"Uet us maie your homne look ived tin" *Vacation Homne Checking Wedding Day Services or whenever you're away INSURED REILIABLE REFER1ENCES (905) 786-2996 Barb Shetier - Ina Cox Serving Newtonville, Newcastle, Orono & surounding commiunitieý Listed in White & YeIow Pagea Flowers Plus FLOWERS a GIFTS & CRAFTS 46 King Street East NEWXCASTLE 987-1500 Betty Lycett 983-5908 Wilda Middleton 983-9819 ORONYO ELECTRIC Mt. Electincal Appiances Colur TV's- Hi-Fi's SALES AND SERMIE Hotpoint -.RC.Aý. White -.Westinghoui1s- Frigidaire - Whrtpool Wood's Freezers Magic Chef - Hoover GRUJNDYS Country Upholstery Qualîty Work in Upholstery R.R-.2, Orono 983-9874 Bryon Grundy Instal I Smolke AIarms IT'S THE LAJom The Ontario Fire Code requires that every honr have working smoke alari ýh door, Bird Feeders, Bird tfl Houses, $8.00 te $40.00. ti Roy Forrester, 6 Mill Lane, Orono - 983-5147. tfni J Good running computers for sale, full systeins, -' 486DX33 with monitor. Caîl Loyal Printlng Ltd. 983-5301. Air-tight fireplace insert, Elmira. 24 karate gold double doors, non- tarnish, excellent shape, $225.00, cail 623-4395. Ufn General sewing done in my home, 5 days a week. Phone 983-9761. *Custoni Sewing - Alterations - Homedecor *Baby Quilts VISIT OUR HOMEDECOR AND BABY SHOP 5331 Main St., Orono utn CHATER, Mary McKirgan 0 At her residence in Leskard on Thursday, Deoember 17, 1998 In her 79th year. Mary Lillian. THANK YOU wife of the late Bert 1 would like to thank ahl MeKrgan and present my frlends for their glfts, wîfe of Robert Chater of cards and good wishes for Oreno. Loved mother of j my 85th Birthday. Thank Heather Dew of you all for makng it such Fredericton N.B., Ian & a speclal day. his wife Sharon of Eugenle Jonckheere Hamilton, Tom & bis wife 23 ac Donna of Calgary Alberta and the ate ~Robin. Dear friend of Ruth McCurdy of Sterling. Fondly -remembered by ber loving grandchildren and great- POLLEYgrandchildren. Sister of Dean - Di ane and the late Faye Rouse. At Den are proud. to Mary's request there wlhl announee the blrth of be ne funeral service. their first chlld, Kathyn Donations te the Alana. born December 14 Canadian Cancer Society welghing in at 8 lbs. 6 in ber memery may be ozs. Proud grandparents made through the Morris are Brenda and Wayne Funeral Chape!, 4 Lowcry and Joan and Division St., Bowmianville. Stan23llcy."This lif efor me has truly 2ac passed 1 love you il te the very last Weep flot for mne but couîragetake -AndJ love cone another for Old fishing tackle, old myae. 23 ac guns or related accessories, eutdeor books etc. In home appraisals available. 30 years experlence. Daniel G. Banting 905-983-6480 tfn /V. HORSEBACK RIDING Colonial Equestrian Centre 1 3706 Rundie Rd. (Courtice> AKR i .s now accepting new*COPTR Tfls. students (children & aduits) PITOt for our riding and horseman- ship programs, summe c amps, etc. 1tor egister call: 1-(905) 623-7336 Home of the Bowman ville Pony Club fOn ýýLE One solld Frenc] 30" x 80". Cail 983 articles fromn days gene by, partial list includes oak sideboard, buffets, dressers & chests of drawers, washstands, cuphoards, Duncan Phyfe tables & chairs. bookcases, Vitorlan settee, parlour & wlng back chairs, mise. chairs & rockers. cradhe. iron & brass beds. blanket & wood boxes, plnning whecels, woodcn w heelbarrow, oak wallphone, docks (gingerbread, steeple, cuckoo), country collectîbles, mise. tables (kitchen, parleur, etc.), Royal Doultons, quilts, silver tea set, postcards, 1jewe:lcry, Lt. Edition& original, art Bruencch, Dassili etc., quality glass & china, 8 place setting Royal Albert, 12 place sctting Limioge, crystal, Moorecroft vase, Wcdgcwood, Lg. Nippon vases, Moser vase, Shielly, Beswick, Blleek etc. Somethiing for one & all. A miust attend event f'or onec & al.ý Merry Christmas & Happy & Safe Holidays from the staff of Mac QREGOR AUCTIONS. CALL FOR ALL YOUR AUCTION NEEDS MaeGREGOR AUCTION APPRAISAL & MOVING SERVICES Michael J. MACGREGOR (905) 623-7949 1-800-363-6799 23 ac Sharnu a .W Future- m R E C Y C L E I uP3a7TianF® Remember ta have a designated driver. WEEKLY TIMES 983-5301 Thg ~,opFlo werg Cc' 6f1 Orono 983-9155 * Oshawa 433-2515 www.appleblossomflowers.com "We dontjust specialize... We make every order special" Daniel G-. Banting Fine fFirearis & Go ((e cti6(es Collections & Estate Appraisals A Specialty ln Homre Service Available GUNS BOUGHT, SOLO, TRADED 5331 Main Street, Orono 983-6480 emnail: d banti ngLiistar. ca Fruit Market ALL FRESH ONTARIO GOODS Mclntosh, Cortland, Empire, & Royal Gala Apples Bosc & Anjo Pears FRESH ICIDER Brown Potatoes CHRISTMAS APPLE PA CKS South of Orono, Hwy 115/35 983-5628J 1 rLTui W.W dIFTS, r"17Hem!m àm j 1 imi -il I I W1ould you like to go out GRIST MILL AUCTION MacGREGOR wlth a beautiful CENTRE, Newtonville AUCTION CENTRE landscape painting in oil NEW YEARS DAY 182 Wellington St. Lhis Christmas. Cail me! JANUARY lst, 1999 Bowmanville R. .D. Morton, 983-5682. Friday 11:00 a.m. Antiques, Collectibles & 16, 23 ap Selllng the attractive Household Effects antiques fromn two SUDAJANUARY 3rd Estates: 2 armoires, 10:00 a.m. 9double sleigh bcd, 2 spool (viewing 9:00 a.m.) B & i m beels, drop leaf table, set 401 to Waverley Rd. (Exit ar-rowback chairs, rockers. 431) North to, #2 Hwy., 21l' tandem dise in good old bedroom and dining Eat to Scugog St. & condition - not too young roomn furniture, Empire North 1 km. -not too old - good looker chesterfield, quantity of Our lst Auction of the -good worker - looklng glassware. china and New Year features a for new owner. Caîl me! R. numberous collectibles, 4 quality selection of D. Morton 983-5682. original Elvis cards (1956), articles from the past to 16, 23 ap 1948 Canadian silver present: furniture. dollar. U.S. 2 dollar bill, collectibles, glass & china. clipper mnodel ship. something for one & ail. Doultonls, cameras, CALL FOR ALLYOUR e .s eradios, lamps, crocks, AUCTION NEEDS. dlocks, sterling, MacGREGOR AUCTION, advcrtising, pianio rolîs, APPRAISAL & MOVING MacREOR swarovski crystal, round SERVICES aCTIN ENRE table, etc. etc. Michael J. MacGregor 182 wN ENinTRE~, PREVIEW Friday 905-623-7949 182Weligtn t. morning fromn 9:00 a.m. 1-800-363-6799 Bowmanville Auction staits 23 ac Antiques, Collectibles & at 11:00 a.mr. the Unusual TERMS: Cash, App. BOXING DAY Cheque,______Visa, DECEMBER 26th ItrChq, MPCAYVisa 10:00 amTHAPAYSEWYETO (viewing 8:00 a.m.) AUCTIONEER A V' 401 te Waverly Rd. (Exit FRANK G. STAPLETON, ADV RTISu 431) North to #2 Hwy., ICCA NewtonvilleE East to Scugog St. & (905) 786-2244IN THE North 1 km. 1-800-263-9886 I H Auction features- an 23 ac exceptional offering of __ _ _ _ ORONO ..... ..... SEWI m