lnx which she commients "This week, when we are .celebratlng the holiday season and ente,'ing the final year of dhe AMillenu -.... Rosemary would have us start the new MlIennium à qorgan Married Septemnber 25th, 1998 at Baif Springs HoteL. Honeymviooned throughout Baniff and Jas per, B.C. Living ini Calgary, Alberta. ~FR OMARO0UD HOMf byRyFrrest Cousin Warren 'risits At this time of year it is a sure thing that Cousin Warren drops inx for a few hours of conversation and debate. Just such an occasion happened iast Frlday afternoon and indeed~ it ended up in a couple of hours of words and we did find areas in whlch there was sorne agreement, none the Ieast belng the mili- ennlum. Inx introduclng Cousin Warren he is a former teenage resident of Oshawa now in retirement hàbitating in Solina. Although Solina is much smailer than Orono we do agree that the communlty spirit in the two centres are somewhat simllar. Cousin Warren completed his university studies entering into the field of Oceanography thus* residing in Ottawa and in the maritime province of Nova Scotia. H1e aiways has a wide range of suibjects to debate and with a positive viewpoint. What conversation th days doesn't end up w~ something about Mllennium. It can either the biow-up of the cc puterized worid or Miliennium - when. Ind the two subi ects are int related but a year apart. With Warren's visit question of "Just when Millennium," did corne up a brief debate. He was quick to point that the new Mlliennium the 21st century wouid come about until the yý 2001 a full 729 diays fr the end of this year. i was in agreement1 just for a back-up 1 hý asked Bill Bunting for opinion - "2001 and1 before." 1 do hear downtownr thïý big Mienniumn Orono b-, îs staged for January 2000 and 1 also read in1 Toronto Star an arti( written by Rosemary Spe known as the year 2000 problemn or Y2K. Boothby is prepared for the worst. Cousin Warren had some strong words over the computer failout debacle j which many contemplate and promote to happen in ter the year 2000. We did agree that there is a strong ring of commer- iese cialization in promoting vith computing breakdown in the the year 2000. No doubt there rbe xiii be some cliches that xiii om- take some time to correct the but a total break-down we .eed expect not. ter- There wlill be upgrading but not ail due to the fact of the the year 2000. 1 would the- expect the computers 1 use for will continue as usual inx the new Mllennlum and the out year 2000 xiii pass wlthout for a hitch. not l'Il party the new ear Miiiennium the evenlng of rm December 31, 2000. but ave lis not at a ash 1 , the die eirs ( pen Letter to Editor D The Orono Amateur Athletic Association would like '* i clarify th>e news reports stat- ig that one of our Hockey Players was charged with assault causing bodily hiarm' for kicking another player. Interviews with the coach- ing staff and somne parents who attended the gamne, reveiled that there was no kicking. The Referee Report and the Ontario Minor Hockey Association Match Penalty Suspension Report have stated that our player was given a match penalty for high sticking. The Orono Amateur Athletic Association (OAAA) takes ail Match Penalties very seriously, and it is our policy to have the Hockey Commnittee interview the player and parent on each incident before they participate in another 'gamre. The Hockey Comnmittee reports back to the Athletic Association with recommenda- fions on how mnany more gamne suspensions we should add to the Ontario Minor Hockey Assosication (OMHA) suspen- sion. Since this case is currently before the courts, we can not comment on the assault charges Remember to have a designated driver. IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE 983-5301 stemmj-ing fromn a Decemnber 121h gaine in Port Hope, but will reserve the righit to do so at a later date. Communications with the OMHA Region al Representatives have led us to agree 10 the seven gamne sus- pension for the Match Penalty on high sticking. The suispen- sion will take approximately one mnonth to serve. During this time the player cani onIy practice with the teami. OAAA President Ray Bester Ha ;tmas Yeuir Hall Seasons qreetings from ... Ro<bert E. Jac{soni 9lkatiîng - E(ctrtcal -3Arr ConiUoniwg Appliances - Furnaces - Air Conditioners - Fireplaces Main Street, Orono - (905) 983-6221 To Get Today's Best GIC Rates, Sîmply (al Investm ent Advîsor Ted Tmueman Today. Cail (905) 434-7286 or 1-800-267-1522 wwýw.râcds. Com Men-br 0f Royal B- an Rod U-5op N nyl cards, gifts, love anird )port. Proud gadaet Donl & Eleen 1St ephlens. le we Y ORONO PASTORAL CHARGE * Minister Rev. Mervyn Russell Secretary Marlene Risebrough 983-5702 Church Office 983-5502 CHURCH SERVICES Kîrby United Church at 9:30 a. in. Orono United Church 11:00 a. m. 'Wheechair Access" Sunday School Classes and Nursery facilities available during Church Services A.A. meets every Thursday 7:30 p. m, St. Saviouirs~ Anglican Church MILL ST., ORONO, NA. Rev. David R. Saunders, CD 983-5S594 - 987-2019 Sunday Service. Suniday Sehlool & Youth Croup 9:30 a.m. lSt c& 3rd-LISunday l\ofIMonth HIOLYCOMNN 2nd & 4th Sunday MORNING PRAYER