Our custi rvijLkinÀq To ail of our frieridl n<ci patronc5 we cay tharnk5! Glebratc tri otyIeI HMR WITH FLAIR Shari and Peggy taken thiat 1 Feast and have The festiviti f001n nenu radi- Il h< local musicians have volun- teered thieir talents, and wiil provide close to three hours of e-ntertaiument, so guests will flot feel the need to eat and run. A dinner of this magnitude wili also offer opportunities to, those wishing to lend a hand. Guests could bring veggie bowl ora dessert if they wish to. At a recent organizatîina meceting, Willy Woo stressed, there is no reason anybody fias to spend Christmas alone this year. The door is wide open, s and nobody will be turned- away. Comiittee memibers * remninisced about a time whien * people counted on eachi other - forsuppot,-ad when neigh- e bour helped neighbour. ýr Besides filling a void on il Christmas Day, the commnittee -know many lasting relation- 1l ships wiIl be formned as neigh- ýf bours share this special time 1 together. 1. This dinner transcends all Il bounidaries, and if someone e would like to go, but needs a S ride, cail 983-9475 or 987- a 5635. ing shortage of physiclans in tlae province. ThÉ Fair Distribution of Medical Resources Act, 1998, was lntroduced by Gerry Martlniuk, Progressive Conservative MPP for Cambridge, recelved First Reading Dec. 7 and passed Second Reading December 10, 1998. After Third Reading and Royal Assent it becomes law. The bill would give the Miniister of Health th-e power to force younig doctors to set up practice olyv where gov,- ernment directs or repa-ty areas oft he Province has existed for many years and is flot restricted to Ontarlo. The OMA and the Ministry have produced n&w solutions to thie problem for those miost severely affected in Northemn Ontario by offering significant initiatives for new physicians to move to under serviced areas. We are effectlvely work ing toward solutions for the rest of the province. "This is a very difficult issue that requires both cre- ative solutions and a spirit of co-operation from al sides. A simplistic solution, such as the proposed bill, simply will not work. ar. Your ss ... and .hip... mean the ;o us. Thanks. Wayne, Pa focus. The tured, Metcal back r( Glenn Carl ( 250 gi will be 1hu k Than kîni g you ifior your patfronagel', and ihinlg Matthews & Associates Geri, Maurieeni, lanice, Roberta, and Pauline Newvcastie Village