NEWS RELEASE John R. O'Toole, MPP Ontarlo announces income relief for farmers The Ontario govemment is committing up to $40 million in mucli-needed income relief for farmers, announced John R. OToole, MPP Durham East, Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs Minister Noble Villeneuve detailed the income relief program at Queen's Park on December 10, 1998. Up to $30 million of the Ontario Whole Farm Relief Prograin will lielp farm- ers through the current crisis until a national whole farma income disaster program is up and running, and the bal- ance will become available at that time. "Some farm operations in Durham East, and indeed across Ontario, have had a troubling year. This announcement confirms your Ontario Government's sup- port of the agricultural sec- tor," said MPP O'Toole. The program will provide targeted support to partici- pating farrners în cases wliere their gross margins faîl below 70 per cent of their three to five year average. This pro- gram is in addition to existing safety net programs. At the same time, Ontario, along with ail other provinces, Is re- negotiating a multi-year fed- eral-provincial safety net agreement that will provide K useflil risk management tools to farrners. "The agri-food business is the ýecond largest sector in the Durham economy. While many farm operations have had higli levels of productivi- ty and even bumper crops, global market forces and other supply and demand issues have adversely effected our fanners. Wlien our farm- ers suffer, we all suffer," said OToole. I arn pleased that Minister Villeneuve lias lis- tened to the concemns of the province's fàrnerý and acted quickly. 1 anxiously await the federal government's response to this crisis, and hope that they will move for- ward witli the speed that Ontario lias." "Ontario is pitching in to support ail the pxovince's farmers who have battled falling prices and extremely adverse weather conditions this year." Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs Noble Villeneuve said. This program complies wvith international trade agree- ments, so that we can main- tain the industry's access to critical export markets over the long-terma. Farmers told us they need immediate help - and we're committed to ensuring that thev get it now, whlle were walting for a national programa to start," added Villeneuve. Program applications will be mailed to registered farm- ers in early January. Further informnation is available at 1- 877-838-51414 or on the Internet at IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE OToole said, "I arn pleased that the transition funding for Year 2000 issues is just part of our healtli care plan for Durham. This announcement shows that your Ontario gov- ernment is committed to working in partnership with Ontario's hospitals during these cliallenging times of health reform." "We recognize the needs of a changing and aging popu- lation and the realities of a teclinologically advancing medical profession. This funding ensures that our liospitals continue to function properly from January 1, 2000," noted MPP Julia Munro. Together the Durham MPPs have worked liard on behaîf of their constituents to ensure Durhiam receives ade- quate healtli care funding. With over 8.7 million new dol- lars, health care in Durhiam will be enhanced. The Durhiam MPPs will continue to work together on this and other important issues facing the community. Last Word HeIp is on the way By: Paul Jones Have you ever seen S. Nicholas? Could you tellinme what he's like? They say he cornes fromn way up nlorth Now man, that's quite a hike. 1 hiear he flys with reindeer Why don't hie take a plane? AIl though there's snow in most parts, He could runi into rain! Now no one wants a soggy Finding the 'Spirit' By: Sylvi Parker 1 left it so late, so whiat could I do This Holiday Season - To bring soi-e joy to a solenin face, To a saddened heart Who miay have no stocking, no gift, no Christmnas feast Or worse; no Mother or Father! Oh, what can I do Oh, what can we do To touch a heart this season? We're rushed, we're stressed, "Maybe next year,",we say. But no, now's the time, now's the need. "Think smali," a littie voice whispers, "Think hiard, look near, and take heed." "It doesn't take long," the littie voice says, To do a kind deed." sirt, A doil with frozen hair, A wagon filled with water, Why don't hie show more care? If I were himi, I'd rent somne trucks, Perhaps a boat or two. I'd auction off the sleigh and belîs, And ship the deer for glue. It appears that I could help St. Nick. To straighten out his plight. So instead of sleeping Chrïstmas Eve, l'Il wait for hlm iiAl nighlt! To sympathize with a harried clerk, To compliment a single parent doing great work, To tell your teenagers you're proud of thieir thoughifulness and caring To let your child know you noticed the sharing To thank Momn and Dad for lessons passed on Io you These few words aren't liard to do. "Press a ten or a twenty into the palm of somecone in need, Pass on a kind word - pass on a good deed. Just open your heart," that small voice said, "Let your littie voice guide you, and you'l be led." What possibilities might ensue When the real spirit cornes from you. May the Holiday Seasoni bring' out the best in each of us. Happenings.. ORONO ARENA FREE PUBLIC SKATING Free public skating, Wednesdlay December 23 and Wednesday December 30, 2:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. Non-perishable food items accepted. NEW YEARS EVE DANCE A New Years Eve dance is being heîd December 31, 1998 at the Orono Town Hall, 8 p.m. - 1 a.m. Alil ,Night Bpffet/Champagne - Live Band - Cash Bar - $50.00 per person. Sponsored by the Orono BIA. ORONO FOREST AND MEADOW Members of the Oak Ridges Trail Association and guests wilI hike in the Orono area on Sunday, December 27th. The hike will be at a moderate pace starting at the parking lot at Station St. and Ochonski Rd., over a 12 km. Ioop. Meet at 10 a.m.: go 6 km. north of Hwy. 401 on Hwy. 35 to first Orono exit, then 1 km. north on Main Street to Station Street, then 0.8 km. west to parking lot on Ochonski Road. Leader: R. Forrester (905) 983-5147. SIGN OFF SMOKING The Regional Respiratory Rehabilitation program and The Lung Association Durham Region are part- nering to offer Sign Off Smoking. The program begins Thursday, January 7 from 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. at Lakeridge Health, Whitby. "The program is excellent for people who need to quit smoking for health reasons or for those who want to kick an old habit," says Carole Madeley, Co-ordinator of the Regional Respiratory Rehab prograrr. Fee $35.00, includes materials. Space is limited so pleasee register early. Caîl The Lung Association at 436-1046. DARLINGTON INFORMATION CENTRE The Centre will be open during the Christmas season on December 23, 28, 29 and 30 from 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. and on December 24 from 8:30 a.m. to 12:.00 p.m. for members of the community to take a bus tour and enjoy an educational learning experience through our interactive exhibits.