Orono WeeklyTimes, Wednesday, December 23, 1998 - 9 A cift Irom the Lions The Newcastle Lions Club presenit a cheque ta the]N Newcastle Commnunity Cenitre. Several improvemnents anniversary this fail. The Lions Club pledged ta payï are, fromi lefi ta right - councillor Charlie Trimi, Gabri Hall Board, Brenton Rickard - Chairmian of the Hall DeJonig - Hall Board, and Lions Club nmember, Regi cheque on behiaif of the Municipality, Twas the hour befom ÇNim by Kyle MacDonald Laura Greer 8D 'Twas the haur bfr C4istmras and ail through the bouse Nothing was done, flot * even the grouse The patatoes we're peeled, tbe cbildren were unifeçi Mom 1was grumpy and shaldng ber bead bhe guests were soan amrving expectlng ta eat No 1food was prepared and notbing was neat Whfle the cbildren were dreamirnng of masbed patataes and bread Mom was wlsbing sbe was sleeping soundly ini bed Out antbe street you could bear hearty laughiter Ohi sa loud it was' coming tbrouigh tbe rafters Tbey arrived at the door bea....e gifis ai-d good wishes Ready for bugs and big slappy kisses Mom quickly grabbed the 'cbildren ta greet the guests Unfartunately tbey were dirty and quite a mess The company was startung ta frown and mumble For their stomacbs were starting ta grumble They were ail prepared for stuffing and turkey But it looks like tbey will bave ta settie for jerky Ail of a sudden there was a great scream For mom's aven bad blown up înto smoke and steam As the guests ran ta see wbat was the matter The poor rulted grouse was plastered ta tbe platter Mam walked callmly ta the living room acting like notb- ing was wrong Sa sbe said turn on a Christmas sanig -nie guests started ta smile with laugbter and cheer For they hadn't heard this song in less than a year Mom ran ta the phone ta order cbicken halls She said that they were better than nothing at ail As we waited for the cbick- en halls ta arrive We unwrapped the pre- sents piled bhigh We ail took turns ta un-wrap aur gifts Which gave the clifîdren such a lift The garbage was over flow- ing witb wrapping It was tas sed in the fire that was crackiing The children were screamn ingwith jay As they played with their great new toys Oh whiat fun the presents were There lay for us Frankincense and myrrh Finally there was.a knock an the daor It was the chicken balls that we ail adore People came from ail over town Ta enjay this magnificent feast that came around We then had dessert, bel- lies fuill We realiy enjoyed this fes- tive Yule Merry Christmas ta ail and ta ail a great day! Remember to ha ve 7ta designa ted driver. Mlerry 40 187 45 259 50 374 55 577 60 868 65 1,380 Kim Little 287 367 535 790 1,275 2,003 3,212 Insurance & Investments 515 670 985 1,495 2,465 3,920 6,215 (905)983-0512 . .*.s. s. .*.. aNULRATE $400 ssai o i