...2voiJinterupion o/your parer dk/iver5... I ffthe date behind your name on your address label, reads 1.1.99, your subscription has run out. For your convenience, we've enclosed a self-addressed return envelope. Please fi out the. special offer coupon on back page then return it to us in the envelope provided. Thank you for your patronage. Wednesday, January 6, 1999 Oroino Town Hall RONO WEEKLY TIMES, 650 GST-ineluded Volume 63., Number 1 1 e e - e - - - - -ile.B -II! Snowat lastl Serious snowmobile collision m Kendal' At approximately 12:01 AM Thursday 31 December 1998, a serious collision involving a snowmobile occurred on Concession #6 in Kenidal, Brent Lindberg (34 years) of Kendal was operating his 1991 Polaris snowmobile in a northerly direction at the rear of his property when he entered a ploughed field and lost con- trol. The snowmobile was launched and the riders were thrown from the snowmobilc. The passenger on the snow- (34 yearis) of Bowmanville. Mr. Lincberg sustainecl serious injuries in this collision. He was taken to Sunnybrook Health Sciences Cenitre in Area residents spent much of Sunday-digging themiselves out fromn under the first snowstorm of the season. The snow started falling on Saturday evening, and had dumped about 26-centimeters by Sunday morning. Ed Milîson of Orono was still at il late Sunday afiernoon,, thougli he did have help. The Municipal Works Department were commenided at Monday's couricil meeting for getting the snow cleared faàirly quickly. Snow plows h it the roads ai 4:00 a.m. Sunday morning and were finished 13 hours later. Snow clearing afier a storm of this magniîtude wvill cost close to $ý50,000 before it is al donec saId Steve Vokes, Head of the Works Department. According to Vokes, we have not seen a storm lik ths snceDecmbe il 192.The amount of accu mul ýated snow faîl was approximately the same ftrm two stormis,hoer the snow in the earlier storm wvas wet and very hard to manage in terms of reoval. Crews will be out for several days yet rmvn nwbnsfo h ononaes Toronto where he is being treated for major head injuries. He is listed in critical condi- tion,. The passenger, Mr. MWGiiI did flot require any medical attention. The snowmobile was severely damaged in this colli- sion. Total damage was esti- mated at $ 3,000, Alcohol a Ppeared to he a factor in this comlsion. The Durham Regional Police TraIýffic Mngmn UnîitL arelesttgaithscol- lision. If you have2 any inifor- mation about this collision please cail 579-1520 ext. 5255. Trickle down .eftect trom liquor store move An article titled 'Pontypool: the aisie of the traider, our cus- Waste Not, Want Not' is fea- tomers had precious littie room tured in the to move," Sherwin stateci. ' November/December issue of When, the store moved the L.C.B.O. Exchange, t hat across the street, it was outtît- companies trade publication. ted almost entirely with fixtures .The Pontypool liquor store, recycled from a Peterborough which for 15 years oper ated out store and the Bowmanville of a traiter just off County Store, both of which recently Road 12, recently moved to re-located. more permanent quarters The trailer itself was across the street. "About 60 deemed obsolete, having been per cent of our business is in service at three locations domestic beer," explains store before coming to, Pontypool. Manager Laurence Sherwin of Bey Garner, who works at the Orono. "With ail our cases in (continued page 3) Happenns. CLARINGTON OLDER ADULT ASSOCIATION 50+ Movin' & Groovin' classes begin Monday, January 11, 1999. Register Friday, Jalnuaty S, 1 0 a.m. - 4 p.m. for Tai Chi, Exercise, Sit &-Be Fit, tine Dancing, Yoga, at Claringtoni Beech Centre, 26 Beech A-venue, Bowmanville. For information cail 623-9732 or 623-4681. Newcastle and Orono Line Dancing, register day of the first class. Cail Marion West 983-5758 Orono or Mary Bonathan 987-4835 Newcastle for more information. HELP OFFERED THOSE WHO FEAR PUBLIC SPEAKING The Christopher Leadership Course in Effective Speaking has started registration- for the Winter classes. Courses begin Janu-ary :3lstin Oshawa and February lst in Pickering. Learn to organize your thoughts and deliver your message more'effectiývely in a friendly classroom environment. The Christopher Leadership Course wiII improve your confidence, self-esteem and ïeadership skills. For more information please contact: Moya Bettridge 1-800- 418-8925.