for the holiday, a 4" to 6" potted poinsettia plant - 1. Isab elle Challice 2. Jackle Kirtley 3. Shelley Etmanskie 4. Pat Bales 21. Home for the hoiday, a mantle arrangement- 1. Jeannette de Man 2. Jackie Kirtley 3. Shelley Etmnanskie 3. Merry CHrlstmas, a small arrangement for a cof- fee table - 1. Loran Atkins 2. Shelley etmanskie 3. Jackie Klrtley 4. Canadian Winters- an asymmetrical design- 1. Shelley Etmanskie 2. Lorna Atkins 3. Carol Gay SECTION B 5. Christmas Ring, a hand- crafted Christmas candle ring - 1. Shelley Etmanskle 2. Trudy Douma 3. Carol Gay 4. Lomna Atkins 6. Christmas Greeting - a front door decoration - 1. Shelley Etmanskie 2. Carol Gay 3. Lomna Atkins 4. Inez Harris SPECIAL PRIZES 1. Judges Choice, donated by John and Ann Anderson - Shelley Etmanskie 2. Most points in entire show, donated by Nellie Baird - Shelley Etm-anskçie 3. Most points in ail shows, through the year, donated by Dominion Seed House - Minnie Zegers 4. Most show entries by new exhîbitor throughout the year donated by Cor and Carol Mostert - T7rudy Douma PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPETITION - Judge Mr. Rck Gould 1. Spring Blossoins - Trudy Douma 2. New Dawn- Becky Bîlcox 3. Splish - Splash - Isabelle Challice 4. Sunrise - Sunset 1- Carol Mostert 5. Summer Beauty - Carol, Mostert 6. Civic Pride - Helen Schmid 7. Country Road - Becky Bilcox 8. Winter Beauty - Carol Mostert by Dorothy Barnett The Orono Horticultural club elected their board of directors for the 1999 season. Members are: front row - Lorna Atkins - secretary, Anne Anderson, Pat Bales , Dini Schoenmaker, Eleanor Terrili, Shelly Etmanskie, Carol Mostert - President. Back row: Flo Sharpe - Treasurer, Phyllis Lowery, Minnie Zegers, Marianne Winter and Ciff Terrill. Also re-elected, but absent from the picture is Doreen Lowery - show chairman. A good sized crowd of Horticultural Society mem- bers and guests gathered ln the Main Hall of Orono United Church on December 3 for the Christmas Show and Annual Meeting. Everyone enjoyed the pot-lu ck supper which featured a great variety of deliclous food. Carol Mostert, President introduced the head table and the Rev., Mervyn Russell said Grace. After the meal, members enjoyed a period of entertain- ment starting with the Junior Choi nfOrono -United Church, led and àccompa- nied by Mary Clare MacKlnnon. assisted by Donna Morrison. The choir sang a varied selection of songs to everyone's enjoy- ment. Then a program of Scottish dancing was pre- sented by the Douglas Highland Dancers in colour-, ful costumes. There were solos, duets, and a group of four, 'a sailor's Hompipe anid the Sword dance. Each group brought enthuisiastic applauise. The choir was introdticed by Isabelle Challice and thanked by Dm1i Schoenmaker. The dancers were introduced by Lorna Atkins and thanked by Maijorie Lowery. Mary Novak brought greet- ings from Clarington Council and congratulated the Society on the work done to beautlly the communlty. To begin the business meeting, Pres. Carol Mostert, read a poem "Story of a Christmas Tree." Kathleen Petrie brought greetings from the Ontario Horticultural Association. She outlined some changes being proposed and some plans for the future. Secretary Lorna, Atkins gave the actiity report, f'or 1998. The minutes of last years' annumal meeting were accepted. ' eueâgrl Fb 'i"210 king street west, newcastle, 987-1978 OLDE MARKET CHRISTMAS SPECIALTY GIFTS " festive fruit Christmas ornaments 0 assorted Old Country garlands " Yuletide Candies " Christmas lanterns *guilded Christmas florais *wreaths and swags *gifts and selected marvels Hours: Mon - Thurs: 10:00 - 5:30 Friday: 10:00 - 4:00 Sunday: 11:00 - 5:00 CLOSED SATURDAY Orono Horticultural Soc. Christmas show-meeting