8 roo eelyTies Wdnsdyici me 3 98' The Pines Jazz Band played: Heard It Through TheGrapevinie, and LoujIe, Louie. This band practices outside of school hours, and is directed by Ms. Michelle Fortin. Fine art, fine music and good desserts, ail combined made the 'Seasonal Celebration of the Arts' a truly worthwhile experience. The Christmas Dessert con- cert was a joint production of The Pines'Senior Public School, and the Clarke Higli School, held this year at The Pines. The Pines Concert Band and Jazz Band were joined by the grade 10 music class from the high school, Together they were 100 instruments strong. It was evident from the cali- bre of music performed that both schools have a very strong music program. Solo performances were given by several of the students throughout the programn. Principals from both schools were called upon to share their special talents as well. Pines Principal Mrs. Piekenbrock performed a very lively dance, while Mr. Facey Crowther was called upon to direct the band, a task he handled admirably. Desserts and beverages were served at intermission, at which time guests also had the oppor- tunity to view the selected works of art on display., A program item called 'The Speaker's Corner? gave opportu- nity for parents to express how important the arts are in provid- ing a welI rounded educational experience. The program ended with a rousing rendition of 'We Wish You a Merry Christmas' with ahl the musicians and audience members participating.- p Orono cowhtryx Ccîfe Full Menu ~? Main Street., Orono, Onfarjo 983-9009 PARLIAMENT HILL, Alex Shepherd IRAQ We have a count of 465 cruise missiles flred on Iraq but noaccount of human casualties. Nice words like 'strategic strikes' and 'attamned. objec- tives' dot the media lunes. Tony Blair deliglits about all this axid no casualties (to the United States and Britain). What is the parallel to the Vetnam war? Slmply the folks at home think its some- thing played on a nintendo game anidxiot about humaxi casualties. Anid thixik of other straxige parallels, the United States can not pay its dues to the United Nations but It can send 465 cruise missiles falling on the Iraqi people at a million a piece. Canada gives more foreign aid as a per- centage of our GDP thaxi does the United States and yet they proclaim to be -the world's protectors. It seems like the military industry àlways needs a bad boy on the international scene, I guess it makes good business; after all they will now have tO rebuild those 465 cruise missiles.' Iraq lias taken the place of the Soviet Union. But there are plenty of tyrants in the world - I wonder who we won't like xiext montli? If Iraq is successfuhly embargoed and prevented from tradinig in oïl, its one real valued commodîty, how is that Saddam Hussein becamne such a military threat between the last war anid this one? I heard one of our own leaders say that Saddam Hussein "deserved this." 0f course, this might be appro- priate if the bomrbs f'eli on hlmr but obviously they don-'t. You can be assured that Mr, Hussein still gets tliree square mealsa day andi is well taken care of. > Kofi Annan, the Secretary General of the United Nations, a maxi I have kxiown anid ac tu ally worked 11i1th in a grouip called Parliamnentarians for Global action before lie took his U.N. posting, looks sadly impotent. No consultia- tion going on here. Don't get me wrong I arn not saying Hussein isn't somebody we want to keep an eye on but there just lias to be a better way. I have always been amazed that when wars break out nobody ever seems to make an nventory ofwliere the armaments and other tools of mass destruction corne from. I doubt whether Iraq genuinely has the ability to manufacture much, if any, of these weapons, therefore, if they possess such things, they likely were purchased from a developed military power. No one seems to take much responsibility for that either. The Americaxi people are sadly unicoxicemed about al of this. Since it doesn't occur on their turf anid nobody tliey know is commng home li body bags, somehow it is flot their responsibility.- At the same time the same people in the streets of the United States have placards questioning, "are you listen- ing," regarding the delibera- tions against the moral con- duct of the president. PFeople seemi to forget that less thian haîf lof thiem took ýthie timie to vote in tie ls Presidential election Iiis axiy wonder legis- lators adxi ilitary arex't lis- tening Lto them. Remember ta have a designa ted. driver. MORRIS FUNERAL CHAPEL LTD. SERVING DURHAM REGION SINCE 1841 ALL FUNERAL, SERVICES PREARRANGED AND/OR PREPAID BURIAL- CREMATION - TRANSFERS "WHERE PROFESSIONAL ETIQUETTE 15 IMPORTANT" FUNERAL DIREC TORS, PAUL R. MORRIS GARY M. CON WAY DOUG R. RUTHERFORD DEBRA D. KELLEHER 623-5480 4 DIVISION ST., BOWMANVILLE - AT QUEEN ST.