Have you ever? *Have you ever measured a board, cut it, then surprise its two inches off. Youi did flot allow for the tape mneasure, and on which side of the uine were you to cut anyway? . Have you ever put sorte- thing on the stove and said, "Oh, l'Il be gone just a minute." TlIl just start over,' is what you return to. . Have you noticed the last words that pass throughi your mmid nano seconds before you hurt yourself are " Oh sh..t." When I was racing 1 bought a new white helmet so I could proudly have that painted on it. 1 totally smnashed it the third time 1 wore it. My mother always yelled at me, "you'Il break your damn neck," she neyer noticed, I don't have one. . Have you ever pushed on a pull door? . Have you ever wished you could see the expression on your face when a door handle cornes off in your hand? . Ever had a chair break while you were sitting in it? . Have you ever noticed how white your underwear is when it's showing through a rip in the seat of your pants? Don't you just love zippers that won't stay up? . Have you ever mnissed your intersection turn in Toronto? You think 'I'll just go around the block'. Wrong. You are in for a game of snakes and ladders, destination -- Mississauga. . Have you ever sat by a campfire on a cafin night and had the smoke follow you like a lonely car, or better still, sat in the smoke because the bugs were biting? . Have you ever noticed how a 'man's sense of adventure dif- fers from a woman's? Men put on old plaid, big boots, brighit hats, canvas packs and go deep into the woods. lit their absence, women dawn their finest and largest canvas bags and go deep into the city. And then you think * icture this, you're rolling down the highway, so glad, 50 proud, finally you aren't going to ec late, then the statement, What's that sounid." . Ah, spring timne. You emerge from your winter cocoon;, deep warming sun; lovely buds and flowers; birds sing, they don't sqtuawk » That beautiful heavy, moist spring air, you smnile wi$ely as you inhale and thing, . It's the faîl, youIr walking the baniks of the creek, amazed at the hutge, mnajestic salmon thrashing their way up streamn over barriers, shallow waters and countless obstacles. What determnination, what drive. Thlen you think, "Ohi ya," mnat- ing season, and then tbey die. Now you think, what if people were like that? A wedding would be very different. The statemient: 'tonight's the night' would have relevance. The newspaper wouldn't change though; wedding, birthis and obituaries all together on the samne page. . Sometimies words have two meanings. Words like hot. I didn't know that a hot pizza needed the adjective 'piping' added to its description to fili my needs. I know it now. It's happetned to you too. You can . 1 don't know about your youthful years, but in mine it was important to be accepted by my peers. 'm older 110W and wiser and have learned ta live with rejection. So anyway, there you are, in your favorite outit, a couple of new additions to your look have been just added. "Baby, 1 look sharp." People are looking; zipper's up, "Oh, ya, l'i cool." Carefülly you put the outfit away and think, "how long hias the ars of these pants been gone?" Il 9 K~ing Street East Ilowm anville - 623-6581 and 111 Toronto Rd., 1Hwy 2et Port; Hope (905) 88-5-6434 Monuments a Granite or Bronze Markers e Inscriptions - ---- lndoor/Outdoor Displays -j Excellent Prices Guaranteed \Workmanship *Etohings - Personal and Scenes Wcioden Sandblasted Signs Try us before you decide by visiting our new Sales Office, or cali us and arrange for an appointment in the com fort of your home. 1999 Subscription Rate - $25.OOlyear Individual pricýe - 70e per paper Special Subscrîption Offer 1 Year - $21.00 Super Special Subscription Offer 2 Vears at full price - $50.00 and... re ci ve 3rd year FREE! if the cdate on your paperiad 1esslAe reads1. 1.99, y-\oui subsci ption is about to exie For un1initerruipted P pedel ierev. taikeadvantaige of our. special sub1scription oýffeisrs nw., vy filling ont thie subseiption renewal coupon featured belowý and returning it along %vith Your cheque to: L Teleplione:____________________ YesI woullike to tae advaWoage of the Orono Weekly Times subscniption Offer 1jlYearat $21.00 or J2 Years at $50 and receive 3rd Year FREE z E ReoItyp-Net ASSOCIATES (DURHAM)Inc. 1050 Simcoe St. N., #103, Oshawa TEL: (905) 721-2112 NEEmiDD!! Well kept, Orono Village home on nice lot, 3 bed- rooms. $165,000 range. CALL ME!! MASARU KARATE CLUB RICK JONES, Instructor S 4858 Pegional Road 18 Newtonville, Ontario LOA lJO' Tel: (905) 786-2793- Fax: (905) 786-1031 Classes for Children and Aduits