O 7ono1Wekly Trns Wdnsay Dcmb3l198 clubs c Orcujanizatîcus Bowmanville'Toastmasters A festive mood pervaded the December 15, 1998 meet- ing of Bowmanville Toastmasters. Chairman Toastmaster Karen Martin had each mem- ber of the head table choose a favourite Christmas Carol of which the assembly sang the flrst verse as an opening to the meeting. Many members dressed in seasonal red and brought an' ornament to decorate the room. President Carol Wonnacott scored a hat trick as she earned three trophies. Toastmaster Gordon West introduced each of the speak- ers by stressing the objectives for which they were striving. Table Topics Master Connie Nelson cast each member in a fictional role to choose the contents of their Christmas stocklngs. To maintain the Christmas theme Toastmaster Denise Marek dehivered an excerpt from Charles Dickens "A Christmas Carol" We resume our regular meetings on January 5, 1999 at "The Darlington Hydro Information Centre" Bowmanville. We meet at 7:30 - 9:30. Corne and visit to see Toastmasters in action.- For more information please cali Mary Anne Maye 983- 9845 or Irene Konzelmann, 983-9423. Clarington- Iibrary hours Tuesday, December 291h, Wednesday, December 3Oth and Saturday. January 2nid: Regular Hours. St. Francis of Assisi TWENTIETH ANNIVER- SARY DANCE: On Saturday, January 3thý we are planning an annversary dance at the Newcastle Town Hall to'celebrate 20 years as a parish. There will be door prizes, and a light evening lunch ail for just $10.00 per person. For Tickets cail Joanne Hamers at 983-6037, Angela Herd at 987-1247, Eva White at 987-4681 and Sandra Keast at 983-6092. Corne join us as we cele- brate 20 years together as a parish. Christmas Masses: Christmas Eve: Thursday, December 24th - 5 p.m. (Children's Mass) 7 p.m. and 10:00 p.m. Christmas Day: Friday, December 25th - 10: 00 a.m. Please Note: Starting Saturday January 2nd 1999,.the evening mass will be celebrated at 5:00 p.m., this will be on a trial basis. Newcastle Lions Club A special Christmas meeting of the Newcastle Lions Club was held on Friday December I 8th in the Auditorium of the Community Hall with lst Vice President Dick Lovekin acting as Chairman. Lion Dick wel- comed 32 Lions and their spo uses as well as 9 of the 10 Lionesses and spouses who were members of the recently disbanded Newcastle Lionesses Club. A traditional Christmas din- ner was served with dinner music supplied by Mrs. Janet Cringle at the piano. After din- ner. acting President Dick led the singing of Christmas Carols, followed by the presen- tation of awards to many of the former Lioness' in attendance. Lion Secretary Frank Hoar pre- sented "Lions Club 1international Foundation Honor Roll Awards" to Lïonesses Irene Cunnînghaim. Pauline Sto[ks, Eva Huai,' Kathleen Powell and Betty B laker. Lion Frank then introduced Lioness President Jean Riekard, xxho gave a brïef history of thieir accomnplishmnents over the past 46 Years, and then, pre- sented "Lions Foundation of Canada" Life Memberships to Lionesses Betty Adams, Janet Adams, Marilyn Martin, Kay Quinney and Wilda Williams. Lioness Marilyn Martin then presented the Lioness's podi- um, gong & gavel, etc. to President Mike who happened to drop in on bis break fromn work. Jean Riekard presented the fine box to Lion Tail Twister, Sam Lemon. Lion Brenton Rickard then pre- sented a Melvin Jones Fellowship Award posthumous- ly to late Lion Ray Goode, which was accepted by bis Widow, Mabel and Grandson Jeff. Past President, Lion George Rïckard presented a Melvin Jones Fellowship Award to Dick Lovekin. George, also presented Lion Murray Paterson with a Lions International Life membership. Lion Roy Watts, also a Life Me-mber recipient, will be pre- sented with the award at a future meeting. Regional Chairman, Terry Grahaâm presented Past President George Riekard with the Club President Excellence Award, for 1997-98, and IrýSBCIPTIRAN 983-5301 Thursday, December 24th and Thursday, December 3 lst: Bowmanville and Clarke branches open from 10 a.m. - 12 p.m. and the Courtice and Newcastle Village branches are closed. Friday, December 25th, Saturday, December 26th and Monday, December 28th, and Friday, January lst: Al branches will be closed, Membership Chai rman Ron Locke with the Club Membership Director Award lor 1997-98, Acting President Dick Lovekin presented 100% Attendance Pins to 21 of the 30 eligibie Lions. SA good time was had by ail and thanks ware forwarded to the Program Committee, Lions Chairman Carl Goode, Brenton Riekard, Murray Paterson, Howard Quinney, Francis Jose, and Hans Verkruisen. lu . . . . . . . . . . ..I~ l j, ~ i~j;~p tjil I MeryC/ri (asandf Hlappy Ne w Tea r Best wishes from 'Beckers' in Orono Libby & Abdul