Oron WeklyTirns, ednsdiay, Deceinber 2-3, 1998 - 1 Babies, Heaithy Chidren, a prevention and early inter- vention programi for higli risk children under age six; eDeveiopment of training and orientation for profes- sionals, including doctors and teachers, to assist themn in their duty to report cases where a chid is or may be in nieed of protection. "Thiese ongoing invest- ments and improvemients to the child protection systemn will strengthen our ability to protect vulnerabie children in Ontario," said Minister Ecker. -They wili provide children's aid societies and their work- ers with the 'tools and resources they need to keep our children safe," Children's aid societies reoeives additional funding Durlaia Region MPPs announcedi that the Chidren's Aid Society of the Durham Reglon is recelvlng $2,483,653 this year to better protect chidren. This includes the first instailment of $170 million announiced In the 1998 Ontario budget that wiil go to, ail chldren's aid societies over the next tliree years and tliis year's contingency fiind- lng to date, to cover increas- es in worikIoads and service demands, as required. "This governiment lias made a lot of clianges to cre- ate a safer, more responsibie chiid protection system," said Durhamn York MPP, Julia Munro. '*This annourmcement con- firms the government's comn- mnitment to increase the safe- ty and protection of chidren in Durham," sald John O'Tooie, MPP for Durhiam East. The Minister of Communlty and Social Services, Janet Ecker, recent- ly announced details of a new way of funding children's aid societies. The new funding framework wiil ensure that children have the samne access to care and services across the province. It wil ailow chidren's aid societies tb hire 760 additional front- line staff over the next tliree years and increase minimum foster-care rates by 85 per cent next year. It will also provîde more training for child protection~ staff. The funding framework xiii be plased in over tliree years. The money announced includes $127,438 for Durham Chidren's Aid SocietyV to increase foster care rates and provide new tecli- noiogy this year under the niew framiework. rThe remnain- ing $2,356,215 is conitingen- cy funding. The miinistry xvii continue to provide contin- gency funding to chidren's aid socleties to ensure stable funding as they m-ove from the old system to the new one, 'These changes, with the additionai funding, wiil heip ensure that Durliam Chidren's Aid Society and their staff are better equîpped to protect vuinerabie chidren in this community," said Durham Centre MPP, Jim Flahierty. "This Is good news for Durham," said Oshiawa Mill, Jerry Oueiiette. -The funding wiil provide additional resources to hlep strengtlien child protection in Oshiawa and the Durhiam Region." "The Chldren's Aid Societies of the province have been caiiing for an equitabie and rationai approacli to funding," said Mary Meconville, Executive Director' of thle Ontario Association of Chidren's Aid Societies. "This is a very important step in strengthen- mng the capacity of our chid protection system." The framework is the latest in a numnber of steps the gov- ernment is taking to reformn Ontario's chiid protection sys- tem. Other'steps ïnciude: eAmendments to the Chid' and Famiiy Ser-vices Act have been introduced. If passed, they wouid provide stronger tools for the courts, profes- sionais and front-line work- ers to do thieir job. Amnong, t heir provisions, these amiendments wo-id make it clear that the pa'raiiount, purpose of the new iegisiation 15s to promrote the best inter- eýsts, prot ection and! weii- being of chidren. ,s A commiron rlsk assess- ment system, mandated for ail chidren's aid societies, is now in effect across 'the province, helping protection workers make better judge- ments about when a child is at risk: qA new information database to'link ail children's aid societies is on track for implementation next Marh. Already nine chldren's aid societies have begun instal- lation of the new> technoiogy. The database will help front- line workers track higli risk families wherever tliey move, and alert the system to past CAS invoivement in these cases; - An additionai $15 million was invested iast year to litre 220 additional front-uine workers, to support the new database and to improve staff training at chidren's aid soci- eties; e Expansion of Healtliy Thcreý o Place Like Hom, For The Holtd.a s Hieres hoping yours is filled with joy. Our very best wishes to ail! Srngthe Or0-0no0ar-eu for over 26 ylears! IFA~~~ICharie Reid, Sales FRANK REAL ESTATE LIMITED 234 King Street E., Bowmanitville OIT. 623-3393 o Res. 983-5914 TiIIey Hats, plus 'endurable' pîckpocket-proot travel clothing. GREA T CHRISTMAS GIFTS! Available at Goligers Travel Plus n the Bowmianville Mail - 623-1 511 IPhioto taken Thursday, morning on Concession 8, between Carscadden and White Road. m