4 - Orono Weeldy TImes, Wednesday, December 23; 199$ e. e io Rey -.tran, 1 Gallery gang up short ry played 2 The gamne looked like it nd, December would end in a tie until t game was a Statesmen pumped in 4 more against the goals in the last 5 minutes of smnen. The the gamne. Final score 6-2 for d the scoring The Canadian Statesman. the first and The second gai-e of the >onut Gallery weekend was ani exhibitîin of the score- gaine against Newcastle. Donut iof the third, Gallery was a little short on the mped 2 goals bench with 9 skaters and goalie ,re unassisted. Mike Hisson. Great defensive Cani Delorme playing by the "D" Sarah int earners. Donnelly, Kyle Dexter, Garret vard for the Wood and Jonathan Koerssen y. Kadykalo, just ,vereii't enougli to stop the Josh Moffat, Newcastle squad with a final in Westerink, score for Newcastle. H endlerson Christimas Trees major t kes w-Nishi everyone a Merry Christmas. Pictured above lefi to right are: Back Row - Rob Johiansen (Coach), Ryan Wood, Lucas MIartin, Tylier Armistrong, Colin Gilbr-ide, Gardner Cole, Alanna Ticknoi. Brian Knapp, Russ Gïilbide (Coacli). Front Ro\ý -Sheulby MaicDonniell, Tler Johiansen, Matthew Field,ý Matthiew Puddicombe, Steven Donadel, Scott Duýqu[ette, Harle\ McColl. -Absent 1from1 picturle is .Jon1Devries. Appe losomutmsbow to Ktinsmen nthis time! Orono Figure Skating CIub's dream.skaters 'Coach Frank Maitland hiad his teami concentrate on pass- ing and mioving the puick out of their own end for the two last practices. Howvever, the Apple Blossomi Shop atomns of the CRHL struggled with this Saturday in a 3-1 loss to the host Kinsmen teami at Darlington Arena. There was somie good individlual effort-- but the teamn basics taught in practice were imissîng. Apple Blossomi's goaltender, -Lucas Szemniot did a superb Job between the posts coming up with the big saves and keeping his teamn within striking dis- tance. Chris Buttonshaw made some timèely defensive plays while teamimate Greg Hlowe, who was full of energy this ,gamie, made his presence knonv al l over the ice. It was Howe \,ho scored Orono's single gyoal. Howve skated up the right hand side of the ice alone, sendling, a hard wrist shiot home fromi the point. Mark Speirs and Joey Robertson mnade things excit- ing. Both took turnis passingi and shiootinig--thiey, came close, but it was not to be. Emma Lunn's agg-ressive forechecking also made for a few exciting moments but Apple Blossomn Sirop wasnt able to capitalize on the fewý offensive opportuni- ties that presented themnselves. Coachi Maitland tried mnix- in- up hiis lines to find just the righit scoring comrbination but, to no avail-this timie. PIum bers go on 'Majore s cor- ing spree The Russ Major PlumnbIing novice reps didn't really mmid the long dr-ive to Minden on Saturday hianding thecir hiosts an 8-'. seasoni's beating! Joey VaniDuIsen scored Ihis Iong,-awaiited first goal of the season set uip hy Brett Cairns and Dan Maclsaac. The second period saw a beautIifL one timier fromn the point by Michael Whielan. Andrew, Kirkbride added the thirdi goal it tIlelhel p fromn Lucas Leech and Tomn Meester. It wvas Meester's turn next with a goal of his own thiis timie it wvas Lech and Kirbride to overtake Minden assisting. VanDusen struck again, this timie finding thie top corner. Denis Beenen and Dan Maclsaac picked up thie hielper's., Third period action hiad Andrewý, Kirkbride follow hiis predecessors scoring Orono's sixthi goal wvith Beeneni and Leetch aissisting,. Leechi added number seven fromn Cairns and Kir-kbide and Dan Maclsaac finishied the nighlt scoring the plumbers eighith and final g-oal fromn VanDusen and Beenezn. Russ Major's defensivýe unit this g e-Kle Balson, Maitt Moffat, Michael Whielan, Michlael Hicks and nietminder Alex Camipniey, executed almnost falsl in keeping the puck out of- Orono's zone for mlost or the c'amle. Special thanks to A parents and coaches cheering for- Joey to bring-, on the 'hat-trick' 11n1( especially to John WithleidgeI whio 'loaded' hlis sticks! E-larlieri- n (the we e k (D)ecemiber- 18), Fenelon Falls paid a visit Io Oronio handing( the 'pýlumiber-s' a nasty 7-1 loss. Or-ono's lone 0goal was scored by Andrew Kirkbridle. Jennifer McKean and Amanda Mullen won medals in a recent Dreamskate competition. This was Amanda's first competition, and she won first in her flight. Jennifer wonl third in her flighit. Orono Figure Skating C1ub Aduit Slkate JANUARY 3, 1999 $170 including CFSA & EOS for 12 weeks starting January 3, 1999 " Full 1 -1/'2 hours \wîth 2-,Professional Coalches " Sunday v10 Io 11:30 am.-Beginnier Aduils " Sundayki 10:30 a.rn. to 12 nioon - Aduvanced, AduLlts For more infor-mation cail Joan Moffait 983-9561 PLEASE NOTE: There are stili openings in our CANSKATE PROGRAM A