nes $-ede.,IWe Dce1be,16 Century on 1/3 Acre Lot BACKING 77 à e, GREENBELT This is a bright and spacious 4 bedroom, 2 starey townhouse condo with single Ron Moore* attached garage and walkout basemnent. We willarrange Recent upgrades to have your include: newer shin- ~cIoingcstsgles, windows a'd puld for you. forced-air gas heat- Ask Ron for ir>g system. Asking detaifs S95,900. Cali Ron Moore* at (905) 623-6000. M4emj Christmas! 100 acre farm, brick home, 2 barns, and drive shed. For appointment cali Dale or Gall Anderson Associate Broker Remax Cornerstone Realty 623-6000 A very Merry Cbrlstmas and a Happy New Year To ail my past clients, Friends and Family. See you next year. Di an e Warren Office 623-6000